Library ZFord

Require Import Arith.
Require Import ZFnats ZFwf.
Require Export ZF.

This file defines and develop the basic theory of ordinals in intuitionistic set theory. We use directed plump ordinals.

Definition and elementary properties

Directed set (finite union)
Definition isDir o := x y,
  x < o -> y < o -> exists2 z, z < o & x z /\ y z.

Global Instance isDir_morph : Proper (eq_set==>iff) isDir.
do 2 red; intros; unfold isDir.
apply fa_morph; intros x0.
apply fa_morph; intros y0.
rewrite H.
apply fa_morph; intros _.
apply fa_morph; intros _.
apply ex2_morph; red; intros; auto with *.
rewrite H; reflexivity.

Directed plump ordinals.
Plumpness is the property that forall ordinal x s.t. z ⊆ y ∈ x, we have z ∈ x
Since the plumpness property is not monotonic (if we have more ordinals, the plumpness requirement becomes tighter), we could not separate the directedness property from the plumpness one.
Even if plumpness is not monotonic, it can be defined by recursion over the rank (since the rank of z is smaller than that of x). So we go by first defining well-founded sets (cf ZFwf.v), then well-founded, and finally define plumpness.
Not resorting to higher-order:
Any property could replace directedness
Local Notation Q:=isDir.
Local Notation Qm:=isDir_morph.

The set of plump ordinals included in ub, given f the sets of plump ordinals of smaller rank.
Let plump_set f ub :=
   subset (power ub)
     (fun x =>
      ( y, y ub -> y x -> y f y) /\
      ( z y, y ub -> z f y -> z y -> y x -> z x) /\
      Q x).

Definition plumps := WFR plump_set.

Let plumps_m :
  Proper ((eq_set ==> eq_set) ==> eq_set ==> eq_set) plump_set.
do 3 red; intros; unfold plump_set.
apply subset_morph.
 apply power_morph; trivial.

 red; intros.
 apply and_iff_morphism.
  apply fa_morph; intros yy.
  rewrite <- H0.
  rewrite (H _ _ (reflexivity _)); reflexivity.

  apply and_iff_morphism; auto with *.
  apply fa_morph; intros zz.
  apply fa_morph; intros yy.
  rewrite H0; rewrite (H _ _ (reflexivity _)); reflexivity.

Lemma plump_eqn ub x :
  isWf ub ->
  (x plumps ub <->
   x ub /\
   ( y, y ub -> y x -> y plumps y) /\
   ( z y, y ub -> z plumps y -> z y -> y x -> z x) /\
   Q x).
revert x; induction H using isWf_ind; intros.
unfold plumps at 1; rewrite WFR_eqn; fold plumps; trivial.
 unfold plump_set; rewrite subset_ax.
 rewrite power_ax.
 apply and_iff_morphism; auto with *.
 split; intros.
  destruct H1 as (x',?,(?,(?,?))).
  split; [|split]; intros; try rewrite H1 in *; eauto.

  exists x; auto with *.

 apply plumps_m.

 intros; apply subset_morph; auto with *.
  red; intros.
  apply and_iff_morphism.
   apply fa_morph; intros y.
   apply fa_morph; intros h.
   rewrite (H1 _ _ h (reflexivity _)); reflexivity.

   apply and_iff_morphism; auto with *.
   apply fa_morph; intros z.
   apply fa_morph; intros y.
   apply fa_morph; intros h.
   rewrite (H1 _ _ h (reflexivity _)); reflexivity.

Instance plumps_morph : morph1 plumps.
do 2 red; intros; unfold plumps.
apply WFR_morph; trivial.
apply plumps_m.

Lemma plump_bound : ub1 ub2 x,
 isWf ub1 ->
 isWf ub2 ->
 x ub2 ->
 x plumps ub1 -> x plumps ub2.
rewrite plump_eqn in H2|-*; trivial.
destruct H2 as (?,(?,(?,?))).
eauto 10.

The class of directed plump ordinals
Definition isOrd x := isWf x /\ x plumps x.

Lemma isOrd_wf o : isOrd o -> isWf o.
destruct 1; trivial.
Hint Resolve isOrd_wf.

Lemma isOrd_ext : x y, x == y -> isOrd x -> isOrd y.
destruct 2.
unfold isOrd; rewrite H in H0,H1; auto.

Global Instance isOrd_morph : Proper (eq_set ==> iff) isOrd.
do 2 red; split; intros.
 apply isOrd_ext with x; trivial.

 symmetry in H.
 apply isOrd_ext with y; trivial.

Lemma isOrd_inv : x y,
  isOrd x -> y < x -> isOrd y.
destruct H.
 apply isWf_inv with x; trivial.

 rewrite plump_eqn in H1; trivial.
 destruct H1 as (_,(?,_)); auto.

Lemma isOrd_plump : z, isOrd z ->
  x y, isOrd x -> x y -> y z -> x z.
destruct 1; intros.
rewrite plump_eqn in H0; trivial.
destruct H0 as (_,(_,(?,_))).
apply H0 with y; auto with *.
destruct H1.
apply plump_bound with x; auto with *.
apply isWf_inv with z; trivial.

Lemma isOrd_dir : z, isOrd z -> Q z.
destruct 1; intros.
rewrite plump_eqn in H0; trivial.
destruct H0 as (_,(_,(_,?))); trivial.

Lemma isOrd_intro : x,
  ( a b, isOrd a -> a b -> b x -> a x) ->
  Q x ->
  ( y, y x -> isOrd y) ->
  isOrd x.
assert (wfx : isWf x).
 apply isWf_intro; intros; apply isOrd_wf; apply H1; trivial.
split; trivial.
rewrite plump_eqn; trivial.
split; [|split;[|split]]; intros; auto with *.
 apply H1; trivial.

 apply H with y; trivial.
 assert (wfy : isWf y).
  apply isWf_inv with x; trivial.
 assert (wfz : isWf z).
  apply isWf_intro; intros; apply isWf_inv with y; auto.
 split; trivial.
 apply plump_bound with y; auto with *.

Lemma isOrd_trans : x y z,
  isOrd x -> z < y -> y < x -> z < x.
unfold lt.
assert (isWf x) by auto.
revert H y z H0 H1.
induction H2 using isWf_ind; intros.
apply isOrd_plump with y; auto.
 apply isOrd_inv with y; trivial.
 apply isOrd_inv with a; trivial.

 red; intros.
 apply H with z; trivial.
 apply isOrd_inv with a; trivial.

Lemma isOrd_ind : x (P:set->Prop),
  ( y, isOrd y ->
   y x ->
   ( z, z < y -> P z) -> P y) ->
  isOrd x -> P x.
assert (isWf x).
 destruct H0; trivial.
cut ( x', x' == x -> P x'); auto with *.
revert H0 H .
induction H1 using isWf_ind; simpl; intros.
apply H2; intros; auto with *.
 rewrite H3; trivial.

 rewrite H3; reflexivity.

 rewrite H3 in H4; clear x' H3.
 apply H with z; auto with *.
  apply isOrd_inv with a; trivial.

  intros; apply H2; trivial.
  red; intros; apply isOrd_trans with z; auto.
  red; auto.

Alternative definition of ordinals, slightly shorter by using Coq's accessibility predicate, and the plump property below by well-founded induction.
Module HigherOrder.

Fixpoint plump ub (p:Acc in_set ub) x : Prop :=
  ( y (q: y ub), y x -> plump y (Acc_inv p _ q) y) /\
  ( z y (q: y ub), plump y (Acc_inv p _ q) z ->
   z y -> y x -> z x) /\
  isDir x.

Lemma plump_morph : x x' p p' y y',
  x == x' -> y == y' -> (plump x p y <-> plump x' p' y').
intros x x' p; revert x'.
induction p using Acc_indd; simpl; intros.
destruct p'; simpl.
split; destruct 1 as (?,(?,?)); (split; [|split]); intros.
 assert (q' := q).
 rewrite <- H0 in q'.
 rewrite <- H1 in H5.
 rewrite <- (H y0 q' _ _ y0 y0); auto with *.

 assert (q' := q).
 rewrite <- H0 in q'.
 rewrite <- H1 in H7|-*.
 rewrite <- (H y0 q' _ _ z z) in H5; eauto with *.

 red; intros.
 destruct H4 with x0 y0.
  rewrite H1; trivial.
  rewrite H1; trivial.
  exists x1; trivial.
  rewrite <- H1; trivial.

 assert (q' := q).
 rewrite H0 in q'.
 rewrite H1 in H5.
 rewrite (H _ _ y0 (a0 _ q') _ y0); auto with *.

 assert (q' := q).
 rewrite H0 in q'.
 rewrite H1 in H7|-*.
 rewrite (H _ _ y0 (a0 _ q') _ z) in H5; eauto with *.

 red; intros.
 destruct H4 with x0 y0.
  rewrite <- H1; trivial.
  rewrite <- H1; trivial.
  exists x1; trivial.
  rewrite H1; trivial.

Lemma plump_bound : ub1 ub2 p1 p2 x,
 x ub1 ->
 plump ub1 p1 x -> plump ub2 p2 x.
destruct p1; destruct p2; simpl; intros.
destruct H0 as (?,(?,?)).
split; [|split]; intros; trivial.
 assert (y ub1).
  apply H; trivial.
 rewrite (plump_morph _ y _ (a _ H4) _ y); auto with *.

 assert (y ub1).
  apply H; trivial.
 rewrite (plump_morph _ y _ (a _ H6) _ z) in H3; auto with *.
 apply H1 with y H6; auto.

Lemma plump_Acc : ub p x,
  plump ub p x -> x ub -> Acc in_set x.
induction p using Acc_indd; simpl; intros.
destruct H0.
constructor; intros.
apply H with y (H1 _ H3); auto with *.

