Library ZFcard

Require Import ZF.

Definition le_card (x y:set) : Prop :=
  exists2 R : set -> set -> Prop,
    Proper (eq_set ==> eq_set ==> iff) R &
    ( x', x' x -> exists2 y', y' y & R x' y') /\
    ( x1 y1 x2 y2, x1 x -> x2 x -> y1 y -> y2 y ->
     R x1 y1 -> R x2 y2 -> y1 == y2 -> x1 == x2).

Instance le_card_morph : Proper (eq_set ==> eq_set ==> iff) le_card.
split; destruct 1.
 destruct H2.
 exists x1; trivial; split; intros.
  rewrite <- H in H4.
  elim H2 with x'; intros; trivial.
  exists x2; trivial.
  rewrite <- H0; trivial.

  rewrite <- H in H4,H5|-.
  rewrite <- H0 in H6,H7|-.

 destruct H2.
 exists x1; trivial; split; intros.
  rewrite H in H4.
  elim H2 with x'; intros; trivial.
  exists x2; trivial.
  rewrite H0; trivial.

  rewrite H in H4,H5|-.
  rewrite H0 in H6,H7|-.

Instance le_card_refl : Reflexive le_card.
exists (fun x' y' => x' == y').
 do 3 red; intros.
 rewrite H; rewrite H0; reflexivity.

 split; intros.
  exists x'; trivial; reflexivity.

  rewrite H3; rewrite H4; trivial.

Instance le_card_trans : Transitive le_card.
destruct 1 as (R,Rm,(incl,inj));
destruct 1 as (R',R'm,(incl',inj')).
exists (fun x' z' => exists2 y', y' y & R x' y' /\ R' y' z'); [|split;intros].
 do 3 red; intros.
 apply ex2_morph.
  red; reflexivity.

  red; intros.
  rewrite H; rewrite H0; reflexivity.

 elim incl with x'; trivial; intros.
 elim incl' with x0; trivial; intros.
 exists x1; trivial.
 exists x0; auto.

 destruct H3 as (y1',in1,(r1,r1'));
   destruct H4 as (y2',in2,(r2,r2')).

Definition lt_card x y :=
  ~ le_card y x.

Lemma incl_le_card : x y, x y -> le_card x y.
exists (fun x y => x == y); [|split;intros].
 do 3 red; intros.
 rewrite H0; rewrite H1; reflexivity.

 exists x'; auto.

 rewrite H4; rewrite H5; trivial.

Lemma cantor_le : x, lt_card x (power x).
red; red; intros.
destruct H as (R,Rm,(incl,Rfun)).
pose (D := subset x (fun x' => x'' z, z power x ->
             x'' == x' -> R z x'' -> ~ x'' z)).
assert (D power x).
 apply power_intro; intros.
 unfold D in H.
 apply subset_elim1 with (1:=H).
elim incl with D; trivial; intros d in_d rel_d.
assert (~ d D).
 red; intros.
 unfold D in H0.
 elim subset_elim2 with (1:=H0); intros.
 apply H2 with d D; trivial.
apply H0.
unfold D; apply subset_intro; trivial.
rewrite H2.
assert (z == D).
 apply Rfun with x'' d; auto.
 rewrite H2; trivial.
rewrite H4; trivial.

Lemma discr_power : x, ~ x == power x.
red; intros.
apply cantor_le with x.
rewrite <- H.

Definition equi_card (x y:set) : Prop :=
  exists2 R : set -> set -> Prop,
    Proper (eq_set ==> eq_set ==> iff) R &
    ( x', x' x -> exists2 y', y' y & R x' y') /\
    ( y', y' y -> exists2 x', x' x & R x' y') /\
    ( x1 y1 x2 y2, x1 x -> x2 x -> y1 y -> y2 y ->
     R x1 y1 -> R x2 y2 -> (x1 == x2 <-> y1 == y2)).

Instance equi_card_morph : Proper (eq_set ==> eq_set ==> iff) equi_card.
apply morph_impl_iff2; auto with *.
unfold equi_card; do 4 red; intros.
destruct H1 as (R,Rm,(incl1,(incl2,bij))).
exists R; [trivial|split;[|split]]; intros.
 rewrite <- H in H1.
 destruct (incl1 x'); trivial.
 rewrite H0 in H2.
 exists x1; trivial.

 rewrite <- H0 in H1.
 destruct (incl2 y'); trivial.
 rewrite H in H2.
 exists x1; trivial.

 rewrite <- H in H1,H2.
 rewrite <- H0 in H3,H4.

