Library GenModelSN

Set Implicit Arguments.
Require Import List Compare_dec.
Require Import Sat.
Require Import Models.
Require ObjectSN.

Module Lc := Lambda.

Abstract strong mormalization model

Module Type SN_addon (M : CC_Model).
  Import M.

Types are equipped with a saturated set
  Parameter Real : X -> SAT.
  Parameter Real_morph : Proper (eqX ==> eqSAT) Real.

  Parameter Real_sort : eqSAT (Real props) snSAT.

  Parameter Real_prod : A B,
    eqSAT (Real (prod A B))
     (prodSAT (Real A)
        (interSAT (fun p:{y|y A} => Real (B (proj1_sig p))))).

Every proposition is inhabited
  Parameter daimon : X.
  Parameter daimon_false : daimon prod props (fun P => P).

  Existing Instance Real_morph.

End SN_addon.

The abstract strong normalization proof.

Module MakeModel(M : CC_Model) (SN : SN_addon M).
Import M.
Import SN.

We use the generic model construction based on the abstract model

Semantic typing relation

Handles the case of kind: a type that contains all "non-empty" types and that is included in no type.
Definition in_int (i:val) (j:Lc.intt) (M T:trm) :=
  M <> kind /\
  match T with
  | None => kind_ok M /\ (tm j M)
  | _ => int i M int i T /\ inSAT (tm j M) (Real (int i T))

Instance in_int_morph : Proper
  (eq_val ==> pointwise_relation nat (@eq Lc.term) ==> eq_trm ==> eq_trm ==> iff)
apply morph_impl_iff4; auto with *.
unfold in_int; do 5 red; intros.
repeat rewrite eq_kind.
destruct x2; destruct y2; try contradiction.
 rewrite H; rewrite H0; rewrite H1; rewrite H2.

 rewrite H0; rewrite H1.

Lemma in_int_not_kind : i j M T,
  in_int i j M T ->
  T <> kind ->
  int i M int i T /\
  inSAT (tm j M) (Real (int i T)).
destruct T; intros in_T not_tops;[|elim not_tops; reflexivity].
destruct in_T as (mem,sat); trivial.

Lemma in_int_intro : i j M T,
  int i M int i T ->
  inSAT (tm j M) (Real (int i T)) ->
  M <> kind ->
  T <> kind ->
  in_int i j M T.
red; intros.
destruct T; auto.
elim H2; trivial.

Lemma in_int_var0 : i j x t T,
  x int i T ->
  inSAT t (Real (int i T)) ->
  T <> kind ->
  in_int (V.cons x i) (I.cons t j) (Ref 0) (lift 1 T).
red; simpl.
revert H1; pattern T at 1 2.
case T; [|destruct 1;reflexivity].
simpl; intros _ _.
split; [discriminate|].
rewrite int_cons_lift_eq; auto.

Lemma in_int_varS : i j x t n T,
  in_int i j (Ref n) (lift (S n) T) ->
  in_int (V.cons x i) (I.cons t j) (Ref (S n)) (lift (S (S n)) T).
destruct 1 as (_,in_T); split; [discriminate|].
revert in_T; pattern T at 1 4; case T; simpl.
 intros _ in_T.
 rewrite split_lift.
 rewrite int_cons_lift_eq; trivial.

 destruct 1; split; trivial.
 rewrite kind_ok_lift with (k:=0) in H.
 rewrite eq_trm_lift_ref_fv in H; auto with arith.

Lemma in_int_sn : i j M T,
  in_int i j M T -> (tm j M).
intros i j M [f|] (_,(_,sat)); trivial.
apply sat_sn in sat; trivial.


Definition env := list trm.

Definition val_ok (e:env) (i:val) (j:Lc.intt) :=
   n T, nth_error e n = value T ->
  in_int i j (Ref n) (lift (S n) T).