Definition isOrd x :=
  { p:Acc in_set x | plump x p x }.

Lemma isOrd_ext : x y, x == y -> isOrd x -> isOrd y.
destruct 2.
generalize x0; rewrite H; intro.
exists H0.
rewrite <- (plump_morph x y x0 H0 x y); trivial.

Instance isOrd_morph : Proper (eq_set ==> iff) isOrd.
do 2 red; split; intros.
 apply isOrd_ext with x; trivial.

 symmetry in H.
 apply isOrd_ext with y; trivial.

Lemma isOrd_inv : x y,
  isOrd x -> y < x -> isOrd y.
destruct H.
exists (Acc_inv x0 _ H0).
destruct x0; simpl in *.
destruct p; auto.

Lemma isOrd_plump : z, isOrd z ->
  x y, isOrd x -> x y -> y z -> x z.
destruct 1; intros.
revert p.
destruct x;simpl; intros.
destruct p as (_,(?,_)).
apply H2 with y H1; trivial.
destruct H.
apply plump_bound with (2:=p); reflexivity.

Lemma isOrd_dir : z, isOrd z -> isDir z.
destruct 1; intros.
revert p.
destruct x;simpl; intros.
destruct p as (_,(_,?)); trivial.

Lemma isOrd_intro : x,
  ( a b, isOrd a -> a b -> b x -> a x) ->
  isDir x ->
  ( y, y x -> isOrd y) ->
  isOrd x.
exists (Acc_intro _ (fun y h => proj1_sig (H1 y h))); simpl.
split; [|split]; intros; trivial.
 destruct (H1 y H2).
 rewrite <- (plump_morph y y x0 _ y y); auto with *.

 apply H with y; trivial.
 exists (plump_Acc _ _ _ H2 H3).
 apply plump_bound with (2:=H2); trivial.

Lemma isOrd_trans : x y z,
  isOrd x -> z < y -> y < x -> z < x.
unfold lt.
destruct 1.
revert y z p.
induction x0 using Acc_indd; simpl; intros.
assert (isOrd x).
 exists (Acc_intro _ a); simpl; trivial.
destruct p.
apply isOrd_plump with y; trivial.
 apply isOrd_inv with y; trivial.
 apply isOrd_inv with x; trivial.

 red; intros.
 apply H with H1 z; auto.

Lemma isOrd_ind : x (P:set->Prop),
  ( y, isOrd y ->
   y x ->
   ( z, z < y -> P z) -> P y) ->
  isOrd x -> P x.
destruct H0.
cut ( x', x' == x -> P x'); auto with *.
revert p H .
induction x0 using Acc_indd; simpl; intros.
destruct p.
assert (isOrd x).
 exists (Acc_intro _ a); simpl; split; trivial.
apply H0; intros; auto with *.
 rewrite H1; trivial.

 red; intros.
 rewrite <- H1; trivial.

rewrite H1 in H5.
clear x' H1.
apply H with (r:=H5); intros; auto with *.
apply H0; intros; auto.
red; intros.
apply isOrd_trans with z; auto.
apply H6; trivial.
End HigherOrder.

Simple theory of ordinals

Lemma lt_antirefl : x, isOrd x -> ~ x < x.
induction 1 using isOrd_ind; intros.
red; intros; apply H1 with y; trivial.

Lemma isOrd_zero : isOrd zero.
apply isOrd_intro; intros.
 elim empty_ax with b; trivial.

 red; intros.
 elim empty_ax with x; trivial.

 elim empty_ax with y; trivial.

Definition osucc x := subset (power x) isOrd.

Instance osucc_morph : morph1 osucc.
unfold osucc; do 2 red; intros.
apply subset_morph.
 rewrite H; reflexivity.

 red; auto with *.

Lemma lt_osucc : x, isOrd x -> x < osucc x.
unfold osucc, lt; intros.
apply subset_intro; trivial.
apply power_intro; auto.

Hint Resolve isOrd_zero lt_osucc.

Lemma olts_le : x y, x < osucc y -> x y.
red; intros.
apply subset_elim1 in H.
apply power_elim with (1:=H); trivial.

Lemma ole_lts : x y, isOrd x -> x y -> x < osucc y.
apply subset_intro; trivial.
apply power_intro; trivial.

Lemma oles_lt : x y,
  isOrd x ->
  osucc x y ->
  x < y.
apply H0.
apply lt_osucc; trivial.

Lemma le_lt_trans : x y z, isOrd z -> x < osucc y -> y < z -> x < z.
apply isOrd_plump with y; trivial.
 apply subset_elim2 in H0; destruct H0.
 rewrite H0; trivial.

 apply olts_le; trivial.

Lemma ord_lt_le : o o', isOrd o -> o' o -> o' o.
red; intros; apply isOrd_trans with o'; trivial.
Hint Resolve ord_lt_le.

Lemma isOrd_succ : n, isOrd n -> isOrd (osucc n).
unfold osucc.
apply isOrd_intro; intros.
 apply subset_intro; trivial.
 apply subset_elim1 in H2.
 apply power_intro; intros.
 apply H1 in H3.
 apply power_elim with (1:=H2); trivial.

 red; intros.
 exists n.
  apply subset_intro; trivial.
  apply power_intro; auto.

   red; intros.
   apply power_elim with x; trivial.
   apply subset_elim1 in H0; trivial.

   red; intros.
   apply power_elim with y; trivial.
   apply subset_elim1 in H1; trivial.

 apply subset_elim2 in H0.
 destruct H0.
 rewrite H0; trivial.
Hint Resolve isOrd_succ.

Lemma lt_osucc_compat : n m, isOrd m -> n < m -> osucc n < osucc m.
apply ole_lts; auto.
 apply isOrd_succ.
 apply isOrd_inv with m; trivial.

 red; intros.
 apply le_lt_trans with n; trivial.

Lemma osucc_mono : n m, isOrd n -> isOrd m -> n m -> osucc n osucc m.
red; intros.
apply ole_lts.
 apply isOrd_inv with (osucc n); auto.

 apply olts_le in H2.
 transitivity n; trivial.

  Lemma lt_osucc_inv : o o',
    isOrd o ->
    osucc o < osucc o' ->
    o < o'.
unfold osucc; intros.
rewrite subset_ax in H0; destruct H0.
destruct H1.
rewrite power_ax in H0.
apply H0.
apply subset_intro; trivial.
apply power_intro; auto.

Lemma isOrd_eq : o, isOrd o -> o == sup o osucc.
apply eq_intro; intros.
 rewrite sup_ax.
 2:do 2 red; intros; apply osucc_morph; trivial.
 exists z; auto.
 apply lt_osucc.
 apply isOrd_inv with o; trivial.

 rewrite sup_ax in H0.
 2:do 2 red; intros; apply osucc_morph; trivial.
 destruct H0.
 apply le_lt_trans with x; trivial.

Examples: ordinals of rank less than 2
Module Examples.

Definition ord_0 := empty.
Definition ord_1 := osucc ord_0.
Definition ord_2 := osucc ord_1.

1 = {0}
Lemma ord1 : x, x ord_1 <-> x == zero.
unfold ord_1, osucc.
rewrite subset_ax.
split; intros.
 destruct H.
 rewrite power_ax in H.
 apply empty_ext.
 red; intros.
 apply H in H1.
 apply empty_ax with (1:=H1).

  apply power_intro; intros.
  rewrite H in H0; trivial.

  exists zero; auto.

Definition ord_rk_1 P := subset ord_1 (fun _ => P).

Lemma rk1_order : P Q, ord_rk_1 P ord_rk_1 Q <-> (P->Q).
split; intros.
 assert (zero ord_rk_1 P).
  apply subset_intro; trivial.
  unfold ord_1; apply lt_osucc; auto.
 apply H in H1.
 apply subset_elim2 in H1.
 destruct H1; trivial.

 red; intros.
 apply subset_intro.
  apply subset_elim1 in H0; trivial.

  apply subset_elim2 in H0.
  destruct H0; auto.

Lemma isOrd_rk_1 : P, isOrd (ord_rk_1 P).
apply isOrd_intro; intros.
 unfold ord_rk_1 in H1; rewrite subset_ax in H1; destruct H1.
 destruct H2.
 clear x H2.
 apply subset_intro; auto.
 apply isOrd_plump with b; auto.
 unfold ord_1; auto.

 red; intros.
 assert P.
  apply subset_elim2 in H; destruct H; trivial.
 apply subset_elim1 in H.
 apply subset_elim1 in H0.
 apply ord1 in H.
 apply ord1 in H0.
 exists empty.
  apply subset_intro; trivial.
  apply ord1; reflexivity.

  rewrite H; rewrite H0; split; reflexivity.

 apply subset_elim1 in H.
 apply isOrd_inv with (osucc zero); auto.

Definition isOrd2 x := exists P:Prop, x == ord_rk_1 P.

2 = {o| 0<=o<=1 } is isomorphic to Prop
Lemma ord2 : x, x ord_2 <-> exists P, x == ord_rk_1 P.
unfold ord_2, osucc at 1.
rewrite subset_ax.
rewrite power_ax.
split; intros.
 destruct H.
 destruct H0.
 rewrite <- H0 in H1; clear H0 x0.
 exists (zero x).
 apply subset_ext; intros; auto.
  apply ord1 in H0.
  rewrite H0; trivial.

  exists x0; auto with *.
  specialize H with (1:=H0).
  apply ord1 in H.
  rewrite H in H0; trivial.

 destruct H.
 split; intros.
  rewrite H in H0; clear H x.
  apply subset_elim1 with (1:=H0).

  exists x; auto with *.
  rewrite H.
  apply isOrd_rk_1.

Definition ord_rk_2 (P2:Prop->Prop) :=
  subset ord_2 (fun x => exists2 P, x == ord_rk_1 P & P2 P).

