Library ZFind_w

Require Import ZF ZFpairs ZFsum ZFnats ZFrelations ZFord ZFfix ZFstable.
Require Import ZFgrothendieck.
Require Import ZFlist.
Import ZFrepl.

In this file we develop the theory of W-types:
  • typing
  • existence of a fixpoint
  • recursor

Section W_theory.

Definition and properties of the W-type operator

Variable A : set.
Variable B : set -> set.
Hypothesis Bext : ext_fun A B.

Definition W_F X := sigma A (fun x => cc_arr (B x) X).

Lemma wfm1 : X, ext_fun A (fun x => cc_arr (B x) X).
do 2 red; intros.
apply cc_arr_morph; auto with *.
Hint Resolve wfm1.

Lemma W_F_intro X a f :
  ext_fun (B a) f ->
  a A ->
  ( i, i B a -> f i X) ->
  couple a (cc_lam (B a) f) W_F X.
apply couple_intro_sigma; auto with *.
apply cc_arr_intro; intros; auto with *.

Lemma W_F_elim X x :
  x W_F X ->
  fst x A /\
  ( i, i B (fst x) -> cc_app (snd x) i X) /\
  x ==couple (fst x) (cc_lam (B (fst x)) (cc_app (snd x))).
assert (ty1 := fst_typ_sigma _ _ _ H).
assert (eq1 := surj_pair _ _ _ (subset_elim1 _ _ _ H)).
apply snd_typ_sigma with (y:=fst x) in H; auto with *.
split; trivial.
split; intros.
 apply cc_arr_elim with (1:=H); trivial.

 rewrite cc_eta_eq with (1:=H) in eq1; trivial.

Instance W_F_mono : Proper (incl_set ==> incl_set) W_F.
do 3 red; intros.
apply W_F_elim in H0; destruct H0 as (?,(?,?)).
rewrite H2.
apply W_F_intro; auto.
do 2 red; intros; apply cc_app_morph; auto with *.

Instance W_F_morph : morph1 W_F.
apply Fmono_morph; auto with *.

Lemma W_F_stable : stable W_F.
unfold W_F.
apply sigma_stable'; auto with *.
 intros; apply cc_prod_ext; auto with *.
 red; trivial.

 apply cc_prod_stable; intros; auto.
 apply id_stable.

Lemma WFi_ext a a' f f' :
  a A ->
  a == a' ->
  (a == a' -> eq_fun (B a) f f') ->
  couple a (cc_lam (B a) f) == couple a' (cc_lam (B a') f').
apply couple_morph; trivial.
apply cc_lam_ext; auto.

Lemma WFi_inv a a' Y Y' f f' :
  couple a (cc_lam Y f) == couple a' (cc_lam Y' f') ->
  ext_fun Y f ->
  ext_fun Y' f' ->
  (a == a' -> Y == Y') ->
  a == a' /\ eq_fun Y f f'.
apply couple_injection in H; destruct H; split; trivial.
red; intros.
assert (eqr := cc_app_morph _ _ H3 _ _ H5).
rewrite cc_beta_eq in eqr; trivial.
rewrite cc_beta_eq in eqr; trivial.
rewrite <- H2; trivial; rewrite <- H5; trivial.

  Definition WFmap f x :=
    couple (fst x) (cc_lam (B (fst x)) (fun i => f (cc_app (snd x) i))).

  Lemma WFmap_ext : f f' x x',
    fst x A ->
    fst x == fst x' ->
    ( i i', i B (fst x) -> i == i' ->
     f (cc_app (snd x) i) == f' (cc_app (snd x') i')) ->
    WFmap f x == WFmap f' x'.
apply WFi_ext; auto.

  Lemma WFmap_morph : X f f',
    eq_fun X f f' ->
    eq_fun (W_F X) (WFmap f) (WFmap f').
red; intros.
apply W_F_elim in H0; destruct H0 as (?,(?,_)).
apply WFmap_ext; intros; auto.
 apply fst_morph; trivial.

 apply H; auto.
 rewrite H1; rewrite H4; reflexivity.

