Library Can

Require Export Lambda.
Hint Unfold iff: core.

  Definition CR := term -> Prop.

  Record weak_cand (X : CR) : Prop :=
    {wk_sn : t, X t -> sn t;
     wk_red : t u, X t -> red t u -> X u;
     wk_wit : exists w, X w}.

  Definition weak_chain t : CR := fun u => red t u.

Lemma weakest_cands :
   t, sn t -> weak_cand (weak_chain t).
unfold weak_chain.
split; intros.
 eauto using sn_red_sn.

 transitivity t0; trivial.

 eauto using refl_red.

  Record is_cand (X : CR) : Prop :=
    {incl_sn : t, X t -> sn t;
     clos_red : t u, X t -> red t u -> X u;
     clos_exp : t, neutral t -> ( u, red1 t u -> X u) -> X t}.

  Instance is_cand_morph : Proper (pointwise_relation _ iff ==> iff) is_cand.
do 2 red; intros.
split; destruct 1; split; intros.
 rewrite <- H in H0; auto.

 rewrite <- H in H0 |-*; eauto.

 rewrite <- H; apply clos_exp0; intros; trivial.
 rewrite H; auto.

 rewrite H in H0; auto.

 rewrite H in H0 |-*; eauto.

 rewrite H; apply clos_exp0; intros; trivial.
 rewrite <- H; auto.

  Lemma cand_sn : is_cand sn.
constructor; intros; auto with coc.

apply sn_red_sn with t; auto with coc.

red in |- *; apply Acc_intro; auto with coc.

  Hint Resolve incl_sn cand_sn: coc.

  Lemma var_in_cand : n X, is_cand X -> X (Ref n).
apply (clos_exp X); auto with coc.
 exact I.

 inversion H0.

  Lemma weaker_cand : X, is_cand X -> weak_cand X.
case H; split; trivial.
exists (Ref 0).
apply (var_in_cand _ X); trivial.

  Lemma sat1_in_cand : n X u,
    is_cand X -> sn u -> X (App (Ref n) u).
induction 2; intros.
apply (clos_exp X); trivial.
 exact I.
inversion_clear H2; auto.
inversion H3.

  Lemma cand_sat X m u :
    is_cand X ->
    boccur 0 m=true \/ sn u ->
    X (subst u m) ->
    X (App (Abs m) u).
assert (snu : sn u).
 destruct H0; trivial.
 apply (incl_sn _ H) in H1.
 apply sn_subst_inv_l in H1; trivial.
clear H0; revert m H1.
elim snu.
clear u snu; intros u _ IHu; unfold transp in *.
intros m m_in_X.
generalize m_in_X.
cut (sn m).
2: apply sn_subst with u; apply (incl_sn _ H); trivial.
simple induction 1.
clear m m_in_X H0; intros m _ IHm m_in_X; unfold transp in *.
apply (clos_exp _ H). exact I.
intros x red_redex.
inversion_clear red_redex; [idtac|inversion_clear H0|idtac].
apply IHm; trivial.
apply clos_red with (subst u m); trivial.
unfold subst; auto with coc.
apply IHu; auto with coc.
apply clos_red with (subst u m); trivial.
unfold subst; auto with coc.

  Definition eq_cand (X Y:CR) := t : term, X t <-> Y t.

  Hint Unfold eq_cand: coc.

  Lemma eq_cand_incl : t X Y, eq_cand X Y -> X t -> Y t.
elim H with t; auto with coc.

  Definition Inter (X:Type) (F:X->CR) t :=
    sn t /\ x, F x t.

  Lemma eq_can_Inter :
     X Y (F:X->term->Prop) (G:Y->term->Prop),
    ( x, exists y, eq_cand (F x) (G y)) /\
    ( y, exists x, eq_cand (F x) (G y)) ->
    eq_cand (Inter _ F) (Inter _ G).
unfold eq_cand, Inter; intros.
destruct H.
split; intros.
 destruct H1; split; trivial; intros.
 destruct (H0 x).
 rewrite <- H3; trivial.

 destruct H1; split; trivial; intros.
 destruct (H x).
 rewrite H3; trivial.

