A satellite workshop of CSF 2012
Aim and Format
Security APIs allow untrusted code to access sensitive resources in a secure way. Security API analysis is an emerging field of computer security research. The aim of the ASA workshop is to bring together researchers working in security API analysis for a day of presentations and discussions.
Polished research papers will not be solicited. Instead, the workshop will follow the format that was highly successful at ASA in 2007-11: prospective participants are invited to submit a short (1-4 page) abstract describing their current work and/or interests in the area. We plan to have two sessions of 30-minute talks by participants. There will also be an invited talk by Cédric Fournet (Microsoft Research) who will speak in a joint session shared with the workshop on Formal and Computational models for Cryptography (FCC).
The scope of ASA runs from theoretical results and formalisms for API analysis right through to applications and empirical results with security APIs deployed `in the field'. Previous work at ASA has dealt with APIs in financial applications (e.g. APIs of Hardware Security Modules), cryptographic APIs like RSA PKCS#11, the Trusted Computing Architecture, and security APIs for preserving privacy in web based applications. Papers on new API-related topics not previously covered at ASA are especially welcome.
Submission is via the easychair website. Please use the EasyChair latex class file if you're preparing your abstract with LaTeX (if you have to use something else, we'll negotiate). Submit your 1-4 page extended abstract here - deadline 27th April 2012. All submissions will be reviewed by the PC. Notification of acceptance/rejection will be given by May 11th.
Programme Committee