Definition decr_2 (P2:Prop->Prop) :=
   ( P Q:Prop, (P -> Q) -> (P2 Q -> P2 P)) /\
   ( P Q:Prop, P2 P -> P2 Q -> P2 (P\/Q)).

Lemma isOrd_rk_2 : P2, decr_2 P2 -> isOrd (ord_rk_2 P2).
apply isOrd_intro; intros.
 assert (a ord_2).
  apply isOrd_plump with b; auto.
  unfold ord_2, ord_1; auto.
  apply subset_elim1 in H2; trivial.
 apply subset_intro; auto.
 rewrite ord2 in H3.
 destruct H3.
 exists x; trivial.
 unfold ord_rk_2 in H2; rewrite subset_ax in H2; destruct H2.
 destruct H4.
 destruct H5.
 apply (proj1 H x x1); trivial.
 rewrite H4 in H1; rewrite H5 in H1; rewrite H3 in H1.
 rewrite <- rk1_order; trivial.

 red; intros.
  unfold ord_rk_2 in H0,H1.
  rewrite subset_ax in H0; destruct H0.
  destruct H2.
  destruct H3 as (P,?,?).
  rewrite <- H2 in H3; clear x0 H2.
  rewrite subset_ax in H1; destruct H1.
  destruct H2.
  destruct H5 as (Q,?,?).
  rewrite <- H2 in H5; clear x0 H2.
  exists (ord_rk_1 (P\/Q)).
   apply subset_intro.
    apply ord2.
    exists (P\/Q); auto with *.

    exists (P\/Q); auto with *.
    apply (proj2 H); trivial.

    rewrite H3; apply rk1_order; auto.
    rewrite H5; apply rk1_order; auto.

 apply subset_elim1 in H0.
 apply isOrd_inv with (osucc (osucc zero)); auto.

3 is isomorphic to decreasing functions of type Prop->Prop (and closed by union to ensure directedness)
Lemma ord3 : x,
  x osucc ord_2 <-> exists2 P2, decr_2 P2 & x == ord_rk_2 P2.
unfold osucc.
rewrite subset_ax.
rewrite power_ax.
split; intros.
 destruct H.
 destruct H0.
 rewrite <- H0 in H1; clear H0 x0.
 exists (fun P => ord_rk_1 P x).
  split; intros.
   apply isOrd_plump with (ord_rk_1 Q); trivial.
    assert (ord_rk_1 P ord_2).
     rewrite ord2.
     exists P; auto with *.
    apply isOrd_inv with ord_2; auto.
    unfold ord_2, ord_1; auto.

    rewrite rk1_order; trivial.

   destruct (isOrd_dir _ H1 _ _ H0 H2).
   destruct H4.
   apply isOrd_plump with x0; trivial.
    apply isOrd_rk_1.

    assert (h := H _ H3).
    apply ord2 in h.
    destruct h as (R,h).
    rewrite h in H4,H5|-*.
    apply rk1_order; destruct 1.
     apply (proj1 (rk1_order P R)); trivial.
     apply (proj1 (rk1_order Q R)); trivial.

  apply subset_ext; intros; auto.
   apply ord2 in H0.
   destruct H2.
   rewrite H2; trivial.
   exists x0; auto with *.
   specialize H with (1:=H0).
   apply ord2 in H.
   destruct H.
   exists x1; trivial.
   rewrite H in H0; trivial.

 destruct H.
 split; intros.
  rewrite H0 in H1; clear H0 x.
  apply subset_elim1 with (1:=H1).

  exists x; auto with *.
  rewrite H0.
  apply isOrd_rk_2; trivial.

End Examples.

Increasing sequences

Definition increasing F :=
   x y, isOrd x -> isOrd y -> y x -> F y F x.

Definition increasing_bounded o F :=
   x x', x' < o -> x < x' -> F x F x'.

Successor ordinals

Definition succOrd o := exists2 o', isOrd o' & o == osucc o'.

Limit ordinals

Definition limitOrd o := isOrd o /\ ( x, x < o -> lt (osucc x) o).

Lemma limit_is_ord : o, limitOrd o -> isOrd o.
destruct 1; trivial.
Hint Resolve limit_is_ord.

Lemma limit_union : o, limitOrd o -> union o == o.
destruct 1.
apply eq_intro; intros.
 apply union_elim in H1; destruct H1.
 apply isOrd_trans with x; trivial.

 apply union_intro with (osucc z).
  apply lt_osucc.
  apply isOrd_inv with o; trivial.

  apply H0; trivial.

Lemma limit_union_intro : o, isOrd o -> union o == o -> limitOrd o.
split; trivial.
unfold lt; intros.
assert (isOrd x).
 apply isOrd_inv with o; trivial.
rewrite <- H0 in H1.
apply union_elim in H1; destruct H1.
apply isOrd_plump with x0; auto.
red; intros.
apply le_lt_trans with x; trivial.
apply isOrd_inv with o; trivial.

Lemma discr_lim_succ : o, limitOrd o -> succOrd o -> False.
destruct 1; destruct 1.
assert (lt (osucc x) o).
 apply H0.
 rewrite H2; auto.
rewrite <- H2 in H3.
elim lt_antirefl with o; trivial.

Lemma isOrd_inter2 : x y,
  isOrd x -> isOrd y -> isOrd (x y).
revert y H0; apply isOrd_ind with (2:=H); intros.
clear x H H1; rename y into x; rename y0 into y.
apply isOrd_intro; intros.
 rewrite inter2_def in H4|-*; destruct H4; split.
  apply isOrd_plump with b; trivial.
  apply isOrd_plump with b; trivial.

 red; intros.
 rewrite inter2_def in H; destruct H.
 rewrite inter2_def in H1; destruct H1.
 destruct (isOrd_dir _ H0 _ _ H H1).
 destruct H7.
 destruct (isOrd_dir _ H3 _ _ H4 H5).
 destruct H10.
 exists (x1 x2).
  rewrite inter2_def; split.
   apply isOrd_plump with x1; trivial.
    apply H2; trivial.
    apply isOrd_inv with y; trivial.

    apply inter2_incl1.

   apply isOrd_plump with x2; trivial.
    apply H2; trivial.
    apply isOrd_inv with y; trivial.

    apply inter2_incl2.

  split; red; intros; rewrite inter2_def; split; auto.

 rewrite inter2_def in H; destruct H.
 apply isOrd_inv with x; trivial.

Lemma inter2_succ : x y,
  isOrd x -> isOrd y ->
  osucc x osucc y == osucc (x y).
apply eq_intro; intros.
 rewrite inter2_def in H1.
 destruct H1.
 apply ole_lts; eauto using isOrd_inv.
 apply olts_le in H1; apply olts_le in H2.
 red; intros; rewrite inter2_def; auto.

 assert (isOrd z).
  apply isOrd_inv with (osucc (x y)); trivial.
  apply isOrd_succ; apply isOrd_inter2; trivial.
 rewrite inter2_def; split.
  apply ole_lts; eauto using isOrd_inv.
  apply olts_le in H1.
  transitivity (x y); trivial.
  apply inter2_incl1.

  apply ole_lts; eauto using isOrd_inv.
  apply olts_le in H1.
  transitivity (x y); trivial.
  apply inter2_incl2.

Transfinite recursion

Require Import ZFpairs ZFrelations.
Require Import ZFrepl.

Module FirstOrderStyle.

Section TransfiniteRecursion.

  Variable F : (set -> set) -> set -> set.
  Hypothesis Fm : Proper ((eq_set ==> eq_set) ==> eq_set ==> eq_set) F.

  Variable ord : set.
  Hypothesis Fmorph :
     x f f', isOrd x -> x ord -> eq_fun x f f' -> F f x == F f' x.

  Definition isTR_rel P :=
     o y,
    couple o y P ->
    exists2 f, ( n, n o -> couple n (cc_app f n) P) &
      y == F (cc_app f) o.

  Lemma isTR_rel_fun P P' o y y':
    isOrd o ->
    o ord ->
    isTR_rel P ->
    isTR_rel P' ->
    couple o y P ->
    couple o y' P' ->
    y == y'.
intros oo ole istr istr' inP inP'; revert y y' inP inP'; elim oo using isOrd_ind; intros.
destruct istr with (1:=inP) as (f,?,?).
destruct istr' with (1:=inP') as (f',?,?).
rewrite H3; rewrite H5; apply Fmorph; auto.
 transitivity o; trivial.

 red; intros.
 rewrite <- H7; clear x' H7.
 apply H1 with x; auto.

Instance isTR_rel_morph : Proper (eq_set==>iff) isTR_rel.
do 2 red; intros.
apply fa_morph; intro o.
apply fa_morph; intro y'.
rewrite H.
apply fa_morph; intros ?.
apply ex2_morph; red; intros; auto with *.
apply fa_morph; intros n.
rewrite H; reflexivity.

  Definition TR_rel o y :=
    exists2 P, isTR_rel P & couple o y P.

  Instance TR_rel_morph : Proper (eq_set ==> eq_set ==> iff) TR_rel.
do 3 red; intros.
apply ex2_morph; red; intros; auto with *.
rewrite H; rewrite H0; reflexivity.

