Invited tutorial at CIRM research school | The True Colors of Memory: A Tour of Chromatic-Memory Strategies in Zero-Sum Games on Graphs | Marseille (France), January 2023 |
Regular talk at FSTTCS'22 | Playing (Almost-)Optimally in Concurrent Büchi and co-Büchi Games | Chennai (India), December 2022 |
Invited talk at FSTTCS'22 | The true colors of memory: A tour of chromatic-memory strategies in zero-sum games on graphs | Chennai (India), December 2022 |
Invited talk at the 20th anniversary of FORMATS | Zone-based verification of timed automata: Extrapolations, simulations and what next? | Warsaw (Poland), September 2022 |
Invited talk at FoIKS'22 | Memory complexity for winning games on graphs | Helsinki (Finland), June 2022 |
Invited talk at RV'21 | On the (Approximate) Analysis of Stochastic Real-Time Systems | Online, October 2021 |
Invited talk at CONCUR'21 | Parameterized concurrent games | Online, August 2021 |
Invited talk at GDR GPL (blog post) | De l'analyse automatique de systèmes temporisés au contrôle de systèmes dynamiques | Online, June 2021 |
Exposé invité à Spotlight on Games | On finite-memory determinacy of games on graphs | Online, October 2020 |
Invited talk at RP'20 | When are Finite Games Finite-Memory Determined? | Online, October 2020 |
ATVA'19 | Game Theory and Verification: Tutoriel et exposé invité | Taipei (Taiwan), octobre 2019 |
TIME'19 | Verification and Game Theory | Malaga (Espagne), octobre 2019 |
Seminar au LIS (Marseille) | Nash equilibria in games on graphs with a public signal monitoring | Marseille (France), mai 2018 |
FoSSaCS'18 | Nash equilibria in games on graphs with a public signal monitoring | Thessalonique (Grêce), April 2018 |
Séminaire à l'IRIF | Nash equilibria in games on graphs with a public signal monitoring | Paris (France), décembre 2017 |
Workshop "Resource-aware Strategic Reasoning in Multi-agent Systems: Logic & Games" | Nash equilibria in games on graphs with a public signal monitoring | Evry (France), novembre 2017 |
JPO LSV | Let's play! | Cachan, septembre 2017 |
KiMfest | Average-energy games | Aalborg (Danemark), août 2017 |
Logic Colloquium | On the verification of timed systems... and beyond | Stockholm (Suède), août 2017 |
OPCT'17 | Stochastic timed automata and beyond | Vienne (Autriche), juin 2017 |
Séminaire Dagstuhl | Average-energy games and beyond | Dagstuhl (Allemagne), mars 2017 |
MFCS'16 | On the optimal reachability problem in weighted timed automata and games | Cracovie (Pologne), août 2016 |
École Digicosme | Timed automata and beyond: On the quantitative analysis of timed systems | Palaiseau (France), mai 2016 |
TRENDS'15 | Stochastic timed automata | Madrid (Espagne), septembre 2015 |
NCMA'15 | On the optimal reachability problem in weighted timed automata and games | Porto (Portugal), août 2015 |
AutoMathA'15 | On the optimal reachability problem in weighted timed games | Leipzig (Allemagne), mai 2015 |
Séminaire du CFV | On the optimal reachability problem in weighted timed games | Bruxelles (Belgique), mars 2015 |
Workshop ERC | On the value problem in weighted timed games | Vienne (Autriche), mars 2015 |
Séminaire Dagstuhl | Approximation of the value in a weighted timed game | Dagstuhl (Allemagne), février 2015 |
Séminaire QuantLA | On the optimal reachability problem in weighted timed games | Dresde (Allemagne), janvier 2015 |
CONCUR'14 | Averaging in LTL | Rome (Italie), septembre 2014 |
École d'été de l'EATCS | Robustness in Timed Systems | Telč (République Tchèque), juillet 2014 |
MOVEP'14 | An introduction to timed automata | Nantes (France), juillet 2014 |
GT Jeux du GDR IM | Robustness in Timed Automata: A Game-Based Approach | Paris (France), janvier 2014 |
RP'13 | Robustness in timed automata | Uppsala (Suède), septembre 2013 |
LCCC Workshop on Formal Verification of Embedded Control Systems | Robust control of timed systems | Lund (Suède), avril 2013 |
IFIP WG 2.2 meeting | Quantitative models for verification -- A timed-automata-based perspective | Paris (France), septembre 2011 |
Prix Presburger à ICALP'11 | A travelling story with timed automata | Zürich (Suisse), juillet 2011 |
GDR IM Workshop | Nash equilibria in timed games | Paris (France), janvier 2011 |
WATA'10 | Energy management in timed systems | Leipzig (Allemagne), mai 2010 |
HSCC'10 | Timed automata with observers under energy constraints | Stockholm (Suède), avril 2010 |