Lemma vcons_add_var : e T i j x t,
  val_ok e i j ->
  x int i T ->
  inSAT t (Real (int i T)) ->
  T <> kind ->
  val_ok (T::e) (V.cons x i) (I.cons t j).
unfold val_ok; simpl; intros.
destruct n; simpl in *.
 injection H3; clear H3; intro; subst; simpl in *.
 apply in_int_var0; trivial.

 apply in_int_varS; auto.

Lemma add_var_eq_fun : T U U' i,
  ( x, x int i T -> int (V.cons x i) U == int (V.cons x i) U') ->
  eq_fun (int i T)
    (fun x => int (V.cons x i) U)
    (fun x => int (V.cons x i) U').
red; intros.
rewrite <- H1; auto.

Lemma vcons_add_var0 : e T i j x,
  val_ok e i j ->
  x int i T ->
  T <> kind ->
  val_ok (T::e) (V.cons x i) (I.cons SatSet.daimon j).
apply vcons_add_var; trivial.
apply varSAT.


Definition wf (e:env) :=
  exists i, exists j, val_ok e i j.
Definition typ (e:env) (M T:trm) :=
   i j, val_ok e i j -> in_int i j M T.
Definition eq_typ (e:env) (M M':trm) :=
   i j, val_ok e i j -> int i M == int i M'.

Instance typ_morph : e, Proper (eq_trm ==> eq_trm ==> iff) (typ e).
unfold typ; split; simpl; intros.
 rewrite <- H; rewrite <- H0; auto.
 rewrite H; rewrite H0; auto.

Instance eq_typ_morph : e, Proper (eq_trm ==> eq_trm ==> iff) (eq_typ e).
unfold eq_typ; split; simpl; intros.
 rewrite <- H; rewrite <- H0; eauto.
 rewrite H; rewrite H0; eauto.

Strong normalization

Lemma model_strong_normalization e M T :
  wf e ->
  typ e M T ->
  Acc (transp _ red_term) M.
intros (i,(j,is_val)) ty.
apply ty in is_val.
apply in_int_sn in is_val.
apply simul with (1:=is_val) (2:=eq_refl).

Definition typs e T :=
  typ e T kind \/ typ e T prop.

Lemma typs_not_kind : e T, wf e -> typs e T -> T <> kind.
intros e T (i,(j,is_val)) [ty|ty]; apply ty in is_val;
  destruct is_val; assumption.

Lemma typs_kind_ok : e T i j,
  typs e T ->
  val_ok e i j ->
  exists x, x int i T.
destruct H.
 apply H in H0.
 destruct H0 as (_,(mem,_)); apply kind_ok_witness; trivial.

 exists (app daimon (int i T)).
 apply H in H0.
 destruct H0 as (_,(mem,_)); simpl in *.
 apply prod_elim with (2:=daimon_false); trivial.
 red; intros; trivial.

Inference rules

Context formation rules

Lemma wf_nil : wf List.nil.
exists vnil; exists (fun _ => SatSet.daimon).
red; intros.
destruct n; discriminate.

Lemma wf_cons : e T,
  wf e ->
  typs e T ->
  wf (T::e).
unfold wf; intros.
assert (T <> kind).
 apply typs_not_kind in H0; trivial.
destruct H as (i,(j,is_val)).
destruct typs_kind_ok with (1:=H0) (2:=is_val) as (x,non_mt).
exists (V.cons x i); exists (I.cons SatSet.daimon j).
apply vcons_add_var0; trivial.

Equality rules

Lemma refl : e M, eq_typ e M M.
red; simpl; reflexivity.

Lemma sym : e M M', eq_typ e M M' -> eq_typ e M' M.
unfold eq_typ; symmetry; eauto.

Lemma trans : e M M' M'', eq_typ e M M' -> eq_typ e M' M'' -> eq_typ e M M''.
unfold eq_typ; intros.
transitivity (int i M'); eauto.