  Lemma TR_rel_intro x f :
    morph1 f ->
    isOrd x ->
    x ord ->
    ( y, y x -> TR_rel y (f y)) ->
    TR_rel x (F f x).
intros fm xo xle Hsub.
exists (singl (couple x (F f x)) replf x (fun y' => couple y' (f y'))).
 red; intros.
 rewrite union2_ax in H; destruct H.
  apply singl_elim in H.
  apply couple_injection in H; destruct H.
  exists (cc_lam o f); intros.
   rewrite H in H1|-*; clear o H.
   apply union2_intro2.
   rewrite replf_ax;[|admit].
   exists n; auto with *.
   rewrite cc_beta_eq; auto with *.

   rewrite H; clear o H.
   rewrite H0.
   apply Fmorph; auto.
   red; intros.
   rewrite <- H1; clear x' H1.
   rewrite cc_beta_eq; auto with *.

  rewrite replf_ax in H;[|admit].
  destruct H.
  apply couple_injection in H0; destruct H0.
  rewrite <- H0 in H,H1; clear x0 H0.
  destruct Hsub with (1:=H) as (P,?,?).
  assert (oo : isOrd o).
   apply isOrd_inv with x; trivial.
  assert (ole : o ord).
   red; intros; apply xle; apply isOrd_trans with o; trivial.
  exists (cc_lam o f).
   apply union2_intro2.
   rewrite replf_ax;[|admit].
   exists n; auto with *.
    apply isOrd_trans with o; trivial.
   rewrite cc_beta_eq; auto with *.

   rewrite H1.
   destruct H0 with (1:=H2) as (g,?,?).
   rewrite H4.
   apply Fmorph; auto.
   red; intros.
   rewrite <- H6; clear x' H6.
   assert (x0o: isOrd x0).
    apply isOrd_inv with o; trivial.
   assert (x0le : x0 ord).
    red; intros; apply ole; apply isOrd_trans with x0; trivial.
   rewrite cc_beta_eq; auto with *.
   apply isTR_rel_fun with P P x0; auto.
   destruct Hsub with x0 as (P',?,?).
    apply isOrd_trans with o; trivial.
   rewrite <- isTR_rel_fun with (3:=H0) (4:=H6) (5:=H3 _ H5) (6:=H7); auto.

 apply union2_intro1.
 apply singl_intro.

  Lemma TR_rel_ex o :
    isOrd o -> o ord ->
    uchoice_pred (TR_rel o).
intros oo.
elim oo using isOrd_ind; intros.
split;[|split]; intros.
 rewrite <- H3; trivial.

 exists (F (fun y' => uchoice (TR_rel y')) y).
 assert (chm : morph1 (fun n => uchoice (TR_rel n))).
  do 2 red; intros; apply uchoice_morph_raw.
  red; intros.
  apply TR_rel_morph; trivial.
 apply TR_rel_intro; intros; trivial.
 apply uchoice_def; apply H1; trivial.
 red; intros; apply H2; apply isOrd_trans with y0; trivial.

 destruct H3 as (P,?,?).
 destruct H4 as (P',?,?).
 apply isTR_rel_fun with P P' y; auto.

  Definition TR := uchoice (fun y => TR_rel ord y).

  Lemma TR_eqn0 : o, isOrd o -> o ord ->
     uchoice (fun y => TR_rel o y) == F (fun o => uchoice (fun y => TR_rel o y)) o.
specialize TR_rel_ex with (1:=H) (2:=H0); intro.
apply uchoice_def in H1.
destruct H1 as (P,?,?).
destruct H1 with (1:=H2) as (f,?,?).
rewrite H4.
apply Fmorph; auto.
red; intros.
rewrite H6 in H5|-*; clear x H6.
apply uchoice_ext.
 apply TR_rel_ex.
  apply isOrd_inv with o; trivial.

  red; intros; apply H0; apply isOrd_trans with x'; trivial.

 exists P; auto.

End TransfiniteRecursion.

  Global Instance TR_morph0 : F, morph1 (TR F).
do 2 red; intros.
unfold TR.
apply uchoice_morph_raw.
red; intros.
assert (trm := TR_rel_morph).
rewrite H; rewrite H0; reflexivity.

  Global Instance TR_morph :
    Proper (((eq_set ==> eq_set) ==> eq_set ==> eq_set) ==> eq_set ==> eq_set) TR.
do 3 red; intros.
unfold TR.
apply uchoice_morph_raw; red; intros.
unfold TR_rel.
apply ex2_morph; red; intros.
 apply fa_morph; intros o.
 apply fa_morph; intros y'.
 apply fa_morph; intros _.
 apply ex2_morph; red; intros; auto with *.
 split; intros h; rewrite h;[|symmetry];
   (apply H; [apply cc_app_morph|]; reflexivity).

 rewrite H0; rewrite H1; reflexivity.

End FirstOrderStyle.

Higher-order style: quantification over relations

Section TransfiniteRecursion.

  Variable F : (set -> set) -> set -> set.
  Hypothesis Fm : Proper ((eq_set ==> eq_set) ==> eq_set ==> eq_set) F.

  Variable ord : set.
  Hypothesis Fmorph :
     x f f', isOrd x -> x ord -> eq_fun x f f' -> F f x == F f' x.

  Definition TR_rel o y :=
    (isOrd o /\ o ord) /\
    Proper (eq_set ==> eq_set ==> iff) P ->
    ( o' f, isOrd o' -> o' ord -> morph1 f ->
     ( n, n < o' -> P n (f n)) ->
     P o' (F f o')) ->
    P o y.

  Instance TR_rel_morph : Proper (eq_set ==> eq_set ==> iff) TR_rel.
apply morph_impl_iff2; auto with *.
do 4 red; unfold TR_rel; intros.
destruct H1 as ((xo, xle),Hrec); split; intros.
 rewrite <- H; auto.

 cut (P x x0).
  do 3 red in H1.
  apply -> H1; trivial.
 apply Hrec; auto.

  Lemma TR_rel_intro : x f,
    isOrd x ->
    x ord ->
    morph1 f ->
    ( y, y x -> TR_rel y (f y)) ->
    TR_rel x (F f x).
red; intros.
split; intros; auto.
apply H4; trivial; intros.
apply H2; trivial.

  Lemma TR_rel_inv : x y,
    TR_rel x y ->
    exists2 f,
      morph1 f /\ ( y, y x -> TR_rel y (f y)) &
      y == F f x.
apply (@proj2 (TR_rel x y)).
destruct H as ((H,Hle),H0).
apply H0; intros.
 apply morph_impl_iff2; auto with *.
 do 4 red; intros.
 destruct H3; split.
  rewrite <- H1; rewrite <- H2; trivial.

  destruct H4 as (f,(fm,eqf),eqF); exists f; trivial.
   split; intros; trivial.
   rewrite <- H1 in H4; auto.

   rewrite <- H2; rewrite eqF.
   apply Fm; trivial.
assert (TR_relsub := fun n h => proj1 (H4 n h)); clear H4.
 apply TR_rel_intro; trivial.

 exists f; auto with *.

  Lemma TR_rel_fun :
     x y, TR_rel x y -> y', TR_rel x y' -> y == y'.
intros x y (xo,H).
apply H; intros.
 apply morph_impl_iff2; auto with *.
 do 4 red; intros.
 rewrite <- H1; rewrite <- H0 in H3; auto.
apply TR_rel_inv in H4; destruct H4.
destruct H4.
rewrite H5; clear y' H5.
apply Fmorph; intros; auto with *.
red; intros.
apply H3; trivial.
rewrite H7 in H5|-*; auto.

  Lemma TR_rel_repl_rel :
     x, repl_rel x TR_rel.
split; intros.
 rewrite <- H0; rewrite <- H1; trivial.

 apply TR_rel_fun with x0; trivial.

  Lemma TR_rel_def : o, isOrd o -> o ord -> exists y, TR_rel o y.
induction 1 using isOrd_ind; intros.
assert ( z, lt z y -> uchoice_pred (fun y => TR_rel z y)).
 destruct H1 with z; trivial.
  red; intros; apply H2; apply isOrd_trans with z; trivial.
 split; intros.
  rewrite <- H5; trivial.
 split; intros.
  exists x; trivial.
 apply TR_rel_fun with z; trivial.
exists (F (fun z => uchoice (fun y => TR_rel z y)) y).
apply TR_rel_intro; intros; trivial.
 do 2 red; intros.
 apply uchoice_morph_raw; red; intros.
 apply TR_rel_morph; trivial.
apply uchoice_def; auto.

  Lemma TR_rel_choice_pred : o, isOrd o -> o ord ->
    uchoice_pred (fun y => TR_rel o y).
split; intros.
 rewrite <- H1; trivial.
split; intros.
 apply TR_rel_def; trivial.
apply TR_rel_fun with o; trivial.

  Definition TR := uchoice (fun y => TR_rel ord y).

  Lemma TR_eqn0 : o, isOrd o -> o ord ->
     uchoice (fun y => TR_rel o y) == F (fun o => uchoice (fun y => TR_rel o y)) o.
specialize TR_rel_choice_pred with (1:=H) (2:=H0); intro.
apply uchoice_def in H1.
apply TR_rel_inv in H1.
destruct H1.
destruct H1.
rewrite H2.
apply Fmorph; intros; auto with *.
red; intros.
apply TR_rel_fun with x'.
 rewrite <- H5; auto.

 apply uchoice_def.
 apply TR_rel_choice_pred.
 rewrite <- H5; apply isOrd_inv with o; trivial.
 red; intros; apply H0; apply isOrd_trans with x'; trivial.
 rewrite <- H5; trivial.

End TransfiniteRecursion.

  Lemma TR_rel_irrel : F b1 b2 o y,
    o b2 ->
    TR_rel F b1 o y -> TR_rel F b2 o y.
revert H; apply H0; intros.
 apply morph_impl_iff2; auto with *.
 do 4 red; intros.
 rewrite <- H in H3.
 generalize (H2 H3).
 apply TR_rel_morph; auto with *.

 apply TR_rel_intro; trivial; intros.
 apply H3; trivial.
 transitivity o'; trivial.
 red; intros; apply isOrd_trans with y0; trivial.

