Library ZFdef

Require Export basic.
Require Import Sublogic.

This module defines interfaces implementing various flavour of set theory, from Zermelo to IZF_R and IZF_C (ZF)
Reserved Notation "x ∈ y" (at level 60).
Reserved Notation "x == y" (at level 70).
Reserved Notation "x ⊆ y" (at level 70).

A generic set theory signature

Module Type SetTheory.

 (set : Type)
 (eq_set : set -> set -> Prop)
 (in_set : set -> set -> Prop).

Notation "x ∈ y" := (in_set x y).
Notation "x == y" := (eq_set x y).

 (eq_set_ax : a b, a == b <-> ( x, x a <-> x b))
 (in_reg : a a' b, a == a' -> a b -> a' b).

End SetTheory.

...and with well-foundation axiom. Plays the role of regularity axiom, but in an intutionistic setting (regularity is classical).
Module Type WfSetTheory (L:SublogicTheory).
Include SetTheory.

 (wf_ax: P:set->Prop,
    ( x, L.isL (P x)) ->
    ( x, ( y, y x -> P y) -> P x) ->
     x, P x).

End WfSetTheory.

Zermelo set theory:

  • empty set
  • pair axiom
  • union axiom
  • separation axiom
  • powerset axiom
  • infinity

Module Type Zermelo_sig (L:SublogicTheory).

Include WfSetTheory L.
Import L.

 (empty : set)
 (pair : set -> set -> set)
 (union : set -> set)
 (subset : set -> (set -> Prop) -> set)
 (infinite : set)
 (power : set -> set).

 (empty_ax: x, x empty -> #False)
 (pair_ax: a b x, x pair a b <-> #(x == a \/ x == b))
 (union_ax: a x, x union a <-> #exists2 y, x y & y a)
 (subset_ax : a P x,
    x subset a P <-> (x a /\ #exists2 x', x==x' & P x'))
 (infinity_ax1: empty infinite)
 (infinity_ax2: x,
                x infinite -> union (pair x (pair x x)) infinite)
 (power_ax: a x, x power a <-> ( y, y x -> y a)).

End Zermelo_sig.

Existential version

Module Type Zermelo_Ex_sig (L:SublogicTheory).
Include WfSetTheory L.
Import L.

 (empty_ex: L.Tr(exists empty, x, x empty -> #False))
 (pair_ex: a b, #exists c, x, x c <-> #(x == a \/ x == b))
 (union_ex: a, #exists b,
     x, x b <-> #exists2 y, x y & y a)
 (subset_ex : a P, #exists b,
     x, x b <-> (x a /\ exists2 x', x==x' & P x'))
 (infinity_ex: #exists2 infinite,
    #exists2 empty, ( x, x empty -> L.Tr False) &
        empty infinite &
    ( x, x infinite ->
     #exists2 y, ( z, z y <-> (z == x \/ z x)) &
       y infinite))
 (power_ex: a, #exists b,
      x, x b <-> ( y, y x -> y a)).

End Zermelo_Ex_sig.

IZF_R, Myhill's version of IZF:

  • regularity is stated as a well-foundation axiom
  • we use replacement, not collection
Skolemized version of IZF_R

Module Type IZF_R_sig (L:SublogicTheory).

Include Zermelo_sig L.
Import L.

 (repl : set -> (set -> set -> Prop) -> set).

 (repl_mono: a a',
    ( z, z a -> z a') ->
     (R R':set->set->Prop),
    ( x x', x==x' -> y y', y==y' -> (R x y <-> R' x' y')) ->
     z, z repl a R -> z repl a' R')
 (repl_ax: a (R:set->set->Prop),
    ( x x' y y', x a -> x == x' -> y == y' -> R x y -> R x' y') ->
    ( x y y', x a -> R x y -> R x y' -> y == y') ->
     x, x repl a R <-> #exists2 y, y a & R y x).

End IZF_R_sig.

Existential versions (Zermelo still skolemized)

Module Type IZF_R_HalfEx_sig (L:SublogicTheory).

Include Zermelo_sig L.
Import L.

 (repl_ex : a (R:set->set->Prop),
    ( x x' y y', x a -> x == x' -> y == y' -> R x y -> R x' y') ->
    ( x y y', x a -> R x y -> R x y' -> y == y') ->
    #exists b, x, x b <-> #exists2 y, y a & R y x).

End IZF_R_HalfEx_sig.

Fully existential version

Module Type IZF_R_Ex_sig (L:SublogicTheory).

Include Zermelo_Ex_sig L.
Import L.

 (repl_ex : a (R:set->set->Prop),
    ( x x' y y', x a -> x == x' -> y == y' -> R x y -> R x' y') ->
    ( x y y', x a -> R x y -> R x y' -> y == y') ->
    #exists b, x, x b <-> #exists2 y, y a & R y x).

End IZF_R_Ex_sig.

Collection and ZF

Module Type IZF_C_sig (L:SublogicTheory).

Include Zermelo_sig L.
Import L.

 (coll_ex : A (R:set->set->Prop),
    Proper (eq_set ==> eq_set ==> iff) R ->
    #exists B, x, x A ->
         (#exists y, R x y) -> #exists2 y, y B & R x y).

End IZF_C_sig.

With skolemized collection
Module Type ZF_sig (L:SublogicTheory).

Include Zermelo_sig L.
Import L.

 (coll : set -> (set->set->Prop) -> set)
 (coll_ax : A R,
    Proper (eq_set==>eq_set==>iff) R ->
     x, x A ->
      (#exists y, R x y) -> #exists2 y, y coll A R & R x y).

End ZF_sig.