Lemma WFmap_comp : f g X Y x,
  ext_fun X g ->
  ext_fun Y f ->
  ( x, x X -> g x Y) ->
  x W_F X ->
  WFmap f (WFmap g x) == WFmap (fun x => f (g x)) x.
unfold WFmap.
apply W_F_elim in H2; destruct H2 as (?,(?,_)).
symmetry; apply WFi_ext; intros; auto.
 rewrite fst_def; reflexivity.

 red; intros.
 apply H0; auto.
 rewrite snd_def.
 rewrite <- H6.
 rewrite cc_beta_eq; auto with *.
 do 2 red; intros; apply H; auto.
 rewrite H8; reflexivity.

Lemma WF_eta : X x,
  x W_F X ->
  x == WFmap (fun x => x) x.
apply W_F_elim in H; destruct H as (_,(_,?)); assumption.

  Lemma WFmap_inj : X Y g g' x x',
    x W_F X -> x' W_F Y ->
    ext_fun X g -> ext_fun Y g' ->
    ( a a', a X -> a' Y -> g a == g' a' -> a == a') ->
    WFmap g x == WFmap g' x' -> x == x'.
unfold WFmap; intros.
apply W_F_elim in H; destruct H as (?,(?,?)).
apply W_F_elim in H0; destruct H0 as (?,(?,?)).
apply WFi_inv in H4; auto.
 destruct H4.
 red in H9.
 rewrite H6; rewrite H8; apply WFi_ext; intros; auto.
 red; intros.
 apply H3; auto.
 apply H7.
 rewrite <- H12; revert H11; apply eq_elim; apply Bext; trivial.

 do 2 red; intros; apply H1; auto.
 rewrite H10; reflexivity.

 do 2 red; intros; apply H2; auto.
 rewrite H10; reflexivity.

  Lemma WFmap_typ : X Y f x,
    ext_fun X f ->
    x W_F X ->
    ( a, a X -> f a Y) ->
    WFmap f x W_F Y.
apply W_F_elim in H0; destruct H0 as (?,(?,_)).
apply W_F_intro; auto.
do 2 red; intros.
apply H; auto.
rewrite H4; reflexivity.

Require Import ZFiso.

Lemma WFmap_iso X Y f :
  iso_fun X Y f ->
  iso_fun (W_F X) (W_F Y) (WFmap f).
intros isof.
assert (fm := iso_funm isof).
constructor; intros.
 apply WFmap_morph; trivial.

 red; intros.
 eapply WFmap_typ with (2:=H); intros; trivial.
 apply (iso_typ isof); trivial.

 apply WFmap_inj with (1:=H)(2:=H0) in H1; intros; trivial.
 apply (iso_inj isof) in H4; trivial.

 exists (WFmap (iso_inv X f) y).
  apply WFmap_typ with (2:=H); intros; trivial.
   apply (iso_funm (iso_fun_sym isof)).

   apply iso_inv_typ with (1:=isof); trivial.

  rewrite WFmap_comp with (1:=iso_funm (iso_fun_sym isof)) (2:=fm) (4:=H); intros; trivial.
   transitivity (WFmap (fun x => x) y).
   2:symmetry; apply WF_eta with (1:=H); trivial.
   apply WFmap_morph with (X:=Y); intros; auto with *.
   red; intros.
   rewrite <- H1.
   apply iso_inv_eq with (1:=isof); trivial.

   apply iso_inv_typ with (1:=isof); trivial.

Encoding W-types as sets of path in a tree

We show that up to isomorphism, W_F is equivalent to another operator Wf, which has a bound. This bound is the set of trees represented as a partial function from paths (indexed by the union of all B(x)) to labels (of type A).
The construction domain and the constructor
Definition Wdom := rel (List (sup A B)) A.

Definition Wsup x :=
   singl (couple Nil (fst x))
   sup (B (fst x)) (fun y =>
      replf (cc_app (snd x) y)
        (fun p => couple (Cons y (fst p)) (snd p))).

Lemma Wsup_morph : X, ext_fun (W_F X) Wsup.
do 2 red; intros.
unfold Wsup.
apply union2_morph.
 rewrite H0; reflexivity.

 apply sup_morph.
  apply Bext.
   apply fst_typ_sigma in H; trivial.
   apply fst_morph; trivial.

  red; intros.
  apply replf_morph_raw; auto.
   rewrite H0; rewrite H2; reflexivity.

   red; intros.
   rewrite H2; rewrite H3; reflexivity.

Lemma wext1 : i y,
  ext_fun y (fun p => couple (Cons i (fst p)) (snd p)).
do 2 red; intros.
rewrite H0; reflexivity.