  Instance TR_morph0 : F, morph1 (TR F).
do 2 red; intros.
unfold TR.
apply uchoice_morph_raw.
red; intros.
transitivity (TR_rel F x y y0).
 apply TR_rel_morph; trivial.

 split; apply TR_rel_irrel; auto with *.
 rewrite H; reflexivity.

  Instance TR_morph :
    Proper (((eq_set ==> eq_set) ==> eq_set ==> eq_set) ==> eq_set ==> eq_set) TR.
do 3 red; intros.
unfold TR.
apply uchoice_morph_raw; red; intros.
unfold TR_rel.
apply and_iff_morphism.
 rewrite H0; reflexivity.

 apply fa_morph; intro P.
 apply fa_morph; intro Pm.
 apply impl_morph; [|intro Hrec].
  split; intros.
   rewrite <- H0 in H4.
   apply Pm with o' (x f o'); auto with *.
   symmetry; apply H; auto with *.

   apply Pm with o' (y f o'); auto with *.
    apply H; auto with *.

    rewrite H0 in H4; auto with *.
 rewrite H0; rewrite H1; reflexivity.

Section TransfiniteRec.

  Variable F : (set -> set) -> set -> set.
  Hypothesis Fm : Proper ((eq_set ==> eq_set) ==> eq_set ==> eq_set) F.

  Lemma TR_eqn o :
    isOrd o ->
    ( x f f', isOrd x -> x o -> eq_fun x f f' -> F f x == F f' x) ->
    TR F o == F (TR F) o.
intros oo Fmorph.
unfold TR; rewrite TR_eqn0; eauto with *.
apply Fmorph; auto with *.
red; intros.
apply uchoice_morph_raw.
red; intros.
transitivity (TR_rel F o x' y).
 apply TR_rel_morph; trivial.

 rewrite H0 in H.
 split; apply TR_rel_irrel; auto with *.

  Lemma TR_ind : o (P:set->set->Prop),
    Proper (eq_set ==> eq_set ==> iff) P ->
    isOrd o ->
    ( x f f', isOrd x -> x o -> eq_fun x f f' -> F f x == F f' x) ->
    ( y, isOrd y -> y o ->
     ( x, x < y -> P x (TR F x)) ->
     P y (F (TR F) y)) ->
    P o (TR F o).
intros o P Pm oo Fmorph.
revert Fmorph; induction oo using isOrd_ind; intros.
rewrite TR_eqn; trivial.
apply H1; auto with *; intros.
apply H0; intros; trivial.
 assert (x0 y).
  transitivity x; auto.
apply H1; trivial.
transitivity x; auto.

  Lemma TR_typ : o X,
    isOrd o ->
    ( x f f', isOrd x -> x o -> eq_fun x f f' -> F f x == F f' x) ->
    morph1 X ->
    ( y f, morph1 f -> isOrd y -> y o ->
     ( z, z < y -> f z X z) -> F f y X y) ->
    TR F o X o.
intros o X oo Fmorph Xm Hrec.
apply TR_ind with (o:=o); intros; trivial.
 do 3 red; intros.
 rewrite H; rewrite H0; reflexivity.

 apply Fmorph; trivial.

 apply Hrec; trivial; intros.
 apply TR_morph0.

End TransfiniteRec.

Specialized version where the case of limit ordinals is union
Section TransfiniteIteration.

  Variable F : set -> set.
  Hypothesis Fmorph : Proper (eq_set ==> eq_set) F.

Let G f o := sup o (fun o' => F (f o')).

Let Gm : Proper ((eq_set ==> eq_set) ==> eq_set ==> eq_set) G.
do 3 red; intros.
unfold G.
apply sup_morph; trivial.
red; intros.
apply Fmorph.
apply H; trivial.

Let Gmorph : o f f', eq_fun o f f' -> G f o == G f' o.
unfold G; intros.
apply sup_morph; auto with *.
red; auto.

  Definition TI := TR G.

  Instance TI_morph : morph1 TI.
unfold TI; do 2 red; intros.
apply TR_morph0; auto with *.

  Lemma TI_fun_ext : x, ext_fun x (fun y => F (TI y)).
do 2 red; intros.
apply Fmorph.
apply TI_morph; trivial.
Hint Resolve TI_fun_ext.

  Lemma TI_eq : o,
    isOrd o ->
    TI o == sup o (fun o' => F (TI o')).
unfold TI.
apply TR_eqn; auto.

  Lemma TI_intro : o o' x,
    isOrd o ->
    lt o' o ->
    x F (TI o') ->
    x TI o.
rewrite TI_eq; trivial.
rewrite sup_ax; auto.
exists o'; trivial.

  Lemma TI_elim : o x,
    isOrd o ->
    x TI o ->
    exists2 o', o' < o & x F (TI o').
rewrite TI_eq in H0; trivial.
rewrite sup_ax in H0; auto.

  Lemma TI_initial : TI zero == empty.
apply empty_ext; red; intros.
apply TI_elim in H.
 destruct H.
 elim empty_ax with (1:=H).

 apply isOrd_zero.

  Lemma TI_typ : n X,
    ( a, a X -> F a X) ->
    isOrd n ->
    ( m G, isOrd m -> m n ->
     ext_fun m G ->
     ( x, x < m -> G x X) -> sup m G X) ->
    TI n X.
induction 2 using isOrd_ind; intros.
rewrite TI_eq; trivial.
apply H3 with (G:=fun o => F (TI o)); intros; auto with *.
apply H.
apply H2; trivial; intros.
apply H3; auto.
red; intros.
apply H6 in H9.
apply isOrd_trans with x; trivial.

End TransfiniteIteration.
Hint Resolve TI_fun_ext.

Supremum of directed ordinals

Binary supremum

  Definition osup2_rel x y z :=
    Proper (eq_set ==> eq_set ==> eq_set ==> iff) P ->
    ( x y g,
     morph2 g ->
     ( x' y', x' x -> y' y -> P x' y' (g x' y')) ->
     P x y (x y sup x (fun x' => replf y (fun y' => g x' y')))) ->
    P x y z.

  Instance osup2_relm : Proper (eq_set ==> eq_set ==> eq_set ==> iff) osup2_rel.
apply morph_impl_iff3; auto with *.
do 6 red; intros.
rewrite <- H; rewrite <- H0; rewrite <- H1.
apply H2; trivial.

  Lemma osup2_rel_intro : x y g,
    morph2 g ->
    ( x' y', x' x -> y' y -> osup2_rel x' y' (g x' y')) ->
    osup2_rel x y (x y sup x (fun x' => replf y (fun y' => g x' y'))).
red; intros.
apply H2; trivial.
intros; apply H0; trivial.

  Lemma osup2_rel_elim x y z :
    osup2_rel x y z ->
    exists2 g, morph2 g &
    ( x' y', x' x -> y' y -> osup2_rel x' y' (g x' y')) /\
    z == x y sup x (fun x' => replf y (fun y' => g x' y')).
apply (@proj2 (osup2_rel x y z)).
apply H; intros.
 apply morph_impl_iff3; auto with *.
 do 5 red; intros.
 destruct H3; split.
  revert H3; apply osup2_relm; symmetry; trivial.

  destruct H4 as (g,?,(?,?)); exists g; trivial.
  split; intros.
   rewrite <- H0 in H7; rewrite <- H1 in H8; auto.

   rewrite <- H2; rewrite H6.
   apply union2_morph.
    apply union2_morph; trivial.

    apply sup_morph; auto with *.
    red; intros.
    apply replf_morph; trivial.
    red; intros.
    apply H4; trivial.

  apply osup2_rel_intro; trivial.
  intros; apply H1; trivial.

  exists g; trivial.
  split; intros; auto with *.
  apply H1; trivial.

  Lemma osup2_rel_unique x y z z' :
    osup2_rel x y z ->
    osup2_rel x y z' ->
    z == z'.
revert z' H0.
apply H; intros.
 apply morph_impl_iff3; auto with *.
 do 5 red; intros.
 rewrite <- H0 in H4; rewrite <- H1 in H4; rewrite <- H2; auto.

 apply osup2_rel_elim in H2.
 destruct H2 as (g',?,(?,?)).
 rewrite H4; apply union2_morph; auto with *.
 apply sup_morph; auto with *.
 red; intros.
 apply replf_morph; auto with *.
 red; intros.
 apply H1; trivial.
 rewrite <- H6; rewrite <- H8; auto.

osup2 defined on well-founded sets
  Lemma uchoice_pred_osup2 : x y, isWf x -> uchoice_pred (osup2_rel x y).
intros x y wfx; revert y; induction wfx using isWf_ind; intros.
split; intros.
 rewrite <- H0; trivial.
split; intros.
 exists (a y sup a (fun x' => replf y (fun y' => uchoice (osup2_rel x' y')))).
 apply osup2_rel_intro; intros.
  do 3 red; intros; apply uchoice_morph_raw.
  red; intros; apply osup2_relm; trivial.

  apply uchoice_def; auto.

 apply osup2_rel_unique with (1:=H0) (2:=H1).

  Definition osup2 x y := uchoice (osup2_rel x y).

Infix "⊔" := osup2 (at level 50).
Instance osup2_morph : morph2 osup2.
unfold osup2; do 3 red; intros.
apply uchoice_morph_raw.
red; intros.
apply osup2_relm; trivial.

  Lemma osup2_def : x y, isWf x ->
  x y == x y sup x (fun x' => replf y (fun y' => x' y')).
assert (Hdef := uchoice_def _ (uchoice_pred_osup2 _ y H)).
apply osup2_rel_unique with (1:=Hdef).
apply osup2_rel_intro.
 apply osup2_morph.

 unfold osup2; apply uchoice_def.
 apply uchoice_pred_osup2; trivial.
 apply isWf_inv with x; trivial.