  Lemma is_can_Inter :
     X F, ( x:X, is_cand (F x)) -> is_cand (Inter X F).
unfold Inter; intros.
 destruct 1; trivial.

 destruct H0.
 split; intros.
  apply sn_red_sn with t; trivial.

  apply (clos_red _ (H x)) with t; auto.

 split; intros.
  constructor; intros.
  destruct (H1 y); trivial.

  apply (clos_exp _ (H x)); intros; trivial.
  destruct (H1 u); trivial.

  Lemma is_can_Inter' :
     X F, ( x:X, is_cand (fun t => sn t /\ F x t)) -> is_cand (Inter X F).
unfold Inter; intros.
 destruct 1; trivial.

 destruct H0.
 split; intros.
  apply sn_red_sn with t; trivial.

  apply (clos_red _ (H x)) with t; auto.

 split; intros.
  constructor; intros.
  destruct (H1 y); trivial.

  apply (clos_exp _ (H x)); intros; trivial.
  destruct (H1 u); auto.

  Lemma is_can_weak : X,
    is_cand X -> is_cand (fun t => sn t /\ X t).
generalize H.
apply is_cand_morph; red; intros.
split; intros.
 apply H0.

 split; trivial.
 apply (incl_sn X); trivial.

  Definition Neu : CR := fun t =>
    sn t /\ exists2 u, red t u & nf u /\ neutral u.

Lemma neutral_is_cand : is_cand Neu.
split; intros.
 destruct H; trivial.

 destruct H.
 destruct H1.
  apply sn_red_sn with t; auto with coc.

  exists x; trivial.
  destruct H2.
  elim confluence with (1:=H1) (2:=H0); intros.
  replace x with x0; trivial.
  revert H2; elim H4; trivial; intros.
  rewrite H6 in H7; trivial.
  elim nf_norm with (2:=H7); trivial.

 assert (sn t).
  constructor; intros.
  destruct (H0 y); auto.
 split; trivial.
 destruct (red1_dec t).
  destruct s.
  specialize H0 with (1:=r).
  destruct H0.
  destruct H2.
  exists x0; trivial.
  transitivity x; auto with coc.

  exists t; auto with *.

Section Completion.

  Variable P : term -> Prop.

  Definition compl : CR :=
    fun t => C, is_cand C -> ( u, sn u -> P u -> C u) -> C t.

  Lemma is_can_compl : is_cand compl.
 apply (H sn); auto.
 apply cand_sn.

 red; intros.
 apply (clos_red C) with t; auto.
 apply (H C); trivial.

 red; intros.
 apply (clos_exp C); trivial; intros.
 apply H0; trivial.

  Lemma compl_intro : t, sn t -> P t -> compl t.
red; intros; auto.

  Lemma compl_elim : t,
    compl t ->
    (exists2 u, conv t u & compl u /\ P u) \/ Neu t.
apply (@proj2 (sn t)).
apply H; intros.
 split; intros.
  destruct H0; trivial.

  destruct H0.
   apply sn_red_sn with t0; trivial.

   destruct H2.
    destruct H2.
    exists x; trivial.
    apply trans_conv_conv with t0; auto.
    apply red_sym_conv; trivial.

    apply (clos_red Neu) with t0; trivial.
    apply neutral_is_cand.

   constructor; intros.
   destruct (H1 y); auto.

   assert ((exists u, red1 t0 u) \/ normal t0).
    destruct (red1_dec t0).
     destruct s as (u,?); left; exists u; trivial.
     right; red; intros; apply nf_norm; trivial.
   destruct H2.
    destruct H2.
    destruct (H1 x); auto.
    destruct H4.
     destruct H4.
     exists x0; trivial.
     apply trans_conv_conv with x; trivial.
     apply red_conv; auto with coc.

     destruct H4.
     destruct H5.
      constructor; intros; apply H1; trivial.

      exists x0; trivial.
      apply red_trans with x; auto.
      apply one_step_red; auto.

     constructor; intros.
     elim (H2 y); trivial.

     exists t0; auto with *.
     split; trivial.
     apply nf_sound; trivial.

 split; trivial.
 exists u.

  split; trivial.
  red; auto.