Lemma wext2 : X g,
  ext_fun X (fun y =>
     replf (cc_app g y) (fun p => couple (Cons y (fst p)) (snd p))).
do 2 red; intros.
apply replf_morph_raw; auto.
 rewrite H0; reflexivity.

 red; intros.
 rewrite H0; rewrite H1; reflexivity.
Hint Resolve wext1 wext2.

Lemma Wsup_def :
   x p,
  (p Wsup x <->
   p == couple Nil (fst x) \/
   exists2 i, i B (fst x) &
   exists2 q, q cc_app (snd x) i &
   p == couple (Cons i (fst q)) (snd q)).
intros x p; intros.
unfold Wsup.
split; intros.
 apply union2_elim in H; destruct H;[left|right].
  apply singl_elim in H; trivial.

  rewrite sup_ax in H; auto.
  destruct H as (i,?,?); exists i; trivial.
  rewrite replf_ax in H0; trivial.

 destruct H as [eqp|(i,?,(q,?,eqp))]; rewrite eqp; clear eqp.
  apply union2_intro1.
  apply singl_intro.

  apply union2_intro2.
  rewrite sup_ax; auto.
  exists i; trivial.
  rewrite replf_ax; trivial.
  exists q; auto with *.

Lemma Wsup_hd_prop : a x,
  (couple Nil a Wsup x <-> a == fst x).
split; intros.
 apply union2_elim in H; destruct H.
  apply singl_elim in H.
  apply couple_injection in H; destruct H; trivial.

  rewrite sup_ax in H; auto.
  destruct H.
  rewrite replf_ax in H0; trivial.
  destruct H0.
  apply couple_injection in H1; destruct H1 as (H1,_).
   apply discr_mt_pair in H1; contradiction.

 rewrite H.
 unfold Wsup.
 apply union2_intro1.
 apply singl_intro.

Lemma Wsup_tl_prop : X i l a x,
  x W_F X ->
  X Wdom ->
  (couple (Cons i l) a Wsup x <->
   i B (fst x) /\ couple l a cc_app (snd x) i).
intros X i l a x H inclX.
apply W_F_elim in H; destruct H as (tyx, (tys,_)).
rewrite Wsup_def.
split; intros.
 destruct H.
  apply couple_injection in H; destruct H as (H,_).
  symmetry in H.
  apply discr_mt_pair in H; contradiction.

  destruct H as (i',?,(q,?,?)).
  apply couple_injection in H1; destruct H1.
  apply couple_injection in H1; destruct H1.
  rewrite H1.
  split; trivial.
  specialize tys with (1:=H).
  apply inclX in tys.
  specialize power_elim with (1:=tys) (2:=H0); intro.
  rewrite H3; rewrite H2.
  rewrite <- surj_pair with (1:=H4); trivial.

 destruct H.
 right; exists i; trivial.
 exists (couple l a); trivial.
 rewrite fst_def; rewrite snd_def; reflexivity.

Lemma Wsup_inj : X Y x x',
  X Wdom ->
  Y Wdom ->
  x W_F X ->
  x' W_F Y ->
  Wsup x == Wsup x' -> x == x'.
intros X Y x x' tyf tyf' H H0 H1.
destruct W_F_elim with (1:=H) as (?,(?,?)).
destruct W_F_elim with (1:=H0) as (?,(?,?)).
rewrite H4; rewrite H7; apply WFi_ext; intros; auto.
 generalize (Wsup_hd_prop (fst x) x); intro.
 generalize (Wsup_hd_prop (fst x) x'); intro.
 apply H9.
 rewrite <- H1.
 apply H8.

 red; intros.
 assert (x'0 B (fst x')).
  revert H9; apply in_set_morph; auto with *.
 assert (cc_app (snd x) x0 prodcart (List (sup A B)) A).
  red; intros.
  apply power_elim with (2:=H12); auto.
 assert (cc_app (snd x') x'0 prodcart (List (sup A B)) A).
  red; intros.
  apply power_elim with (2:=H13); auto.
 generalize (fun z l => Wsup_tl_prop _ x0 l z _ H tyf); intros.
 generalize (fun z l => Wsup_tl_prop _ x'0 l z _ H0 tyf'); intros.
 apply eq_intro; intros.
  generalize (surj_pair _ _ _ (H12 _ H16)); intro.
  rewrite H17.
  apply H15.
  rewrite <- H10; rewrite <- H1; rewrite H14.
  rewrite <- H17; auto.

  generalize (surj_pair _ _ _ (H13 _ H16)); intro.
  rewrite H17.
  apply H14.
  rewrite H10; rewrite H1; rewrite H15.
  rewrite <- H17; auto.