Lemma osup2_ax : x y z,
  isWf x ->
  (z x y <->
   z x \/ z y \/
   exists2 x', x' x & exists2 y', y' y & z == x' y').
intros x y z wfx.
rewrite osup2_def; trivial.
split; intros.
 apply union2_elim in H; destruct H.
  apply union2_elim in H; destruct H; auto.

  rewrite sup_ax in H.
   destruct H.
   rewrite replf_ax in H0.
    destruct H0; eauto.

    red; red; intros.
    apply osup2_morph; auto with *.

   red; red; intros.
   apply replf_morph; auto with *.
   red; intros.
   apply osup2_morph; trivial.

 destruct H as [?|[?|?]].
  apply union2_intro1; apply union2_intro1; trivial.

  apply union2_intro1; apply union2_intro2; trivial.

  apply union2_intro2.
  destruct H.
  destruct H0.
  rewrite sup_ax.
   exists x0; trivial.
   rewrite replf_ax.
    exists x1; trivial.

    red; red; intros.
    apply osup2_morph; auto with *.

   red; red; intros.
   apply replf_morph; auto with *.
   red; intros.
   apply osup2_morph; trivial.

Lemma osup2_incl1 : x y, isWf x -> x x y.
red; intros.
rewrite osup2_ax; auto.

Lemma osup2_incl2 : x y, isWf x -> y x y.
red; intros.
rewrite osup2_ax; auto.

Lemma osup2_mono x x' y y' :
  isWf x' -> x x' -> y y' ->
  x y x' y'.
red; intros.
assert (isWf x).
 apply isWf_intro; intros.
 apply H0 in H3; apply isWf_inv with x'; trivial.
rewrite osup2_ax in H2|-*; trivial.
destruct H2 as [?|[?|(a,?,(b,?,?))]]; auto.
right; right.
exists a; auto.
exists b; auto with *.

Lemma isDir_osup2 : x y, isWf x -> isDir x -> isDir y -> isDir (x y).
red; unfold lt; intros x y wfx H H0; intros.
assert (wfi := isWf_inv).
rewrite osup2_ax in H1,H2; trivial.
destruct H1 as [?|[?|(x1,?,(x2,?,?))]];
  destruct H2 as [?|[?|(y1,?,(y2,?,?))]].
 destruct (H x0 y0); trivial.
 exists x1; trivial.
 apply osup2_incl1; trivial.
 exists (x0 y0).
  rewrite osup2_ax; trivial; right; right; eauto with *.

   apply osup2_incl1; eauto.
   apply osup2_incl2; eauto.
 destruct (H x0 y1); trivial.
 destruct H6.
 exists (x1 y2).
  rewrite osup2_ax; trivial; right; right; eauto with *.

   transitivity x1; trivial.
   apply osup2_incl1; eauto.

   rewrite H4; apply osup2_mono; eauto with *.
 exists (y0 x0).
  rewrite osup2_ax; trivial; right; right; eauto with *.

   apply osup2_incl2; eauto.
   apply osup2_incl1; eauto.
 destruct (H0 x0 y0); trivial.
 exists x1; trivial.
 apply osup2_incl2; trivial.
 destruct (H0 x0 y2); trivial.
 destruct H6.
 exists (y1 x1).
  rewrite osup2_ax; trivial; right; right; eauto with *.

   transitivity x1; trivial.
   apply osup2_incl2; eauto.

   rewrite H4; apply osup2_mono; eauto with *.
 destruct (H x1 y0); trivial.
 destruct H6.
 exists (x3 x2).
  rewrite osup2_ax; trivial; right; right; eauto with *.

   rewrite H4; apply osup2_mono; eauto with *.

   transitivity x3; trivial; apply osup2_incl1; eauto.
 destruct (H0 x2 y0); trivial.
 destruct H6.
 exists (x1 x3).
  rewrite osup2_ax; trivial; right; right; eauto with *.

   rewrite H4; apply osup2_mono; eauto with *.

   transitivity x3; trivial; apply osup2_incl2; eauto.
 destruct (H x1 y1); trivial.
 destruct H8.
 destruct (H0 x2 y2); trivial.
 destruct H11.
 exists (x3 x4).
  rewrite osup2_ax; trivial; right; right; eauto with *.

   rewrite H4; apply osup2_mono; eauto with *.

   rewrite H6; apply osup2_mono; eauto with *.

Lemma osup2_proof : x, isOrd x -> y, isOrd y ->
  isOrd (x y) /\
  ( z, isOrd z -> z (x y) == z x z y).
induction 1 using isOrd_ind.
clear H0 x; rename y into x; rename H1 into Hrecx.
intros y yo.
rename H into xo.
 apply isOrd_intro; intros.
  rewrite osup2_ax in H1|-*; auto.
  destruct H1 as [?|[?|(x',?,(y',?,?))]].
   left; apply isOrd_plump with b; trivial.

   right; left; apply isOrd_plump with b; trivial.

   right; right.
   exists (a x').
    apply isOrd_plump with x'; trivial.
     apply isOrd_inter2; eauto using isOrd_inv.
     apply inter2_incl2.

    exists (a y').
     apply isOrd_plump with y'; trivial.
      apply isOrd_inter2; eauto using isOrd_inv.
      apply inter2_incl2.

     destruct Hrecx with x' y' as (_,?); eauto using isOrd_inv.
     rewrite <- H4; trivial.
     apply eq_intro; intros.
      rewrite inter2_def; split; trivial.
      rewrite <- H3; auto.

      apply inter2_def in H5; destruct H5; trivial.

  apply isDir_osup2; auto.
   apply isOrd_dir; trivial.
   apply isOrd_dir; trivial.

  apply osup2_ax in H; auto.
  destruct H as [?|[?|(x',?,(y',?,?))]]; eauto using isOrd_inv.
  rewrite H1; apply Hrecx; eauto using isOrd_inv.

 assert (wfizx : isWf (z x)).
  apply isWf_inter2; auto.
 assert (wfizy : isWf (z y)).
  apply isWf_inter2; auto.
 assert (Hrec: x' y' z, x' x -> y' y -> isOrd z ->
                 z (x' y') == z x' z y').
  intros; apply Hrecx; eauto using isOrd_inv.
 apply eq_intro; intros.
  rewrite inter2_def in H0; trivial; destruct H0.
  rewrite osup2_ax in H1; auto.
  destruct H1 as [?|[?|(x',?,(y',?,?))]].
   apply osup2_incl1; trivial.
   rewrite inter2_def; auto.

   apply osup2_incl2; trivial.
   rewrite inter2_def; auto.

   rewrite osup2_ax; trivial; right; right.
   exists (z0 x').
    rewrite inter2_def; split.
     apply isOrd_plump with z0; auto.
      apply isOrd_inter2; eauto using isOrd_inv.
      apply inter2_incl1.
     apply isOrd_plump with x'; auto.
      apply isOrd_inter2; eauto using isOrd_inv.
      apply inter2_incl2.
   exists (z0 y').
    rewrite inter2_def; split.
     apply isOrd_plump with z0; auto.
      apply isOrd_inter2; eauto using isOrd_inv.
      apply inter2_incl1.
     apply isOrd_plump with y'; auto.
      apply isOrd_inter2; eauto using isOrd_inv.
      apply inter2_incl2.
   rewrite <- Hrec; eauto using isOrd_inv.
   rewrite incl_inter2; auto with *.
   rewrite H3; reflexivity.

  rewrite osup2_ax in H0; trivial.
  destruct H0 as [?|[?|(x',?,(y',?,?))]].
   rewrite inter2_def in H0; destruct H0; rewrite inter2_def; split; trivial.
   apply osup2_incl1; auto.

   rewrite inter2_def in H0; destruct H0; rewrite inter2_def; split; trivial.
   apply osup2_incl2; auto.

   rewrite inter2_def in H0; destruct H0.
   rewrite inter2_def in H1; destruct H1.
   rewrite H2; clear z0 H2.
   destruct (isOrd_dir _ H x' y'); trivial.
   destruct H5.
   rewrite inter2_def; split.
    apply isOrd_plump with x0; trivial.
     apply Hrecx; eauto using isOrd_inv.
     rewrite <- incl_inter2 with (1:=H5).
     rewrite <- incl_inter2 with (1:=H6).
     rewrite (inter2_comm x' x0); rewrite (inter2_comm y' x0).
     rewrite <- Hrec; eauto using isOrd_inv.
     apply inter2_incl1.

    rewrite (osup2_ax x y); auto; right; right; eauto with *.

Lemma isOrd_osup2 : x y,
  isOrd x ->
  isOrd y ->
  isOrd (x y).
apply osup2_proof; trivial.

Lemma osup2_lub : x y z,
  isOrd x -> isOrd y -> isOrd z ->
  x z -> y z -> x y z.
rewrite <- incl_inter2 with (1:=H2).
rewrite <- incl_inter2 with (1:=H3).
rewrite (inter2_comm x z); rewrite (inter2_comm y z).
destruct osup2_proof with (1:=H)(2:=H0) as (_,dint); rewrite <- dint; trivial.
apply inter2_incl1.

Lemma osup2_refl x : isOrd x -> x x == x.
apply eq_intro; intros.
 revert H0; apply osup2_lub; auto with *.

 apply osup2_incl1; auto.

Lemma osup2_lt x y z : isOrd z -> x z -> y z -> x y z.
destruct (isOrd_dir _ H x y); trivial.
destruct H3.
apply isOrd_plump with x0; trivial.
 apply isOrd_osup2; eauto using isOrd_inv.

 apply osup2_lub; eauto using isOrd_inv.

Lemma isDir_succ : o,
  isOrd o -> isDir (osucc o).
red; intros.
exists (x y).
 apply osup2_lt; auto.

  apply osup2_incl1; eauto using isOrd_inv.
  apply osup2_incl2; eauto using isOrd_inv.