Instance eq_typ_setoid : e, Equivalence (eq_typ e).
 exact (@refl e).
 exact (@sym e).
 exact (@trans e).

Lemma eq_typ_app : e M M' N N',
  eq_typ e M M' ->
  eq_typ e N N' ->
  eq_typ e (App M N) (App M' N').
unfold eq_typ; simpl; intros.
apply app_ext; eauto.

Lemma eq_typ_abs : e T T' M M',
  eq_typ e T T' ->
  eq_typ (T::e) M M' ->
  T <> kind ->
  eq_typ e (Abs T M) (Abs T' M').
unfold eq_typ; simpl; intros.
apply lam_ext; eauto.
red; intros.
rewrite <- H4.
apply H0 with (j:=I.cons SatSet.daimon j).
apply vcons_add_var0; auto.

Lemma eq_typ_prod : e T T' U U',
  eq_typ e T T' ->
  eq_typ (T::e) U U' ->
  T <> kind ->
  eq_typ e (Prod T U) (Prod T' U').
unfold eq_typ; simpl; intros.
apply prod_ext; eauto.
red; intros.
rewrite <- H4.
apply H0 with (j:=I.cons SatSet.daimon j).
apply vcons_add_var0; auto.

Lemma eq_typ_beta : e T M M' N N',
  eq_typ (T::e) M M' ->
  eq_typ e N N' ->
  typ e N T ->
  T <> kind ->
  eq_typ e (App (Abs T M) N) (subst N' M').
unfold eq_typ, typ, App, Abs; simpl; intros.
assert (eq_fun (int i T)
  (fun x => int (V.cons x i) M) (fun x => int (V.cons x i) M)).
 apply add_var_eq_fun with (T:=T); intros; trivial; reflexivity.
assert (int i N int i T).
 apply H1 in H3.
 apply in_int_not_kind in H3; trivial.
 destruct H3; trivial.
rewrite beta_eq; auto.
rewrite <- int_subst_eq.
rewrite <- H0; eauto.
apply H with (j:=I.cons SatSet.daimon j).
apply vcons_add_var0; auto.

Typing rules

Lemma typ_prop : e, typ e prop kind.
red; simpl; intros.
split; try discriminate.
split; simpl; auto.
 apply prop_kind_ok.

 apply Lc.sn_K.

Lemma typ_var : e n T,
  nth_error e n = value T -> typ e (Ref n) (lift (S n) T).
red; simpl; intros.
apply H0 in H; trivial.

Lemma typ_app : e u v V Ur,
  typ e v V ->
  typ e u (Prod V Ur) ->
  V <> kind ->
  Ur <> kind ->
  typ e (App u v) (subst v Ur).
intros e u v V Ur ty_v ty_u ty_V ty_Ur i j is_val.
specialize (ty_v _ _ is_val).
specialize (ty_u _ _ is_val).
apply in_int_not_kind in ty_v; trivial.
destruct ty_v.
apply in_int_not_kind in ty_u; try discriminate.
destruct ty_u.
simpl in *.
rewrite Real_prod in H2.
apply prod_elim with (x:=int i v) in H1; trivial.
 apply in_int_intro; simpl; trivial; try discriminate.
  rewrite <- int_subst_eq; trivial.

  rewrite <- int_subst_eq.
  apply prodSAT_elim with (v:=tm j v) in H2; trivial.
  apply interSAT_elim with
   (x:=exist (fun z=>z int i V) (int i v) H) in H2; trivial.

  destruct Ur as [Ur|]; simpl; try discriminate; trivial.

 red; intros.
 rewrite H4; reflexivity.

