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SmartRight view-only

Author(s): Jean-Pierre Andreaux, Sylvain Chevreau, Eric Diehl  (2001)
Submitted by Thomas Genet   (06/03/2003)

Summary: This view-only protocol is part of the SmartRight system designed by Thomson for copy protection for the Digital Video Broadcasting technology. Its purpose is to ensure that the digital content broadcasted can be view only once. It uses symmetric key cryptography with nonces and xor.

Protocol specification (in common syntax)

CC, TC :   principal
VoKey, VoR, VoRi, CW :   number
Kc :   key
h :   number -> number

1.   CC -> TC :   {VoKey, CW+VoR}Kc
2.   TC -> CC :   VoRi
3.   CC -> TC :   VoR, {h(VoRi)}VoKey

Description of the protocol rules

The above presentation and these explanations are extracted from [GTTT03]:

The protocol is deployed between two smartcards: CC (Converter Card) and TC (Terminal Card), respectively in an access device (i.e. a digital receiver) receiving a scrambled digital content and a presentation device (i.e. a television) which is supposed to descramble the content before rendering it. The keys used to scramble the content are called control words CW.

The cards CC and TC share a secret symmetric encryption key Kc.

CC generates first the random values VoKey and VoR, and sends them encrypted to TC (in message 1), together with a CW which has been received (by the access divice) with the scrambled content. The operator + is xor.

TC then sends in return a random challenge VoRi (message 2). The message 3 is the answer of CC to the challenge. After receiving the message 3, TC checks if the answer is correct, by comparing the hashed value h(VoRi) with its own value, and if so, it extracts CW and uses it to descramble the content.

Note on memory management:
This is very important (with respect to the property below) because of the control aspects given below.

Note on control:
The principal CC and TC switch to the next state only once they have received the next message expected (and not once they have send a message as usual). More precisely:


cited from [GTTT03]: The control word CW may be extracted by TC only once at the time where the protocol is played.


[Tho01], [GTTT03].

Claimed proofs

The above property is proved in [GTTT03] in an automated way on a term rewriting model using Timbuk, a verification tool using abstract interpretation over tree automata domains.


Thomas Genet, Yan-Mei Tang-Talpin, and Valérie Viet Triem Tong. Verification of copy-protection cryptographic protocol using approximations of term rewriting systems. In Proc. of WITS'03, Workshop on Issues in the Theory of Security, 2003.

Thomson. Smartright technical white paper v1.0. Technical report, Thomson, october 2001.
last modified 06/03/2003.
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