Instance equi_card_refl : Reflexive equi_card.
exists (fun x' y' => x' == y').
 do 3 red; intros.
 rewrite H; rewrite H0; reflexivity.

 split; [|split]; intros.
  exists x'; trivial; reflexivity.
  exists y'; trivial; reflexivity.
  rewrite H3; rewrite H4; reflexivity.

Instance equi_card_sym : Symmetric equi_card.
red; destruct 1 as (R,Rm,(incl1,(incl2,bij))).
exists (fun x' y' => R y' x'); intros; auto.
 do 3 red; intros; apply Rm; trivial.

 split;[|split]; trivial.
 symmetry; auto.

Instance equi_card_trans : Transitive equi_card.
destruct 1 as (R,Rm,(incl1,(incl2,bij)));
destruct 1 as (R',R'm,(incl1',(incl2',bij'))).
exists (fun x' z' => exists2 y', y' y & R x' y' /\ R' y' z').
 do 3 red; intros.
 apply ex2_morph.
  red; reflexivity.

  red; intros.
  rewrite H; rewrite H0; reflexivity.

 split; [|split]; intros.
  elim incl1 with x'; trivial; intros.
  elim incl1' with x0; trivial; intros.
  exists x1; trivial.
  exists x0; auto.

  elim incl2' with y'; trivial; intros.
  elim incl2 with x0; trivial; intros.
  exists x1; trivial.
  exists x0; auto.

  destruct H3 as (y1',in1,(r1,r1'));
    destruct H4 as (y2',in2,(r2,r2')).
  transitivity (y1' == y2'); auto.

Lemma equi_card_le : x y, equi_card x y -> le_card x y.
destruct 1 as (R,Rm,(incl1,(incl2,bij))).
exists R; [trivial|split;intros;auto].
refine (proj2 (bij _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H3 H4) H5); trivial.

Lemma cantor : x, ~ equi_card x (power x).
red; intros; apply (cantor_le x);
apply equi_card_le; apply equi_card_sym; trivial.

Require Import ZFnats ZFord.

Definition isCard x :=
  isOrd x /\ ( y, lt y x -> lt_card y x).

Definition regular_card o :=
   x F,
  lt_card x o ->
  ext_fun x F ->
  ( y, y x -> lt_card (F y) o) ->
  lt_card (sup x F) o.

Definition regular o := x F,
  lt_card x o ->
  ext_fun x F ->
  ( y, y x -> lt (F y) o) ->
  lt (sup x F) o.

Section RegularRelational.
Import ZFrepl.

Definition regular_rel o := x R,
  lt_card x o ->
  repl_rel x R ->
  ( y z, y x -> R y z -> lt z o) ->
  lt (union (repl x R)) o.

Lemma regular_weaker : o,
  regular_rel o -> regular o.
red; intros.
change (sup x F) with (union (repl x (fun x y => y == F x))).
apply H; intros; auto.
 apply repl_rel_fun; trivial.

 rewrite H4; auto.

End RegularRelational.

Definition regular' o := x F,
  lt x o ->
  ext_fun x F ->
  ( y, y x -> lt (F y) o) ->
  lt (sup x F) o.

Definition stronglyInaccessibleCard o :=
  limitOrd o /\ regular o.

Definition lt_card2 a b :=
  ( x x' y y', x a -> y b -> y' b ->
   R x y -> R x' y' -> x==x' -> y==y') ->
  exists2 y, y b & x, x a -> ~ R x y.

Lemma lt_card_weaker : a b,
  lt_card2 a b -> lt_card a b.
red; red; intros.
destruct H0 as (R,?,(?,?)).
destruct (H (fun x y => R y x)).
 apply H2 with x x'; trivial.
 rewrite <- H8; trivial.

 destruct H1 with x; trivial.
 eapply H4; eauto.

Require Import ZFrelations.

Require Import Relations.

Section Hartog.

Variable X:set.
Set Implciit Arguments.