Lemma Wsup_typ_gen : X x,
  X Wdom ->
  x W_F X ->
  Wsup x Wdom.
apply power_intro; intros.
rewrite Wsup_def in H1; trivial.
apply W_F_elim in H0; destruct H0 as (?,(?,_)).
destruct H1 as [eqz|(i,?,(q,?,eqz))]; rewrite eqz; clear z eqz.
 apply couple_intro; trivial.
 apply Nil_typ.

 assert (q prodcart (List (sup A B)) A).
  specialize H2 with (1:=H1); apply H in H2.
  apply power_elim with (1:=H2); trivial.
 apply couple_intro.
  apply Cons_typ.
   rewrite sup_ax; eauto with *.

   apply fst_typ with (1:=H4).

  apply snd_typ with (1:=H4).

The type operator on the construction domain
Definition Wf X := replf (W_F X) Wsup.

Hint Resolve Wsup_morph.

Lemma Wf_intro : x X,
  x W_F X ->
  Wsup x Wf X.
unfold Wf.
rewrite replf_ax; trivial.
exists x; auto with *.

Lemma Wf_elim : a X,
  a Wf X ->
  exists2 x, x W_F X &
  a == Wsup x.
unfold Wf in H.
rewrite replf_ax in H; trivial.

Instance Wf_mono : Proper (incl_set ==> incl_set) Wf.
do 3 red; intros.
apply Wf_elim in H0; destruct H0 as (f,?,?).
rewrite H1; apply Wf_intro; trivial.
clear H1; revert f H0.
apply W_F_mono; trivial.

Instance Wf_morph : morph1 Wf.
apply Fmono_morph; auto with *.
Hint Resolve Wf_mono Wf_morph.

Lemma Wf_typ : X,
  X Wdom -> Wf X Wdom.
red; intros.
apply Wf_elim in H0; destruct H0 as (x,?,?).
rewrite H1.
apply Wsup_typ_gen with X; auto with *.
Hint Resolve Wf_typ.

Lemma Wf_stable : X,
  X power Wdom ->
  inter (replf X Wf) Wf (inter X).
red; intros X Xty z H.
unfold Wf.
assert ( a, a X -> z Wf a).
 apply inter_elim with (1:=H).
 rewrite replf_ax.
 2:red;red;intros;apply Wf_morph; trivial.
 exists a; auto with *.
rewrite replf_ax; auto.
destruct inter_wit with (2:=H).
 apply Fmono_morph; trivial.
assert (z Wf x); auto.
apply Wf_elim in H2.
destruct H2.
exists x0; auto.
apply W_F_stable.
apply inter_intro.
 rewrite replf_ax in H4.
 2:red;red;intros;apply W_F_morph; auto.
 destruct H4.
 rewrite H5; clear y H5.
 specialize H0 with (1:=H4).
 apply Wf_elim in H0; destruct H0.
 rewrite H3 in H5; apply Wsup_inj with (X:=x) (Y:=x1)in H5; trivial.
  rewrite H5; trivial.

  red; intros; apply power_elim with (1:=Xty _ H1); trivial.

  red; intros; apply power_elim with (1:=Xty _ H4); trivial.

 exists (W_F x).
 rewrite replf_ax.
 2:red;red;intros;apply W_F_morph;auto.
 exists x; auto with *.

Lemma W_F_Wf_iso X :
  X Wdom ->
  iso_fun (W_F X) (Wf X) Wsup.
split; intros.
 apply Wsup_morph.

 red; intros.
 apply Wf_intro; trivial.

 apply Wsup_inj with X X; auto.

 destruct Wf_elim with (1:=H0); eauto with *.

The fixpoint of Wf (we have shown that Wf is monotone, bounded and stable)

Definition W' := Ffix Wf Wdom.

Lemma W'typ : W' Wdom.
apply Ffix_inA.

Lemma Wi_W' : o, isOrd o -> TI Wf o W'.
apply TI_Ffix; auto.

