Library ZF

Require Export basic.
Require Import Sublogic.
Require Export ZFdef.

We assume the existence of a model of IZF:
Require ZFskolEm.
Module IZF : IZF_R_sig CoqSublogicThms := ZFskolEm.IZF_R.
Include IZF.

Notation morph1 := (Proper (eq_set ==> eq_set)).
Notation morph2 := (Proper (eq_set ==> eq_set ==> eq_set)).

Instance eq_set_equiv: Equivalence eq_set.

Lemma eq_intro : x y,
  ( z, z x -> z y) ->
  ( z, z y -> z x) ->
  eq_set x y.

Lemma eq_elim : x y y',
  y == y' ->
  x y ->
  x y'.

Instance in_set_morph : Proper (eq_set ==> eq_set ==> iff) in_set.

Definition incl_set x y := z, z x -> z y.

Notation "x ⊆ y" := (incl_set x y).

Instance incl_set_pre : PreOrder incl_set.

Instance incl_set_morph : Proper (eq_set ==> eq_set ==> iff) incl_set.

Lemma incl_eq : x y, x y -> y x -> x == y.

Instance Fmono_morph F : Proper (incl_set==>incl_set) F -> morph1 F.
Hint Resolve Fmono_morph.

Extensional equivalences

Definition eq_fun dom F G :=
   x x', x dom -> x == x' -> F x == G x'.

Instance eq_fun_sym : dom, Symmetric (eq_fun dom).

Instance eq_fun_trans : dom, Transitive (eq_fun dom).

Definition ext_fun dom f := eq_fun dom f f.

Definition ext_fun2 A B f :=
   x x' y y', x A -> x == x' -> y B x -> y == y' -> f x y == f x' y'.

Lemma eq_fun_ext : dom F G, eq_fun dom F G -> ext_fun dom F.

Lemma morph_is_ext : F X, morph1 F -> ext_fun X F.
Hint Resolve morph_is_ext.

Definition eq_pred dom (P Q : set -> Prop) :=
   x, x dom -> (P x <-> Q x).

Instance eq_pred_set : dom, Equivalence (eq_pred dom).

Definition ext_rel dom (R:set->set->Prop) :=
   x x' y y', x dom -> x == x' -> y == y' -> (R x y <-> R x' y').

Definition eq_index x F y G :=
  ( a, a x -> exists2 b, b y & F a == G b) /\
  ( b, b y -> exists2 a, a x & F a == G b).

Lemma eq_index_sym : x F y G, eq_index x F y G -> eq_index y G x F.

Lemma eq_index_eq : x F y G,
  x == y ->
  eq_fun x F G ->
  eq_index x F y G.

Definition typ_fun f A B := x, x A -> f x B.

Instance typ_fun_morph0 : Proper (eq ==> eq_set ==> eq_set ==> iff) typ_fun.

Rephrasing axioms

Lemma empty_ext : e, ( x, ~x e) -> e == empty.

Lemma pair_intro1 : x y, x pair x y.

Lemma pair_intro2 : x y, y pair x y.

Hint Resolve pair_intro1 pair_intro2.

Lemma pair_elim : x a b, x pair a b -> x == a \/ x == b.

Lemma pair_ext : p a b,
  a p -> b p -> ( x, x p -> x == a \/ x == b) ->
  p == pair a b.

Instance pair_morph : morph2 pair.


Lemma union_intro : x y z, x y -> y z -> x union z.

Lemma union_elim : x z, x union z -> exists2 y, x y & y z.

Lemma union_ext :
   u z,
  ( x y, x y -> y z -> x u) ->
  ( x, x u -> exists2 y, x y & y z) ->
  u == union z.

Instance union_morph : morph1 union.

Instance union_mono : Proper (incl_set ==> incl_set) union.

Lemma union_empty_eq : union empty == empty.

Lemma power_intro :
   x y, ( z, z x -> z y) -> x power y.

Lemma power_elim : x y z, x power y -> z x -> z y.

Lemma power_mono : Proper (incl_set ==> incl_set) power.

Lemma power_ext :
   p a,
  ( x, ( y, y x -> y a) -> x p) ->
  ( x y, x p -> y x -> y a) ->
  p == power a.

Instance power_morph : morph1 power.

Lemma empty_in_power : x, empty power x.

Lemma union_in_power :
     x X, x power X -> union x power X.

Lemma subset_intro : a (P:set->Prop) x,
  x a -> P x -> x subset a P.

Lemma subset_elim1 : a (P:set->Prop) x, x subset a P -> x a.

Lemma subset_elim2 : a (P:set->Prop) x, x subset a P ->
  exists2 x', x==x' & P x'.

Lemma subset_ext :
   s a (P:set->Prop),
  ( x, x a -> P x -> x s) ->
  ( x, x s -> x a) ->
  ( x, x s -> exists2 x', x==x' & P x') ->
  s == subset a P.

Lemma subset_morph :
   x x', x == x' ->
   (P P':set->Prop), eq_pred x P P' ->
  subset x P == subset x' P'.

Lemma union_subset_singl : x (P:set->Prop) y y',
  y x ->
  y == y' ->
  P y' ->
  ( y y', y x -> y' x -> P y -> P y' -> y == y') ->
  union (subset x P) == y.

Definition replf a (F:set->set) :=
  repl a (fun x y => y == F x).

Instance replf_mono_raw :
  Proper (incl_set ==> (eq_set ==> eq_set) ==> incl_set) replf.


Instance replf_morph_raw :
  Proper (eq_set ==> (eq_set ==> eq_set) ==> eq_set) replf.


Lemma replf_ax : a F z,
  ext_fun a F ->
  (z replf a F <-> exists2 x, x a & z == F x).

