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CCITT X.509 (3)

Author(s): CCITT  (1987)

Summary: Three messages protocol in the recommendations of the CCITT for the CCITT.X.509 standard.


This protocol presented here is actually a simplified version from [BAN89] and [AN96].

Protocol specification (in common syntax)

A, B :   principal
Na, Nb :   nonce
Ta, Tb :   timestamp
Ya, Yb :   userdata
Xa, Xb :   userdata
PK, SK :   principal -> key (keypair)

1.   A -> B :   A, {Ta, Na, B, Xa, {Ya}PK(B)}SK(A)
2.   B -> A :   B, {Tb, Nb, A, Na, Xb, {Yb}PK(A)}SK(B)
3.   A -> B :   A, {Nb}SK(A)

Description of the protocol rules

See CCITT X.509 (1).


As in the case of CCITT X.509 (1), in the original protocol specification [CCI87], only a hash of the data is signed, for efficiency reasons. Hence the messages specification ought to be:
1.   A -> B :   A, Ta, Na, B, Xa, {Ya}PK(B), {h(Ta, Na, B, Xa, {Ya}PK(B))}SK(A)
2.   B -> A :   B, Tb, Nb, A, Na, Xb, {Yb}PK(A), {h(B, Tb, Nb, A, Na, Xb, {Yb}PK(A))}SK(B)
3.   A -> B :   A, {Nb}SK(A)
where h is a one-way function.


The protocol must ensure the confidentiality of Ya and Yb: if A and B follow the protocol, then an attacker should not be able to obtain Ya or Yb.

The protocol must ensure the recipient B of the message 1 that the data Xa and Ya originate from A.

The protocol must ensure the recipient A of the message 2 that the data Xb and Yb originate from B.


[BAN89], [CCI87].

Claimed attacks

This parallel session attack presented in [BAN89] works if B does not check the timestamp Ta in the first message.
i.1.   A -> I(B) :   A, {Ta, Na, B, Xa, {Ya}PK(B)}SK(A)
i.1.   I(A) -> B :   A, {Ta, Na, B, Xa, {Ya}PK(B)}SK(A)
i.2.   B -> I(A) :   B, {Tb, Nb, A, Na, Xb, {Yb}PK(A)}SK(B)
ii.1.   A -> I :   A, {Ta', Na', C, Xa', {Ya'}PK(I)}SK(A)
ii.2.   I -> A :   I, {Ti, Nb, A, N'a,Xi, {Yi}PK(A)}SK(I)
ii.3.   A -> I :   A, {Nb}SK(A)
ii.3.   I(A) -> B :   A, {Nb}SK(A)

Another attack can be found in [lM90].

See also

CCITT X.509 (1), CCITT X.509 (1c), BAN modified version of CCITT X.509 (3).


Martín Abadi and Roger Needham. Prudent engineering practice for cryptographic protocols. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 22(1):6--15, January 1996.

Michael Burrows, Martin Abadi, and Roger Needham. A logic of authentication. Technical Report 39, Digital Systems Research Center, february 1989.

CCITT. The directory authentification framework. Draft Recommendation X.509, 1987. Version 7.

Colin l'Anson and Chris Mitchell. Security defects in the ccitt recomendation x.509 - the directory authentication framework. Computer Communication Review, 20(2):30--34, april 1990.
last modified 22/11/2002.
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