Lemma TI_Wf_elim : a o,
  isOrd o ->
  a TI Wf o ->
  exists2 o', lt o' o &
  exists2 x, x W_F (TI Wf o') &
  a == Wsup x.
apply TI_elim in H0; trivial.
destruct H0.
apply Wf_elim in H1.

Lemma Wsup_typ : o x,
  isOrd o ->
  x W_F (TI Wf o) ->
  Wsup x TI Wf (osucc o).
rewrite TI_mono_succ; auto.
apply Wf_intro; trivial.

Lemma W'_ind : (P:set->Prop),
  Proper (eq_set ==> iff) P ->
  ( o' x, isOrd o' -> x W_F (TI Wf o') ->
   ( i, i B (fst x) -> P (cc_app (snd x) i)) ->
   P (Wsup x)) ->
   a, a W' -> P a.
unfold W' in H1; rewrite Ffix_def in H1; auto.
destruct H1.
revert a H2.
apply isOrd_ind with (2:=H1); intros.
apply TI_Wf_elim in H5; trivial.
destruct H5 as (o',?,(x',?,?)).
destruct W_F_elim with (1:=H6) as (_,(?,_)).
rewrite H7; clear a H7.
apply H0 with o'; eauto.
apply isOrd_inv with y; eauto.

The closure ordinal of Wf (and W_F)

  Definition W_ord := Ffix_ord Wf Wdom.

  Lemma W_o_o : isOrd W_ord.
apply Ffix_o_o; auto.
Hint Resolve W_o_o.

  Lemma W'_post : a,
   a W' ->
   a TI Wf W_ord.
apply Ffix_post; eauto.
apply Wf_stable.

  Lemma W'_clos : W' == TI Wf W_ord.
apply incl_eq.
 red; intros; apply W'_post; trivial.

 apply Wi_W'; trivial.

  Lemma W'_eqn : W' == Wf W'.
apply Ffix_eqn; eauto.
apply Wf_stable.

The fixpoint of the W_type operator

We get W the fixpoint of W_F by isomorphism

  Definition W := TI W_F W_ord.

Let g f := comp_iso (WFmap f) Wsup.

Lemma W_F_Wf_iso' o f :
  isOrd o ->
  iso_fun (TI W_F o) (TI Wf o) f ->
  iso_fun (W_F (TI W_F o)) (Wf (TI Wf o)) (g f).
apply iso_fun_trans with (W_F (TI Wf o)).
 apply WFmap_iso; trivial.

 apply W_F_Wf_iso.
 transitivity W'; [apply Wi_W';trivial|apply W'typ].

Let g_ext : X f f',
  eq_fun X f f' -> eq_fun (W_F X) (g f) (g f').
red; intros.
unfold comp_iso.
apply (Wsup_morph (replf X f)).
 apply WFmap_typ with (2:=H0).
  red; transitivity f'; auto with *.

  rewrite replf_ax; eauto with *.
  red; transitivity f'; auto with *.

 apply WFmap_morph in H; auto.

Lemma TI_W_F_Wf_iso o :
  isOrd o ->
  iso_fun (TI W_F o) (TI Wf o) (TI_iso W_F g o).
apply TI_iso_fun; intros; auto.
 apply W_F_mono.

 apply W_F_Wf_iso'; trivial.

  Lemma W_eqn : W == W_F W.
cut (TI Wf W_ord == Wf (TI Wf W_ord)).
 apply <- TI_iso_fixpoint; auto with *.
  apply W_F_Wf_iso'; trivial.
assert (W' == TI Wf W_ord).
 apply incl_eq.
  red; intros; apply W'_post; trivial.
  apply Wi_W'; auto.
rewrite <- H.
apply W'_eqn.

Recursor on W

Require Import ZFfunext ZFfixrec.

Section Recursor.

  Hint Resolve W_F_mono.

  Lemma Wi_fix :
     (P:set->Prop) o,
    isOrd o ->
    ( i, isOrd i -> i o ->
     ( i' m, lt i' i -> m TI W_F i' -> P m) ->
      n, n TI W_F i -> P n) ->
     n, n TI W_F o -> P n.
intros P o is_ord Prec.
induction is_ord using isOrd_ind; intros; eauto.

  Variable ord : set.
  Hypothesis oord : isOrd ord.

  Variable F : set -> set -> set.
  Hypothesis Fm : morph2 F.

