GasTeX: Graphs and Automata Simplified in TeX

version 3.1

Last update: February 12, 2024
Remark: Version 3.1 of GasTeX is available here on CTAN since 2024/02/12.
Known problems with TeXLive 2021: If you have problems using gastex simultaneously with the documentclass lipics-v2021 or the package todonotes or the library shadows of tikz (and possibly in other situtations), see the known problems and solutions.
For a quick startup guide with some examples, see gastex-doc.tex and the resulting gastex-doc.pdf.

Download and Installation

The last version of GasTeX is always available here. It consists of the following two files.

Usage and package options



Package options

Thanks to the packages pst-pdf and auto-pst-pdf, GasTeX is now fully compatible with pdflatex. This feature is controlled with two options pdflatex and recompilepics as explained below.

gpicture and gusepicture

Pictures should be defined inside a gpicture environment allowing the same source file to be compiled both with pdflatex and with latex+dvips(+ps2pdf). The (depreciated) picture environment may still be used only if compilation is with latex+dvips(+ps2pdf). One may safely replace all picture environments with gpicture, even when using latex+dvips(+ps2pdf).

Drawing commands

Commands should be used in the gpicture environment to draw lines, nodes, arrows, etc. Here is a simple example:
Each drawing command has a name, some optional parameters, and some mandatory arguments:
\commandname[optional parameters]<mandatory arguments>

General parameters

Commands for nodes (work in progress)

Examples for \node, \rpnode, \imark, \fmark, \rmark, \nodelabel







\node[dash={4 1 1 1}0,linecolor=red](E)(75,-15){More dash}



\nodelabel[NLangle= 0](B){3}
\nodelabel[NLangle= 30](B){2}
\nodelabel[NLangle= 60](B){1}
\nodelabel[NLangle= 90](B){12}

\nodelabel[NLangle= 0](D){3} \imark[iangle= 0](D)
\nodelabel[NLangle= 30](D){2} \imark[iangle= 30](D)
\nodelabel[NLangle= 60](D){1} \imark[iangle= 60](D)
\nodelabel[NLangle= 90](D){12} \imark[iangle= 90](D)
\nodelabel[NLangle=120](D){11} \imark[iangle=120](D)
\nodelabel[NLangle=150](D){10} \imark[iangle=150](D)
\nodelabel[NLangle=180](D){9} \imark[iangle=180](D)
\nodelabel[NLangle=210](D){8} \imark[iangle=210](D)
\nodelabel[NLangle=240](D){7} \imark[iangle=240](D)
\nodelabel[NLangle=270](D){6} \imark[iangle=270](D)
\nodelabel[NLangle=300](D){5} \imark[iangle=300](D)
\nodelabel[NLangle=330](D){4} \imark[iangle=330](D)

Commands for edges (work in progress)

Examples for \drawedge, \drawloop, \drawqbedge, \drawqbpedge, \drawqcedge, \drawcbpedge


\begin{array}{ccc} 2 & 1 & 0 \\ -1 & 0 & 1 \\ 0 & -1 & 2 \end{array}\right)$}

\drawloop[ELpos=75,ELdist=-1,loopangle=150, dash={0.2 0.5}0](A){clockwise}
\drawloop[ELpos=70,loopangle=-90,loopwidth=3](A){$b\mid 10$}
\drawqbpedge[ELside=r,dash={4 1 1 1}0](B,-90,C,210){qbpedge}



Lines and curves

Examples for \drawline and \drawcurve

Lines and curves

\put(7,5){ \unitlength=8mm

Polygons and closed curves

Examples for \drawpolygon and \drawccurve

Polygons and closed curves

\put(3,3){ \unitlength=8mm
\put(55,20){ \unitlength=1.5mm
\put(100,19){ \unitlength=20mm

Circles and arcs

Examples for \drawcircle and \drawarc

Circles and arcs of circles


Rectangles, ovals and regular polygons

Examples for \drawrect, \drawoval and \drawrpolygon

Rectangles, ovals and regular polygons


Bézier curves and snake lines

Examples for \drawqbezier, \drawcbezier and \drawsnake

Bézier curves and snake lines



More examples

The documentation above already contains many examples. Some more examples are given in the files below:

Known problems and (hopefully) solutions


I hope you will find gastex helpful. Let me know if you have any problem or suggestion to improve gastex.

History since version 2.0

Version 3.1: (2021/10/21)

Fixed a bug that appeared with TeXLive 2021 when compiling gastex pictures with option pdflatex=true.
More precisely, gastex calls the package auto-pst-pdf to generate the pdf picture from the postscript code, this in turn calls ps2pdf resulting in a ghostscript error
%%%% WARNING: Transparency operations ignored - need to use -dALLOWPSTRANSPARENCY
Error: /undefined in .setopacityalpha
The fix is to give the option pspdf={-dALLOWPSTRANSPARENCY} when loading auto-pst-pdf.

Version 3.0: (2013/10/01)

Many changes in this release.

Version 2.9: (2010/09/23)

As suggested by Jean Berstel, it is now possible to set independently the width and the height of a loop with the two new parameters loopwidth and loopheight. The parameter loopdiam simply sets loopwidth and loopheight to the same value. See the example here.

Version 2.8: (2006/11/26)

Packaged for CTAN.

Version 2.7: (2004/05/02)

gastex is now compatible with the xcolor package which allows very useful color expressions such as red!50!blue!60!white.

Version 2.6: (2004/04/23)

Improved precision of some computations.

Version 2.5: (2004/04/17)

The horizontal shifts that one gets sometimes (e.g. with overlays in presentations) should no more occur provided \nullfont is used inside the picture environment:
\selectfont is automatically used by gastex for node or edge labels.
I found this solution looking in the package pgf (portable graphics format) by Till Tantau.
I also recommend his excellent beamer package for laptop presentations.

Version 2.4: (2003/08/12)

All these macros use gasset parameters and in particular: Nframe, Nfill, linecolor, fillcolor, dash, ... Uncompatibility: The macro \drawline was introduced in version 2.1 to draw a line between two points. The new version allows to draw a line defined by an arbitrary number of points but the syntax is different. It was \drawline(x1,y1,x2,y2) and it is now \drawline(x1,y1)(x2,y2).

Version 2.3: (2002/05/05)

Version 2.2: (2002/01/03)

Version 2.1:

Version 2.01:


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