École de printemps AVACS | From timed automata to complex systems - Stochastic timed games | Oldenbourg (Allemagne), mars 2010 |
QMC PhD school | Real-time model-checking:
| Copenhague (Danemark), mars 2010 |
Séminaire Dagstuhl | Managing resources in timed systems | Dagstuhl (Allemagne), janvier 2010 |
MSR'09 | Modelling, analyzing, and managing resources in timed systems | Nantes (France), novembre 2009 |
École d'automne VTSA'09 | On the verification and control of timed systems | Nancy (France), octobre 2009 |
QUANTLOG'09 | On the Model Checking of Timed and Weighted Temporal Logics | Rhodes (Grèce), juillet 2009 |
Réunion Quasimodo | When are Timed Automata Determinizable? | Nijmegen (Pays-Bas), juin 2009 |
ACTS'09 | Quantitative Timed Games | Chennai (Inde), janvier 2009 |
Soutenance d'habilitation | From Qualitative to Quantitative Analysis of Timed Systems | Cachan (France), janvier 2009 |
Séminaire Farman | Energy consumption in timed systems | Cachan (France), novembre 2008 |
GAMES'08 | Quantitative timed games | Varsovie (Pologne), septembre 2008 |
Automata and verification workshop | Probabilities in Timed Automata | Mons (Belgique), août 2008 |
ICALP'08 | On Expressiveness and Complexity in Real-time Model Checking | Reykjavík (Islande), juillet 2008 |
LICS'08 | Almost-Sure Model Checking of Infinite Paths in One-Clock Timed Automata | Pittsburgh (PA, USA), juin 2008 |
Séminaire Dagstuhl | An Introduction to Timed Systems | Dagstuhl Schloss (Allemagne), avril 2008 |
Séminaire | Weighted Timed Automata: Optimization Problems | Paris Dauphine (France), mars 2008 |
Séminaire | Probabilities in Timed Automata | Bordeaux (France), mars 2008 |
Workshop TFIT'08 | Model Checking Timed Temporal Logics | Taipei (Taiwan), mars 2008 |
Projet Quasimodo | A probabilistic semantics for timed automata | Aalborg (Danemark), janvier 2008 |
M4M-5 | Model-checking timed temporal logics | Cachan (France), novembre 2007 |
Les 10 ans du LSV | On the reduction of energy consumption | Cachan (France), novembre 2007 |
FORMATS'07 | Symbolic Reachability Analysis of Lazy Linear Hybrid Automata | Salzburg (Autriche), octobre 2007 |
Séminaire | The Cost of Punctuality | Uppsala (Suède), mai 2007 |
FoSSaCS'07 | Model-Checking One-Clock Priced Timed Automata | Braga (Portugal), mars 2007 |
Séminaire | A Probabilistic Semantics for Timed Automata | Oxford (UK), mars 2007 |
Séminaire | The Cost of Punctuality | Paris (France), mars 2007 |
CORTOS'06 | Weighted Timed Automata: Model-Checking and Games | Bonn (Allemagne), août 2006 |
MFPS XXII | Weighted Timed Automata: Model-Checking and Games | Gênes (Italie), mai 2006 |
LATIN'06 | Robust Model-Checking of Linear-Time Properties in Timed Automata | Valdivia (Chili), mars 2006 |
Journées PaRISTIC | ACI Sécurité Informatique CORTOS | Bordeaux (France), novembre 2005 |
MSR'05 | Observation partielle des systèmes temporisés | Autrans (France), octobre 2005 |
École d'été ARTIST2 | Foundations of Timed Systems | Nässlingen (Suède), octobre 2005 |
École d'été ETR'05 | Vérification de systèmes temporisés et hybrides | Nancy (France), septembre 2005 |
AVoCS'05 | Optimal Timed Games | Warwick (Grande-Bretagne), septembre 2005 |
INFINITY'05 | Optimal Reachability Timed Games | San Francisco (CA, USA), août 2005 |
GDV'05 | Partial Observation of Timed Systems | Édimbourg (Grande-Bretagne), juillet 2005 |
École de printemps GAMES | Synthesis of Timed Systems | Bonn (Allemagne), mars 2005 |
JSI'05 | Automates temporisés et extensions : frontières de la décidabilité | Cachan (France), mars 2005 |
FSTTCS'04 | Optimal Strategies in Priced Timed Game Automata | Chennai (Inde), décembre 2004 |
École d'hiver MOVEP'04 | Real-Time and Hybrid Systems | Bruxelles (Belgique), décembre 2004 |
Tutoriel à QEST'04 | Timed Automata - From Theory to Implementation | Twente (Pays-Bas), septembre 2004 |
École de printemps EPIT32 | Timed Models for Concurrent System | Luminy (France), avril 2004 |
HSCC'04 | Staying Alive as Cheaply as Possible | Philadelphie (PA, USA), mars 2004 |
Intro à la vérification | Introduction à la modélisation et à la vérification Application aux systèmes temporisés | Cachan (France), septembre 2004 |
CAV'03 | Timed Control with Partial Observability | Denver (CO, USA), juillet 2003 |
ACL'03 | Timed Automata - From Theory to Implementation | Chennai (Inde), janvier 2003 |