  Variable U : set -> set -> set.
  Hypothesis Umono : o o' x x',
    isOrd o' -> o' ord -> isOrd o -> o o' ->
    x TI W_F o -> x == x' ->
    U o x U o' x'.

  Let Ty o := cc_prod (TI W_F o) (U o).
  Hypothesis Ftyp : o f, isOrd o -> o ord ->
    f Ty o -> F o f Ty (osucc o).

  Let Q o f := x, x TI W_F o -> cc_app f x U o x.

  Definition Wi_ord_irrel :=
     o o' f g,
    isOrd o' -> o' ord -> isOrd o -> o o' ->
    f Ty o -> g Ty o' ->
    fcompat (TI W_F o) f g ->
    fcompat (TI W_F (osucc o)) (F o f) (F o' g).

  Hypothesis Firrel : Wi_ord_irrel.

  Definition WREC := REC F.

Lemma Umorph : o o', isOrd o' -> o' ord -> o == o' ->
     x x', x TI W_F o -> x == x' -> U o x == U o' x'.
apply incl_eq.
 apply Umono; auto.
  rewrite H1; trivial.
  rewrite H1; reflexivity.

 apply Umono; auto.
  rewrite H1; trivial.
  rewrite H1; trivial.
  rewrite H1; reflexivity.
  rewrite <- H3; rewrite <- H1; trivial.
  symmetry; trivial.

Lemma Uext : o, isOrd o -> o ord -> ext_fun (TI W_F o) (U o).
red; red; intros.
apply Umorph; auto with *.

  Lemma WREC_typing : o f, isOrd o -> o ord ->
    is_cc_fun (TI W_F o) f -> Q o f -> f Ty o.
rewrite cc_eta_eq' with (1:=H1).
apply cc_prod_intro; intros; auto.
 do 2 red; intros.
 rewrite H4; reflexivity.

 apply Uext; trivial.

Let Wi_cont : o,
   isOrd o -> TI W_F o == sup o (fun o' => TI W_F (osucc o')).
apply TI_mono_eq; trivial.

Let Qm :
    o o',
   isOrd o ->
   o ord ->
   o == o' -> f f', fcompat (TI W_F o) f f' -> Q o f -> Q o' f'.
unfold Q in H3|-*; intros.
rewrite <- H1 in H4.
specialize H3 with (1:=H4).
red in H2; rewrite <- H2; trivial.
revert H3; apply Umono; auto with *.
 rewrite <- H1; trivial.
 rewrite <- H1; trivial.
 rewrite <- H1; reflexivity.

Let Qcont : o f : set,
 isOrd o ->
 o ord ->
 is_cc_fun (TI W_F o) f ->
 ( o' : set, o' o -> Q (osucc o') f) -> Q o f.
red; intros.
apply TI_elim in H3; auto with *.
destruct H3.
rewrite <- TI_mono_succ in H4; eauto using isOrd_inv.
generalize (H2 _ H3 _ H4).
apply Umono; eauto using isOrd_inv with *.
red; intros.
apply isOrd_plump with x0; eauto using isOrd_inv.
apply olts_le in H5; trivial.

Let Qtyp : o f,
 isOrd o ->
 o ord ->
 is_cc_fun (TI W_F o) f ->
 Q o f -> is_cc_fun (TI W_F (osucc o)) (F o f) /\ Q (osucc o) (F o f).
assert (F o f Ty (osucc o)).
 apply Ftyp; trivial.
 apply WREC_typing; trivial.
 apply cc_prod_is_cc_fun in H3; trivial.

 red; intros.
 apply cc_prod_elim with (1:=H3); trivial.

  Lemma Firrel_W : stage_irrelevance ord (TI W_F) Q F.
red; red; intros.
destruct H1 as (oo,(ofun,oty)); destruct H2 as (o'o,(o'fun,o'ty)).
apply Firrel; trivial.
 apply WREC_typing; trivial.
 transitivity o'; trivial.

 apply WREC_typing; trivial.

  Lemma WREC_recursor : recursor ord (TI W_F) Q F.
split; auto.
 apply TI_morph.

 apply Firrel_W.
Hint Resolve WREC_recursor.

  Lemma WREC_wt : WREC ord Ty ord.
apply WREC_typing; auto with *.
 apply REC_wt with (1:=oord) (2:=WREC_recursor).
 apply REC_wt with (1:=oord) (2:=WREC_recursor).