End Completion.

  Lemma eq_can_compl : X Y,
    eq_cand X Y -> eq_cand (compl X) (compl Y).
unfold eq_cand; simpl; split; intros.
 red; intros.
 apply (H0 C); trivial; intros.
 rewrite H in H4; auto.

 red; intros.
 apply (H0 C); trivial; intros.
 rewrite <- H in H4; auto.

  Definition Arr (X Y:CR) : CR :=
    fun t => u, X u -> Y (App t u).

  Lemma eq_can_Arr :
    X1 Y1 X2 Y2,
   eq_cand X1 X2 -> eq_cand Y1 Y2 -> eq_cand (Arr X1 Y1) (Arr X2 Y2).
unfold eq_cand, Arr; split; intros.
 rewrite <- H0; rewrite <- H in H2; auto.
 rewrite H0; rewrite H in H2; auto.

  Lemma weak_cand_Arr : (X Y:CR),
    weak_cand X ->
    is_cand Y ->
    is_cand (Arr X Y).
unfold Arr in |- *; intros X Y Hne Y_cand.
 intros t app_in_can.
 destruct (wk_wit _ Hne) as (w,?).
 apply subterm_sn with (App t w); auto with coc.
 apply (incl_sn Y); auto with coc.

 apply (clos_red Y) with (App t u0); auto with coc.

 intros t t_neutr clos_exp_t u u_in_X.
 apply (clos_exp Y); auto with coc.
  exact I.

  generalize u_in_X.
  assert (u_sn: sn u).
   apply (wk_sn X); auto with coc.
  clear u_in_X.
  elim u_sn.
  intros v _ v_Hrec v_in_X w red_w.
  revert t_neutr.
  inversion_clear red_w; intros; auto with coc.
   destruct t_neutr.

   apply (clos_exp Y); intros; auto with coc.
    exact I.

    apply v_Hrec with N2; auto with coc.
    apply (wk_red X) with v; auto with coc.

  Lemma weak_Abs_sound_Arr :
    (X Y:CR) m,
   ( t, X t -> sn t) ->
   is_cand Y ->
   ( n, X n -> Y (subst n m)) ->
   Arr X Y (Abs m).
unfold Arr in |- *; intros.
apply (clos_exp Y); intros; auto with coc.
 exact I.

 apply clos_red with (App (Abs m) u); auto with coc.
 apply (cand_sat Y); auto with coc.

  Lemma is_cand_Arr :
    X Y, is_cand X -> is_cand Y -> is_cand (Arr X Y).
apply weak_cand_Arr; trivial.
apply weaker_cand; trivial.

  Lemma Abs_sound_Arr :
    X Y m,
   is_cand X ->
   is_cand Y ->
   ( n, X n -> Y (subst n m)) ->
   Arr X Y (Abs m).
unfold Arr in |- *; intros.
apply (clos_exp Y); intros; auto with coc.
 exact I.

 apply clos_red with (App (Abs m) u); auto with coc.
 apply (cand_sat Y); auto with coc.
 right; apply (incl_sn X); auto with coc.

  Definition Pi (X:CR) (Y:term->CR) : CR :=
    fun t => u u', conv u' u -> X u -> X u' -> Y u' (App t u).

  Lemma eq_can_Pi :
    X1 X2 (Y1 Y2:term->CR),
   eq_cand X1 X2 ->
   ( u, eq_cand (Y1 u) (Y2 u)) ->
   eq_cand (Pi X1 Y1) (Pi X2 Y2).
unfold eq_cand, Pi; split; intros.
 rewrite <- H0; rewrite <- H in H3,H4; auto.
 rewrite H0; rewrite H in H3,H4; auto.