  Record REL A0 : Type := {
    Rel :> A0 -> A0 -> Prop;
    dom : A0 -> Prop;
    wfrel : well_founded Rel

  Definition morphism A0 (R S : REL A0) (f : A0 -> A0) :=
    ( x y, dom _ R x -> dom _ R y -> R x y -> S (f x) (f y)) /\
    ( x, dom _ R x -> dom _ S (f x)).

  Record emb A0 (R1 R2 : REL A0) : Prop := {
     f : A0 -> A0;
     fmorph : morphism _ R1 R2 f;
     maj : A0;
     majd : dom _ R2 maj;
     majf : z, dom _ R1 z -> R2 (f z) maj}.

  Parameter WF_emb : A0, well_founded (emb A0).

  Definition emb0 A0 i0 (x y:A0) :=
    exists2 R1, x = i0 R1 & exists2 R2, y = i0 R2 & emb A0 R1 R2.

  Parameter WF_emb0 : A0 i0, well_founded (emb0 A0 i0).

  Definition Emb A0 i0 (P:A0->Prop) : REL A0 :=
     Build_REL _ (emb0 A0 i0) P (WF_emb0 A0 i0).

Parameter Burali_Forti
     : (A0 : Type) (i0 : REL A0 -> A0),
       ( R1 R2 : REL A0,
        i0 R1 = i0 R2 -> exists f : A0 -> A0, morphism A0 R1 R2 f) -> False.

Definition order_type_assign_rel R a o :=
  Proper (eq_set ==> eq_set ==> iff) P ->
  ( x f,
   let x' := subset X (fun y => rel_app R y x) in
   ext_fun x' f ->
   ( y, rel_app R y x -> P y (f y)) ->
   P x (osup x' (fun y => osucc (f y)))) ->
  P a o.

Instance order_type_assign_ext :
  Proper (eq_set==>eq_set==>eq_set==>iff) order_type_assign_rel.

Lemma order_type_assign_rel_inv : r a x,
  order_type_assign_rel r a x ->
  exists2 f,
     b, rel_app r b a -> order_type_assign_rel r b (f b) &
    let a' := subset X (fun b => rel_app r b a) in
    ext_fun a' f /\ x == osup a' (fun y => osucc (f y)).
apply H; intros.
 apply morph_impl_iff2; auto with *.
 do 4 red; intros.
 destruct H2.
 exists x2; intros.
  rewrite <- H0 in H4; auto.

  destruct H3; split.
   do 2 red; intros; apply H3; auto.
   apply subset_intro.
    apply subset_elim1 in H5; trivial.

    apply subset_elim2 in H5; destruct H5.
    rewrite H5; rewrite H0; trivial.

   rewrite<- H1; rewrite H4.
   apply osup_morph; auto.
    apply subset_morph; auto with *.
    red; intros.
    rewrite H0; auto with *.

    red; intros.
    apply osucc_morph.
    apply H3; trivial.

 exists f; intros.
 2:split; [trivial|reflexivity].
 red; intros.
 destruct H1 with b; trivial.
 destruct H6.
 rewrite H7.
 apply H4; intros; trivial.
 apply H5; trivial.

Require Import ZFrepl.

Require Import Relations.

Definition isWellOrder R :=
   x, Acc (rel_app R) x.

Instance isWO_m : Proper (eq_set ==> iff) isWellOrder.

Lemma order_type_assign_uchoice : R a,
  isWellOrder R ->
  uchoice_pred (order_type_assign_rel R a).
elim (H a); intros.
split;[|split]; intros.
 rewrite <- H2; trivial.

 exists (osup (subset X (fun z => rel_app R z x))
            (fun z => osucc (uchoice (order_type_assign_rel R z)))).
 red; intros.
 apply H3; intros.
  do 2 red; intros.
  apply uchoice_morph_raw.
  red; intros.
  rewrite H5; rewrite H6; reflexivity.

  apply (uchoice_def _ (H1 _ H4)); trivial.

 clear a.
 revert x' H1 H3.
 apply H2; intros.
  apply morph_impl_iff2; auto with *.
  do 4 red; intros.
  rewrite <- H3; apply H4; intros.
   apply H5.
   rewrite <- H1; trivial.

   rewrite H1; trivial.

  destruct order_type_assign_rel_inv with (1:=H5) as (f',?,(_,?)).
  rewrite H7.
  apply osup_morph.
   apply subset_morph; auto with *.

   red; intros.
   apply osucc_morph.
   apply H3; intros; auto.
    apply subset_elim2 in H8; destruct H8.
    rewrite H8; trivial.

    apply H4.
    admit.     rewrite H9.
    apply H6.
    rewrite <- H9.
    apply subset_elim2 in H8; destruct H8.
    rewrite H8; trivial.