  Lemma WREC_ind : P x,
    Proper (eq_set==>eq_set==>eq_set==>iff) P ->
    ( o x, isOrd o -> lt o ord ->
     x W_F (TI W_F o) ->
     ( y, y TI W_F o -> P o y (cc_app (WREC ord) y)) ->
      w, isOrd w -> w ord -> lt o w ->
     P w x (cc_app (F ord (WREC ord)) x)) ->
    x TI W_F ord ->
    P ord x (cc_app (WREC ord) x).
unfold WREC.
apply REC_ind with (2:=WREC_recursor); auto.
apply TI_elim in H4; auto with *.
destruct H4 as (o',?,?).
apply H0 with o'; eauto using isOrd_inv.
red; auto.

  Lemma WREC_expand : n,
    n TI W_F ord -> cc_app (WREC ord) n == cc_app (F ord (WREC ord)) n.
apply REC_expand with (2:=WREC_recursor) (Q:=Q); auto.

  Lemma WREC_irrel o o' :
    isOrd o ->
    isOrd o' ->
    o o' ->
    o' ord ->
    eq_fun (TI W_F o) (cc_app (WREC o)) (cc_app (WREC o')).
red; intros.
rewrite <- H4.
apply REC_ord_irrel with (2:=WREC_recursor); auto with *.

End Recursor.

Universe facts: when A and B belong to a given (infinite) universe, then so does W(A,B).

Section W_Univ.

  Variable U : set.
  Hypothesis Ugrot : grot_univ U.
  Hypothesis Unontriv : omega U.

  Hypothesis aU : A U.
  Hypothesis bU : a, a A -> B a U.

  Lemma G_Wdom : Wdom U.
unfold Wdom.
apply G_rel; trivial.
apply G_List; trivial.
apply G_sup; trivial.

  Lemma G_W' : W' U.
apply G_subset; trivial.
apply G_Wdom.

  Lemma G_W_F X : X U -> W_F X U.
unfold W_F.
apply G_sigma; intros; trivial.
apply G_cc_prod; auto.

  Lemma G_W_ord : W_ord U.
unfold W_ord.
apply G_Ffix_ord; auto.
apply G_Wdom.

  Lemma G_W : W U.
apply G_TI; intros; trivial.
 do 2 red; intros; apply sigma_ext; intros; auto with *.
 apply cc_prod_morph; auto with *.
 red; trivial.

 apply G_W_ord.

 apply G_W_F; trivial.

End W_Univ.

End W_theory.

Lemma W_F_ext : A A' B B' X X',
  A == A' ->
  eq_fun A B B' ->
  X == X' ->
  W_F A B X == W_F A' B' X'.
unfold W_F; intros.
apply sigma_ext; trivial.
apply cc_prod_ext; auto with *.
red; auto.

Hint Resolve wfm1.

A specific instance of W-type: the type of sets (cf Ens.set)

Section Sets.

Hypothesis U : set.
Hypothesis Ugrot : grot_univ U.

  Definition sets := W U (fun X =>X).

  Let sm : ext_fun U (fun X => X).
do 2 red; trivial.

  Lemma sets_ind :
     P : set -> Prop,
    ( y X f, morph1 f ->
     y == couple X (cc_lam X f) ->
     X U ->
     ( x, x X -> f x sets) ->
     ( x, x X -> P (f x)) ->
     P y) ->
     x, x sets -> P x.
unfold sets,W;intros.
assert (isOrd (W_ord U (fun X => X))).
 apply W_o_o; trivial.
revert x H0; elim H1 using isOrd_ind; intros.
apply TI_elim in H4; auto with *.
2:apply W_F_morph; trivial.
destruct H4 as (o',?,?).
apply W_F_elim in H5; auto with *.
destruct H5 as (?,(?,?)).
apply H with (fst x) (cc_app (snd x)); intros; trivial.
 apply cc_app_morph; reflexivity.

 generalize (H6 _ H8); apply TI_incl; auto with *.
  apply W_F_mono; trivial.

  apply H2; trivial.

 apply H3 with o'; auto.

  Lemma sets_incl_U : sets U.
red; intros.
apply sets_ind with (2:=H); intros.
rewrite H1; clear H1 y.
apply G_couple; trivial.
apply G_cc_lam; auto.

End Sets.