  Lemma is_cand_Pi : X (Y:term->CR),
   is_cand X ->
   ( u, is_cand (Y u)) ->
   is_cand (Pi X Y).
unfold Pi in |- *; intros X Y X_can Y_can.
 intros t app_in_can.
 apply subterm_sn with (App t (Ref 0)); auto with coc.
 apply (incl_sn (Y (Ref 0))); auto with coc.
 apply app_in_can; auto with coc.
  apply var_in_cand with (X:=X); auto with coc.
  apply var_in_cand with (X:=X); auto with coc.

 apply (clos_red (Y u')) with (App t u0); auto with coc.

 intros t t_neutr clos_exp_t u u' redu u_in_X u'_in_X.
 apply (clos_exp (Y u')); auto with coc.
  exact I.

  assert (u_sn: sn u).
   apply (incl_sn X); auto with coc.
  revert u' redu u_in_X u'_in_X.
  elim u_sn.
  intros v _ v_Hrec u' redu v_in_X u'_in_X w red_w.
  revert t_neutr.
  inversion_clear red_w; intros; auto with coc.
   destruct t_neutr.

   apply (clos_exp (Y u')); intros; auto with coc.
    exact I.

    apply v_Hrec with N2; eauto with coc.
    apply (clos_red X) with v; auto with coc.

  Lemma Abs_sound_Pi :
    X Y m,
   is_cand X ->
   ( u, is_cand (Y u)) ->
   ( n n', X n -> X n' -> conv n' n -> Y n' (subst n m)) ->
   Pi X Y (Abs m).
unfold Pi in |- *; intros.
apply (clos_exp (Y u')); intros; auto with coc.
 exact I.

 apply clos_red with (App (Abs m) u); auto with coc.
 apply (cand_sat (Y u')); auto with coc.
 right; apply (incl_sn X); auto with coc.

  Definition Union (X Y:CR) : CR := compl (fun t => X t \/ Y t).

  Lemma eq_can_union : X Y X' Y',
    eq_cand X X' -> eq_cand Y Y' ->
    eq_cand (Union X Y) (Union X' Y').
unfold Union; intros.
apply eq_can_compl.
red; intros.
red in H, H0.
rewrite H; rewrite H0; reflexivity.

  Lemma is_cand_union : X Y, is_cand (Union X Y).
unfold Union; intros.
apply is_can_compl.

 Lemma is_cand_union1 : (X Y:CR) t,
   is_cand X -> X t -> Union X Y t.
red; red; intros.
apply H2; auto.
apply (incl_sn X); trivial.

 Lemma is_cand_union2 : (X Y:CR) t,
   is_cand Y -> Y t -> Union X Y t.
red; red; intros.
apply H2; auto.
apply (incl_sn Y); trivial.

  Lemma cand_context : u u' v,
    ( X, is_cand X -> X u -> X u') ->
     X, is_cand X -> X (App u v) -> X (App u' v).
assert (sn v).
 apply subterm_sn with (App u v); auto.
 apply (incl_sn X); trivial.
assert (Arr (weak_chain v) X u').
 apply H.
  apply weak_cand_Arr; trivial.
  apply weakest_cands; trivial.

  red; intros.
  apply (clos_red X) with (App u v); auto with *.
red in H3.
apply H3; auto with *.

  Lemma cand_sat1 X m u v :
    is_cand X ->
    boccur 0 m = true \/ sn u ->
    X (App (subst u m) v) ->
    X (App2 (Abs m) u v).
apply cand_context with (X:=X) (u:=subst u m); intros; auto.
apply cand_sat with (X:=X0); trivial.

  Lemma cand_sat2 X m u v w :
    is_cand X ->
    boccur 0 m = true \/ sn u ->
    X (App2 (subst u m) v w) ->
    X (App2 (App (Abs m) u) v w).
apply cand_context with (X:=X) (u:=App (subst u m) v); intros; auto.
apply cand_sat1 with (X:=X0); trivial.

  Lemma cand_sat3 X m u v w x :
    is_cand X ->
    boccur 0 m = true \/ sn u ->
    X (App2 (App (subst u m) v) w x) ->
    X (App2 (App2 (Abs m) u v) w x).
apply cand_context with (X:=X) (u:=App2 (subst u m) v w); intros; auto.
apply cand_sat2 with (X:=X0); trivial.