Lemma replf_intro : a F y x,
  ext_fun a F -> x a -> y == F x -> y replf a F.

Lemma replf_elim : a F y,
  ext_fun a F -> y replf a F -> exists2 x, x a & y == F x.

Lemma replf_ext : p a F,
  ext_fun a F ->
  ( x, x a -> F x p) ->
  ( y, y p -> exists2 x, x a & y == F x) ->
  p == replf a F.

Lemma replf_mono2 : x y F,
  ext_fun y F ->
  x y ->
  replf x F replf y F.

Lemma replf_morph_gen : x1 x2 F1 F2,
  ext_fun x1 F1 ->
  ext_fun x2 F2 ->
  eq_index x1 F1 x2 F2 ->
  replf x1 F1 == replf x2 F2.

Lemma replf_morph : x1 x2 F1 F2,
  x1 == x2 ->
  eq_fun x1 F1 F2 ->
  replf x1 F1 == replf x2 F2.

Lemma replf_empty : F, replf empty F == empty.

Lemma compose_replf : A F G,
  ext_fun A F ->
  ext_fun (replf A F) G ->
  replf (replf A F) G == replf A (fun x => G (F x)).

Conditional set

  Definition cond_set P x := subset x (fun _ => P).

  Instance cond_set_morph : Proper (iff ==> eq_set ==> eq_set) cond_set.

  Lemma cond_set_ax P x z :
    z cond_set P x <-> (z x /\ P).

 Lemma cond_set_morph2 : P Q x y,
    (P <-> Q) ->
    (P -> x == y) ->
    cond_set P x == cond_set Q y.

  Lemma cond_set_ok (P:Prop) x : P -> cond_set P x == x.

  Lemma cond_set_elim_prop x P z : z cond_set P x -> P.

other properties of axioms

Lemma pair_commut : x y, pair x y == pair y x.

Lemma pair_inv : x y x' y',
  pair x y == pair x' y' -> (x==x' /\ y==y') \/ (x==y' /\ y==x').

Lemma discr_mt_pair : a b, ~ empty == pair a b.

Definition singl x := pair x x.

Lemma singl_intro : x, x singl x.

Lemma singl_intro_eq : x y, x == y -> x singl y.

Lemma singl_elim : x y, x singl y -> x == y.

Lemma singl_ext :
   y x,
  x y ->
  ( z, z y -> z == x) ->
  y == singl x.

Instance singl_morph : morph1 singl.

Lemma union_singl_eq : x, union (singl x) == x.

Lemma singl_inj : x y, singl x == singl y -> x == y.

Union of 2 sets
Definition union2 x y := union (pair x y).

Infix "∪" := union2.

Lemma union2_intro1: x y z, z x -> z union2 x y.

Lemma union2_intro2: x y z, z y -> z union2 x y.

Lemma union2_elim : x y z, z x y -> z x \/ z y.

Lemma union2_ax x y z : z x y <-> z x \/ z y.

Lemma union2_mono : A A' B B',
  A A' -> B B' -> A B A' B'.

Instance union2_morph : morph2 union2.

Lemma union2_commut : x y, x y == y x.

Definition minus2 x y := subset x (fun x' => ~ (x' y)).

Upper bound of a family of sets

Definition sup x F := union (replf x F).

Lemma sup_ax : x F z,
  ext_fun x F ->
  (z sup x F <-> exists2 y, y x & z F y).

Lemma sup_ext : y a F,
  ext_fun a F ->
  ( x, x a -> F x y) ->
  ( z, z y -> exists2 x, x a & z F x) ->
  y == sup a F.

Lemma sup_morph_gen : a F b G,
  ext_fun a F ->
  ext_fun b G ->
  eq_index a F b G ->
  sup a F == sup b G.

Lemma sup_morph : a F b G,
  a == b ->
  eq_fun a F G ->
  sup a F == sup b G.

Lemma sup_incl : a F x,
  ext_fun a F -> x a -> F x sup a F.
Hint Resolve sup_incl.

Lemma replf_is_sup A F :
  ext_fun A F ->
  replf A F == sup A (fun x => singl (F x)).

Lemma union_is_sup a :
  union a == sup a (fun x => x).

Russel's paradox

Section Russel.

Variable U : set.
Variable universal : x, x U.

Definition omega := subset U (fun x => ~ x x).

Lemma omega_not_in_omega : ~ omega omega.

Lemma omega_in_omega : omega omega.

Lemma no_universal_set : False.
End Russel.


Definition inter x := subset (union x) (fun y => z, z x -> y z).

Lemma inter_empty_eq : inter empty == empty.

Lemma inter_intro :
   x a,
  ( y, y a -> x y) ->
  (exists w, w a) ->
  x inter a.

Lemma inter_elim : x a y, x inter a -> y a -> x y.

Lemma inter_non_empty :
   x y, y inter x -> exists2 w, w x & y w.

Lemma inter_wit : X F, morph1 F ->
  x, x inter (replf X F) ->
 exists y, y X.

Lemma inter_ext :
   i a,
  ( y, y a -> i y) ->
  ( x, ( y, y a -> x y) -> x i) ->
  (exists w, w a) ->
  i == inter a.

Instance inter_morph : morph1 inter.


Binary intersection

Definition inter2 x y := inter (pair x y).

Infix "∩" := inter2.

Instance inter2_morph: morph2 inter2.

Lemma inter2_def : x y z,
  z x y <-> z x /\ z y.

Lemma inter2_incl1 : x y, x y x.

Lemma inter2_incl2 : x y, x y y.

Lemma inter2_incl a x y : a x -> a y -> a x y.

Lemma incl_inter2 x y: x y -> x y == x.

Lemma inter2_comm x y :
  x y == y x.