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Neumann Stubblebine

Author(s): B. Clifford Neumann and Stuart G. Stubblebine  (04/1993)

Summary: Session key exchange inspired by the Yahalom protocol with the addition of timestamps, and mutual authentication. Symmetric key cryptography with server.

Protocol specification (in common syntax)

A, B, S :   principal
Na, Ma, Nb, Mb :   number
Kas, Kbs, Kab :   key
Ta, Tb :   time

1.   A -> B :   A, Na
2.   B -> S :   B, {A, Na, Tb}Kbs, Nb
3.   S -> A :   {B, Na, Kab, Tb}Kas, {A, Kab, Tb}Kbs, Nb
4.   A -> B :   {A, Kab, Tb}Kbs, {Nb}Kab
5.   A -> B :   Ma, {A, Kab, Tb}Kbs
6.   B -> A :   Mb, {Ma}Kab
7.   A -> B :   {Mb}Kab

Description of the protocol rules

The messages 1-4 are the part concerning the generation and exchange of the session key Kab. The messages 5-7 are the mutual authentification, this second part of the protocol can be repeated alone several times, until the ticket {A, Kab, Tb}Kbs expires (it is called repeated authentication).


The protocol must guaranty the secrecy of Kab: in every session, the value of Kab must be known only by the participants playing the roles of A, B and S in that session.

The protocol must also ensures mutual authentication of A and B.



Claimed attacks

From [HLL+95], see also BAN simplified version of Yahalom for the first 4 messages, where B accepts the nonce Na has the fresh shared key Kab.
1.   I(A) -> B :   A, Na
2.   B -> I(S) :   B, {A, Na, Tb}Kbs, Nb
3.           omitted
4.   I(A) -> B :   {A, Na, Tb}Kbs, {Nb}Na
5.   I(A) -> B :   Ma, {A, Na, Tb}Kbs
6.   B -> I(A) :   Mb, {Ma}Na
7.   I(A) -> B :   {Mb}Na
See Hwang modified version of Neumann Stubblebine for a modified version preventing this attack.

From [HLL+95]. This attack concerns the repeated authentication part, assuming Kab has been recorded in a previous legitimate run of the protocol.
i.5.   I(A) -> B :   Ma, { A, Kab, Tb }Kbs
i.6.   B -> I(A) :   Mb, {Ma}Kab
ii.5.   I(A) -> B :   Mb, {A, Kab, Tb}Kbs
ii.6.   B -> I(A) :   Mb', {Mb}Kab
i.7.   I(A) -> B :   {Mb}Kab

From [Wei99]. In this attack, the intruder I can get as many ciphers {A, Kiab, Tb}Kbs as needed to start a known plaintext attack in order to break Kbs.
a.2.   I(B) -> S :   B, {A, K0ab, Tb}Kbs, Nb
a.3.   S -> I(A) :   {B, Na, K1ab, Tb}Kas, {A, K1ab, Tb}Kbs, Nb
b.2.   I(B) -> S :   B, {A, K1ab, Tb}Kbs, Nb
b.3.   S -> I(A) :   {B, Na, K2ab, Tb}Kas, {A, K2ab, Tb}Kbs, Nb

See also



Tzonelih Hwang, Narn-Yoh Lee, Chuang-Ming Li, Ming-Yung Ko, and Yung-Hsiang Chen. Two attacks on neumann-stubblebine authentication protocols. Information Processing Letters, 53:103 -- 107, 1995.

B. Clifford Neumann and Stuart G. Stubblebine. A note on the use of timestamps as nonces. Operating Systems Review, 27(2):10--14, april 1993.

Christoph Weidenbach. Towards an automatic analysis of security protocols. In Harald Ganzinger, editor, Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Automated Deduction, volume 1632 of LNAI, pages 378--382. Springer, 1999.
last modified 08/11/2002.
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