Lemma typ_abs : e T M U,
  typs e T ->
  typ (T :: e) M U ->
  U <> kind ->
  typ e (Abs T M) (Prod T U).
intros e T M U ty_T ty_M not_tops i j is_val.
assert (T_not_tops : T <> kind).
 destruct ty_T as [ty_T|ty_T]; apply ty_T in is_val;
   destruct is_val; trivial.
apply in_int_intro; simpl; try discriminate.
 apply prod_intro; intros.
  red; intros.
  rewrite H0; reflexivity.

  red; intros.
  rewrite H0; reflexivity.

  apply vcons_add_var0 with (x:=x) (T:=T) in is_val; trivial.
  apply ty_M in is_val.
  apply in_int_not_kind in is_val; trivial.
  destruct is_val; trivial.

 rewrite Real_prod.
 destruct (typs_kind_ok ty_T is_val) as (wit,in_T).
 apply KSAT_intro.
  destruct ty_T as [ty_T|ty_T]; apply ty_T in is_val;
    destruct is_val as (_,(_,satT)); simpl in satT; trivial.
  rewrite Real_sort in satT; trivial.

  apply prodSAT_intro; intros.
  apply interSAT_intro; intros.
   exists wit; trivial.

   destruct x; simpl in *.
   assert (val_ok (T::e) (V.cons x i) (I.cons v j)).
    apply vcons_add_var; auto.
   apply ty_M in H0.
   apply in_int_not_kind in H0; trivial.
   destruct H0 as (_,H0).
   rewrite <- tm_subst_cons; trivial.

Lemma typ_beta : e T M N U,
  typs e T ->
  typ (T::e) M U ->
  typ e N T ->
  T <> kind ->
  U <> kind ->
  typ e (App (Abs T M) N) (subst N U).
apply typ_app with T; trivial.
apply typ_abs; trivial.

Lemma typ_prod : e T U s2,
  s2 = kind \/ s2 = prop ->
  typs e T ->
  typ (T :: e) U s2 ->
  typ e (Prod T U) s2.
intros e T U s2 is_srt ty_T ty_U i j is_val.
assert (T_not_tops : T <> kind).
 destruct ty_T as [ty_T|ty_T]; apply ty_T in is_val;
   destruct is_val; trivial.
assert (typs (T::e) U) by (destruct is_srt; subst; red; auto).
destruct (typs_kind_ok ty_T is_val) as (witT,in_T).
specialize vcons_add_var0 with (1:=is_val) (2:=in_T) (3:=T_not_tops);
  intros in_U.
apply ty_U in in_U.
assert ( (tm j T)).
 destruct ty_T as [ty_T|ty_T]; apply ty_T in is_val;
   destruct is_val as (_,(_,satT)); trivial.
 apply sat_sn in satT; trivial.
split;[discriminate|destruct is_srt; subst s2; split;simpl].
 apply prod_kind_ok.
 destruct in_U as (_,(mem,_)); trivial.

 destruct in_U as (_,(_,satU)).
 rewrite tm_subst_cons in satU.
 apply Lc.sn_subst in satU.
 apply KSAT_intro with (A:=snSAT); auto.

 apply impredicative_prod; intros.
  red; intros.
  rewrite H2; reflexivity.

  clear in_U.
  specialize vcons_add_var0 with (1:=is_val) (2:=H1) (3:=T_not_tops);
    intros in_U.
  apply ty_U in in_U.
  apply in_int_not_kind in in_U;[|discriminate].
  destruct in_U; trivial.

 destruct in_U as (_,(_,satU)).
 rewrite Real_sort in satU|-*; simpl.
 rewrite tm_subst_cons in satU.
 apply Lc.sn_subst in satU.
 apply KSAT_intro with (A:=snSAT); auto.

Lemma typ_conv : e M T T',
  typ e M T ->
  eq_typ e T T' ->
  T <> kind ->
  T' <> kind ->
  typ e M T'.
unfold typ, eq_typ; simpl; intros.
specialize H with (1:=H3).
specialize H0 with (1:=H3).
generalize (proj1 H); intro.
apply in_int_not_kind in H; trivial.
destruct H.
apply in_int_intro; trivial.
 rewrite <- H0; trivial.

 rewrite <- H0; trivial.

End MakeModel.