Lemma osup2_sym : x y, isWf x -> isWf y -> x y == y x.
intros x y wfx wfy.
revert y wfy ; apply isWf_ind with (2:=wfx); intros.
apply eq_intro; intros.
 rewrite osup2_ax in H1|-*; trivial.
 destruct H1 as [?|[?|(x',?,(y',?,?))]];[right;left|left|right;right]; trivial.
 exists y'; trivial.
 exists x'; trivial.
 rewrite H3; apply H0; eauto using isWf_inv.

 rewrite osup2_ax in H1|-*; trivial.
 destruct H1 as [?|[?|(x',?,(y',?,?))]];[right;left|left|right;right]; trivial.
 exists y'; trivial.
 exists x'; trivial.
 rewrite H3; symmetry; apply H0; eauto using isWf_inv.

Lemma osup2_assoc : x y z, isOrd x -> isOrd y -> isOrd z ->
  x (y z) == x y z.
intros x y z wfx; revert y z; apply isOrd_ind with (2:=wfx); intros.
apply eq_intro; intros.
 rewrite osup2_ax in H4|-*; auto.
 2:apply isOrd_wf.
 2:apply isOrd_osup2; trivial.
 rewrite osup2_ax; auto.
 destruct H4 as [?|[?|(x',?,(w',?,?))]]; auto.
  rewrite osup2_ax in H4; auto.
  destruct H4 as [?|[?|(y',?,(z',?,?))]]; auto.
  right; right.
  exists y';[|exists z']; trivial.
  apply osup2_incl2; auto.

  rewrite osup2_ax in H5; auto.
  destruct H5 as [?|[?|(y'',?,(z',?,?))]]; auto.
   left; right; right; exists x'; [trivial|exists w';trivial].

   right; right; exists x'; [|exists w';trivial].
   apply osup2_incl1; auto.

   right; right; exists (x' y'');[|exists z']; trivial.
    rewrite osup2_ax; [right; right; exists x'; [trivial|exists y'']; auto with *|auto].

    rewrite <- H1; eauto using isOrd_inv.
    rewrite <- H8; trivial.

 rewrite osup2_ax in H4|-*; auto.
 2:apply isOrd_wf.
 2:apply isOrd_osup2; trivial.
 rewrite osup2_ax; auto.
 destruct H4 as [?|[?|(w',?,(z',?,?))]]; auto.
  rewrite osup2_ax in H4; auto.
  destruct H4 as [?|[?|(y',?,(z',?,?))]]; auto.
  right; right.
  exists y';[|exists z']; trivial.
  apply osup2_incl1; auto.

  rewrite osup2_ax in H4; auto.
  destruct H4 as [?|[?|(x',?,(y',?,?))]]; auto.
   right; right; exists w'; [trivial|exists z';trivial].
   apply osup2_incl2; auto.

   right; left; right; right; exists w'; [trivial|exists z';trivial].

   right; right; exists x';[|exists (y' z')]; trivial.
    rewrite osup2_ax; [right; right; exists y'; [trivial|exists z']; auto with *|auto].

    rewrite H1; eauto using isOrd_inv.
    rewrite <- H8; trivial.

Indexed supremum of monotonic family

Section OrdinalUpperBound.

  Variable I : set.
  Variable f : set -> set.
  Hypothesis f_ext : ext_fun I f.
  Hypothesis f_ord : x, x I -> isOrd (f x).

  Lemma isOrd_supf_intro : n, n I -> f n sup I f.
red; intros.
rewrite sup_ax; trivial.
exists n; trivial.

  Lemma isOrd_supf_elim : x, x < sup I f -> exists2 n, n I & x < f n.
rewrite sup_ax in H; trivial.

  Hypothesis supf_dir : x y, x I -> y I ->
    exists2 z, z I & f x f z /\ f y f z.

  Lemma isDir_ord_sup : isDir (sup I f).
red; intros.
rewrite sup_ax in H; trivial; destruct H.
rewrite sup_ax in H0; trivial; destruct H0.
destruct supf_dir with x0 x1; trivial.
destruct H4.
exists (x y).
 rewrite sup_ax; trivial.
 exists x2; trivial.
 apply osup2_lt; auto.

  apply osup2_incl1; eauto using isWf_inv.
  apply osup2_incl2; eauto using isWf_inv.

  Lemma isOrd_supf : isOrd (sup I f).
apply isOrd_intro; intros.
 elim isOrd_supf_elim with (1:=H1); intros.
 apply isOrd_supf_intro with x; trivial.
 apply isOrd_plump with b; auto.

 apply isDir_ord_sup.

 elim isOrd_supf_elim with (1:=H); intros.
 apply isOrd_inv with (f x); auto.

End OrdinalUpperBound.

Require Import ZFrepl.

Section LimOrd.

  Variable f : nat -> set.
  Variable ford : n, isOrd (f n).
  Variable fmono : m n, (m <= n)%nat -> f m f n.

  Let F x := uchoice (fun y => exists2 n, x == nat2set n & f n == y).

  Let Fm : morph1 F.
do 2 red; intros.
apply uchoice_morph_raw.
red; intros.
apply ex2_morph.
 red; intros.
 rewrite H; reflexivity.

 red; intros.
 rewrite H0; reflexivity.

  Let Fch : x, x N ->
    uchoice_pred (fun y => exists2 n, x == nat2set n & f n == y).
split;[|split]; intros.
 revert H1; apply ex2_morph; red; intros; auto with *.
 rewrite H0; reflexivity.

 elim H using N_ind; intros.
  revert H2; apply ex_morph.
  red; intros.
  apply ex2_morph; red; intros; auto with *.
  rewrite H1; reflexivity.

  exists (f 0); exists 0; simpl; auto with *.

  destruct H1 as (y,(m,?,?)).
  exists (f (S m)); exists (S m); simpl; auto with *.
  apply succ_morph; trivial.

 destruct H0; destruct H1.
 rewrite <- H2; rewrite <- H3; rewrite H0 in H1; apply nat2set_inj in H1.
 rewrite H1; reflexivity.

  Definition ord_sup := sup N F.

  Lemma isOrd_sup_intro : n, f n ord_sup.
unfold ord_sup.
red; intros.
rewrite sup_ax; trivial.
2:do 2 red; intros; apply Fm; trivial.
exists (nat2set n).
 apply nat2set_typ.

 destruct (uchoice_def _ (Fch _ (nat2set_typ n))).
 unfold F; rewrite <- H1.
 apply nat2set_inj in H0; rewrite <- H0; trivial.

  Lemma isOrd_sup_elim : x, x < ord_sup -> exists n, x < f n.
unfold ord_sup; intros.
rewrite sup_ax in H.
2:do 2 red; intros; apply Fm; trivial.
destruct H.
destruct (uchoice_def _ (Fch _ H)).
exists x1; rewrite H2; trivial.

  Lemma isOrd_sup : isOrd ord_sup.
apply isOrd_intro; intros.
 elim isOrd_sup_elim with (1:=H1); intros.
 apply isOrd_sup_intro with x.
 apply isOrd_plump with b; auto.

 red; intros.
 apply isOrd_sup_elim in H; destruct H.
 apply isOrd_sup_elim in H0; destruct H0.
 exists (x y).
  destruct (isOrd_dir _ (ford (x0+x1)) x y).
   apply (fmono x0); auto with arith.
   apply (fmono x1); auto with *.

   destruct H2.
   apply (isOrd_sup_intro (x0+x1)).
   apply isOrd_plump with x2; auto.
    apply isOrd_osup2; eauto using isOrd_inv.

    apply osup2_lub; eauto using isOrd_inv.

   apply osup2_incl1; eauto using isWf_inv.
   apply osup2_incl2; eauto using isWf_inv.

 elim isOrd_sup_elim with (1:=H); intros.
 apply isOrd_inv with (f x); trivial.

  Lemma ord_sup_typ X :
    ( n, f n X) ->
    ( g, morph1 g -> ( n, n N -> g n X) -> sup N g X) ->
    ord_sup X.
unfold ord_sup.
apply H0; trivial; intros.
destruct (uchoice_def _ (Fch _ H1)).
unfold F; rewrite <- H3; trivial.

End LimOrd.

Lemma isOrd_union : x,
  ( y, y x -> isOrd y) ->
  ( a a', a x -> a' x -> exists2 b, b x & a b /\ a' b) ->
 isOrd (union x).
rewrite union_is_sup.
apply isOrd_supf; auto.
do 2 red; trivial.

Lemma isOrd_inter : x,
  ( y, y x -> isOrd y) -> isOrd (inter x).
apply isOrd_intro; intros.
 apply inter_intro; trivial.
  apply isOrd_plump with b; auto.
  apply inter_elim with (1:=H2); trivial.

  destruct inter_non_empty with (1:=H2); eauto.

 red; intros.
 destruct inter_non_empty with (1:=H0) as (w,?,?).
 exists (x0 y).
  apply inter_intro; intros; eauto.
  apply osup2_lt; auto.
   apply inter_elim with (1:=H0); trivial.
   apply inter_elim with (1:=H1); trivial.

   apply osup2_incl1; eauto using isWf_inv.
   apply osup2_incl2; eauto using isWf_inv.

 destruct inter_non_empty with (1:=H0).
 eauto using isOrd_inv.

Fixpoint nat2ordset n :=
  match n with
  | 0 => zero
  | S k => osucc (nat2ordset k)

Lemma nat2ordset_typ : n, isOrd (nat2ordset n).
induction n; simpl; intros.
 apply isOrd_zero.
 apply isOrd_succ; trivial.
Hint Resolve nat2ordset_typ.

Ordinal omega

Definition omega := ord_sup nat2ordset.

