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Author(s): Li Gong  (1989)

Summary: Mutual authentication protocol of two principals with a trusted server, and exchange of a new symmetric key. Uses one-way functions and no encryption.

Protocol specification (in common syntax)

A, B, S :   principal
Na, Nb, Ns :   number
Pa, Pb :   number
K, Ha, Hb :   number
f1 :   number, number, number, number -> number
f2 :   number, number, number, number -> number
f3 :   number, number, number, number -> number
g :   number, number, number, number -> number
xor :   number,number -> number
alias K = f1(Ns,Na,B,Pa)
alias Ha = f2(Ns,Na,B,Pa)
alias Hb = f3(Ns,Na,B,Pa)

1.   A -> B :   A, B, Na
2.   B -> S :   A, B, Na, Nb
3.   S -> B :   Ns, xor(f1(Ns, Nb, A, Pb), K),
          xor(f2(Ns, Nb, A, Pb), Ha),
          xor(f3(Ns, Nb, A, Pb), Hb),
          g(K, Ha, Hb, Pb)
4.   B -> A :   Ns, Hb
5.   A -> B :   Ha

Description of the protocol rules

f1, f2, f3, and g are one-way functions.

Initially, the principal A (resp. B) shares the long-term secret Pa (resp. Pb) with the server S.

Na, Nb and Ns are nonces and Ha, Hb and K are just aliases for resp. f2(Ns,Na,B,Pa), f3(Ns,Na,B,Pa), and f1(Ns,Na,B,Pa).

We assume commutativity and associativity for the xor operator,
xor(x, y) = xor(y, x)
xor(x, xor(y, z)) = xor(xor(x, y), z)
as well as the xor axioms:
xor(x, 0) = x
xor(x, x) = 0
Hence, the principal B can extract Ha, Hb and K from the message 3, and check them using the checksum g(K, Ha, Hb, Pb).

Knowing Pa, the principal A can construct Ha, Hb and K once he has received Ns in message 4, he can check the check value for Hb he has just computed against the one sent by B in message 4 and send the last message.


The protocol must guaranty the secrecy of K: in every session, the value of K must be known only by the participants playing the roles of A, B and S in that session.

The protocol must also ensure mutual authentication of A and B.




Li Gong. Using one-way functions for authentication. Computer Communication Review, 19(5):8--11, october 1989.
last modified 6/02/2003.
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