Lemma order_type_assign_rel_inv' : r a,
  isWellOrder r ->
  uchoice (order_type_assign_rel r a) ==
  osup (subset X (fun b => rel_app r b a))
    (fun b => osucc (uchoice (order_type_assign_rel r b))).
generalize (uchoice_def _ (order_type_assign_uchoice _ a H)); intro.
apply order_type_assign_rel_inv in H0; destruct H0.
destruct H1.
rewrite H2.
apply osup_morph; auto with *.
red; intros.
apply osucc_morph.
rewrite (H1 x0 x'); trivial.
rewrite H4 in H3; clear x0 H4.
apply subset_elim2 in H3; destruct H3.
rewrite <- H3 in H4 ;clear x0 H3.
apply H0 in H4.
apply uchoice_ext; trivial.
apply order_type_assign_uchoice; trivial.

Lemma order_type_assign_ord : R a o,
  order_type_assign_rel R a o ->
  isOrd o.
red in H.
pattern a, o; apply H.
 do 3 red; intros.
 rewrite H1; reflexivity.

 apply isOrd_osup; intros.
  do 2 red; intros.
  apply osucc_morph; apply H0; trivial.

  apply subset_elim2 in H2; destruct H2.
  rewrite <- H2 in H3; auto.

Definition order_type R :=
  osup X (fun a => osucc (uchoice (order_type_assign_rel R a))).

Lemma ot_ext : x x',
  x == x' ->
  eq_fun X
    (fun a => osucc (uchoice (order_type_assign_rel x a)))
    (fun a => osucc (uchoice (order_type_assign_rel x' a))).
red; intros.
apply osucc_morph.
apply uchoice_morph_raw.
apply order_type_assign_ext; auto with *.

Instance order_type_ext : morph1 order_type.
unfold order_type.
do 2 red; intros.
apply osup_morph; auto with *.
apply ot_ext; trivial.

Definition wo := subset (rel X X) isWellOrder.

Lemma wo_def2 : r, r wo -> isWellOrder r.
apply subset_elim2 in H; destruct H.
rewrite H; trivial.
Hint Resolve wo_def2.

Definition hartog_succ :=
  osup wo order_type.

Lemma isOrd_hartog : isOrd hartog_succ.
unfold hartog_succ.
apply isOrd_osup.
 do 2 red; intros.
 rewrite H0; reflexivity.

 unfold order_type.
 apply isOrd_osup.
  red; apply ot_ext; reflexivity.

  apply wo_def2 in H.
  generalize (uchoice_def _ (order_type_assign_uchoice _ x0 H)).
  apply isOrd_succ.
  apply order_type_assign_ord with (1:=H1).

Lemma hartog_assign_surj : x,
  x hartog_succ ->
  exists2 R, R wo &
    y, y x -> exists2 b, b X & order_type_assign_rel R b y.

Section BuraliForti.

Variable I : set -> set -> Prop.
Hypothesis ty_I : x,
  x hartog_succ -> exists2 y, y X & I x y.
Hypothesis inj_I : x1 y1 x2 y2,
  x1 hartog_succ ->
  x2 hartog_succ ->
  y1 X ->
  y2 X ->
  I x1 y1 ->
  I x2 y2 ->
  y1 == y2 -> x1 == x2.

  Definition OT R :=
    order_type (inject_rel (fun x y => dom _ R x /\ dom _ R y /\ R x y) X X).

  Parameter OT_inj : (R1 R2:REL set),
    ( x, dom _ R1 x -> x X) ->
    ( x, dom _ R2 x -> x X) ->
    OT R1 OT R2 -> exists f, morphism _ R1 R2 f.

  Lemma burali_forti : False.
generalize ty_I inj_I.

End BuraliForti.

End Hartog.