Lemma isOrd_omega : isOrd omega.
apply isOrd_sup; trivial.
induction 1; intros; auto with *.
transitivity (nat2ordset m0); trivial.
red; intros.
apply isOrd_trans with (2:=H0); auto.
Hint Resolve isOrd_omega.

Lemma zero_omega : lt zero omega.
apply isOrd_sup_intro with 1; simpl.
apply lt_osucc; trivial.
Hint Resolve zero_omega.

Lemma osucc_omega : n, lt n omega -> lt (osucc n) omega.
apply isOrd_sup_elim in H; destruct H.
apply isOrd_sup_intro with (S x); simpl.
apply lt_osucc_compat; auto.
Hint Resolve osucc_omega.

Lemma omega_limit_ord : limitOrd omega.
split; auto.
Hint Resolve omega_limit_ord.

Definition iter_w (f:set->set) o :=
  ord_sup(nat_rect(fun _=>set) o (fun _ => f)).

Lemma isOrd_iter_w : f o,
  o f o ->
  ( x y, isOrd x -> isOrd y -> x y -> f x f y) ->
  ( x, isOrd x -> isOrd (f x)) ->
  isOrd o ->
  isOrd (iter_w f o).
unfold iter_w.
apply isOrd_sup.
 induction n; simpl; intros; auto.

 induction m; simpl; intros.
  revert o H H2; elim n; simpl; intros; auto with *.
  transitivity (f o); trivial.
  apply H0; auto.
  elim n0; simpl; auto.

  destruct n; simpl.
   inversion H3.
  apply H0; auto with arith.
   elim m; simpl; auto.
   elim n; simpl; auto.

Definition plus_w := iter_w osucc.

Indexed supremum of arbitrary family

Section DirOrdinalSup.

  Variable I : set.
  Variable f : set -> set.
  Hypothesis f_ext : ext_fun I f.
  Hypothesis f_ord : x, x I -> isOrd (f x).

Taking the supremum pairwise
  Definition osupf X := sup X (fun x => replf X (fun y => x y)).
  Definition osupfn n := nat_rect (fun _ => set) (sup I f) (fun _ => osupf) n.
Iterating ω times, we get a fixpoint
  Definition osup := ord_sup osupfn.

  Lemma osupf_def X z : z osupf X <-> exists2 x, x X & exists2 y, y X & z == x y.
unfold osupf; rewrite sup_ax.
 apply ex2_morph.
  red; reflexivity.

  red; intros.
  rewrite replf_ax.

   do 2 red; intros; apply osup2_morph; auto with *.

 do 2 red; intros; apply replf_morph; auto with *.
 red; intros; apply osup2_morph; trivial.

  Lemma osupf_mono X Y :
    X Y ->
    osupf X osupf Y.
red; intros.
rewrite osupf_def in H0|-*.
destruct H0 as (x,?,(y,?,?)); exists x; auto.
exists y; auto.

  Lemma osupfn_mono m n : (m <= n)%nat -> osupfn m osupfn n.
revert n; induction m; simpl; intros.
 clear H; induction n; simpl; auto with *.
 apply osupf_mono in IHn.
 red; intros; apply IHn.
 rewrite osupf_def.
 exists z; trivial.
 exists z; trivial.
 symmetry; apply osup2_refl.
 rewrite sup_ax in H; trivial.
 destruct H.
 apply isOrd_inv with (f x); auto.

 destruct n; simpl.
  inversion H.
 apply osupf_mono; apply IHm; auto with arith.

  Lemma osup_intro : x, x I -> f x osup.
red; intros.
unfold osup.
apply isOrd_sup_intro with (n:=0); simpl.
rewrite sup_ax; eauto.

  Lemma isOrd_osupfn : n x, x osupfn n -> isOrd x.
induction n; simpl; intros.
 rewrite sup_ax in H; trivial.
 destruct H; eauto using isOrd_inv.

 rewrite osupf_def in H.
 destruct H as (y,?,(y',?,?)).
 rewrite H1; apply isOrd_osup2; eauto using isOrd_inv.

  Lemma isOrd_osup : isOrd osup.
unfold osup.
apply isOrd_intro; intros.
 apply isOrd_sup_elim in H1.
 destruct H1 as (n,?).
 apply isOrd_sup_intro with n.
 revert a b H H0 H1.
 induction n; simpl; intros.
  rewrite sup_ax in H1|-*; trivial.
  destruct H1.
  exists x; trivial.
  apply isOrd_plump with b; auto.

  rewrite osupf_def in H1|-*.
  destruct H1 as (x,?,(y,?,?)).
  assert (xo : isOrd x).
   apply isOrd_osupfn in H1; trivial.
  assert (yo : isOrd y).
   apply isOrd_osupfn in H2; trivial.
  exists (a x).
   apply IHn with x; trivial.
    apply isOrd_inter2; trivial.

    apply inter2_incl2.

  exists (a y).
   apply IHn with y; trivial.
    apply isOrd_inter2; trivial.

    apply inter2_incl2.

   destruct osup2_proof with x y as (_,?); trivial.
   rewrite <- H4; trivial.
   apply eq_intro; intros.
    rewrite inter2_def; split; trivial.
    rewrite <- H3; auto.

    rewrite inter2_def in H5; destruct H5; trivial.

 red; intros.
 apply isOrd_sup_elim in H; destruct H as (n,?).
 apply isOrd_sup_elim in H0; destruct H0 as (m,?).
 assert (xo : isOrd x).
  apply isOrd_osupfn in H; trivial.
 assert (yo : isOrd y).
   apply isOrd_osupfn in H0; trivial.
 exists (x y).
  apply isOrd_sup_intro with (S(n+m)); simpl.
  rewrite osupf_def; exists x.
   revert H; apply osupfn_mono; auto with arith.
  exists y; auto with *.
   revert H0; apply osupfn_mono; auto with arith.

   apply osup2_incl1; auto.
   apply osup2_incl2; auto.

 apply isOrd_sup_elim in H; destruct H as (n,?).
 apply isOrd_osupfn in H; trivial.

  Lemma osup_lub z :
    isOrd z ->
    ( x, x I -> f x z) ->
    osup z.
red; intros.
apply isOrd_sup_elim in H1; destruct H1 as (n,?).
revert z0 H1; induction n; simpl; intros.
 rewrite sup_ax in H1; trivial.
 destruct H1.
 revert H2; apply H0; trivial.

 rewrite osupf_def in H1; destruct H1 as (x,?,(y,?,?)).
 rewrite H3; apply osup2_lt; auto.

  Lemma osup_univ U :
    ( X F, ext_fun X F -> X U -> ( x, x X -> F x U) ->
     sup X F U) ->
    ( X x y, X U -> isWf x -> x X -> y X -> singl (x y) U) ->
    N U ->
    I U ->
    ( x, x I -> f x U) ->
    osup U.
unfold osup.
apply ord_sup_typ; intros.
 induction n; simpl; intros; auto.
 unfold osupf.
 apply H; intros; trivial.
  do 2 red; intros; apply replf_morph; auto with *.
  red; intros; apply osup2_morph; auto.

  rewrite replf_is_sup.
  2:do 2 red; intros; apply osup2_morph; auto with *.
  apply H; eauto.
   do 2 red; intros; apply singl_morph; apply osup2_morph; auto with *.

   apply H0 with (1:=IHn); trivial.
   apply isOrd_osupfn in H4; auto.
 apply H; trivial.
 do 2 red; intros; apply H4; trivial.

End DirOrdinalSup.

Lemma isOrd_eq_osup : o, isOrd o -> o == osup o osucc.
apply incl_eq.
 red; intros.
 apply osup_intro with (x:=z); trivial.
  do 2 red; intros; apply osucc_morph; trivial.

  apply lt_osucc; eauto using isOrd_inv.

 apply osup_lub; trivial.
  do 2 red; intros; apply osucc_morph; trivial.

  red; intros.
  apply le_lt_trans with x; trivial.

  Lemma osup_morph : x x' f f',
    x == x' -> eq_fun x f f' -> osup x f == osup x' f'.
unfold osup, ord_sup; intros.
apply sup_morph; auto with *.
red; intros.
apply uchoice_morph_raw.
red; intros.
apply ex2_morph; red; intros.
 rewrite H2; reflexivity.

 assert (osupfn x f a == osupfn x' f' a).
  induction a; simpl; intros.
   apply sup_morph; auto.

   apply incl_eq; apply osupf_mono; rewrite IHa; reflexivity.
 rewrite H4; rewrite H3; reflexivity.

Projection toward ordinals

Definition toOrd (x : set) :=
  osup (subset x isOrd) osucc.

Instance toOrd_morph : morph1 toOrd.
do 2 red; intros.
unfold toOrd.
apply osup_morph.
 apply subset_morph; auto with *.

 red; intros; rewrite H1; reflexivity.

Lemma toOrd_isOrd : x, isOrd (toOrd x).
unfold toOrd.
apply isOrd_osup; intros.
 red; red; intros.
 rewrite H0; reflexivity.

 apply isOrd_succ.
 destruct subset_elim2 with (1:=H).
 rewrite H0; trivial.

Lemma toOrd_ord : o, isOrd o -> toOrd o == o.
unfold toOrd.
apply incl_eq.
 apply osup_lub; trivial.
  do 2 red; intros; apply osucc_morph; trivial.

  red; intros.
  assert (isOrd x).
   apply subset_elim2 in H0; destruct H0.
   rewrite H0; trivial.
  apply subset_elim1 in H0.
  apply isOrd_plump with x; eauto using isOrd_inv.
  apply olts_le in H1; trivial.

 red; intros.
 assert (z osucc z).
  apply lt_osucc.
  apply isOrd_inv with o; trivial.
 revert H1; apply osup_intro.
  do 2 red; intros; apply osucc_morph; auto.

  apply subset_intro; trivial.
  apply isOrd_inv with o; trivial.