Soutenance de thèse

Posté le 23-08-2023 par Aliaume Lopez – lecture en 4 minutes (≈ 782 mots)

I will defend my thesis on the 12th of September 2023 in Paris. If you are interested in attending, please continue reading this post.


If you wish to participate, please say so. This will ensure that enough food and drinks are available.

Here is a link to the framaform.

Jury Composition

Serenella Cerrito, Professeure des Universités, Université Paris Saclay, Univ EVRY, France

Anuj Dawar, Professor, University of Cambridge

Arnaud Durand, Professeur des Universités, Université Paris-Cité

Patrice Ossona de Mendez, Chargé de Recherche, EHESS

Daniela Petrisan, Maîtresse de Conférences, Université Paris-Cité

Luca Reggio, Senior Fellow Researcher, University College London


The thesis is titled First Order Preservation Theorems in Finite Model Theory : Locality, Topology, and Limit Constructions.

You will find a brief abstract of the thesis manuscript hereafter.

Preservation Theorems in first-order logic are a collection of results derived from classical Model Theory. These results establish a direct correspondence between the semantic properties of formulas and the syntactic constraints imposed on the language used to express them. However, studying these theorems becomes notably challenging when focusing on finite models, which is unfortunate given that the field of Finite Model Theory is better equipped to describe phenomena occurring in Computer Science. This thesis presents a systematic approach to investigating Preservation Theorems within the realm of Finite Model Theory. The traditional ad-hoc proofs are replaced with a theoretical framework that generalizes techniques based on locality, and introduces a topological presentation of preservation theorems called logically presented pre-spectral spaces. Introducing these topological spaces enables us to develop a compositional theory for preservation theorems. Additionally, this thesis takes an initial stride towards systematically examining preservation theorems across inductively defined classes of finite structures. It accomplishes this by proving a generic fixed point theorem for a topological extension of logically presented pre-spectral spaces, specifically Noetherian spaces.

For a preprint of the document, you can click on this link.


13:50:00 (UTC+0200)

Opening of the thesis defense room.

14:00:00 (UTC+0200)

Start of the thesis defense.

15:00:00 (UTC+0200)

Questions and discussions.

16:00:00 (UTC+0200)

Setup of the tables, food and drinks for the thesis defense celebration.

16:20:00 (UTC+0200)


19:00:00 (UTC+0200)

Cleaning up the celebration.

19:30:00 (UTC+0200)

Departure for Le Five.

20:00:00 (UTC+0200)

Arrival at Le Five.


Thesis Defense Room

Where is it?

Salle 127
Bâtiment Olympe de Gouges
8 Place Paul Ricoeur
75013, Paris

It will also be available online via Zoom using the following link:

ID de réunion : 874 7031 2969
Code secret : 151406

How to get there?

tram-logo-paris Using the Parisian Trams

tram-line-3a T3a, Station “Avenue de France”

metro-logo-paris Using the Parisian Subway System

metro-line-fourteen Metro 14, exit 2

rer-logo-paris Using the Parisian Express Railway System

rer-line-C RER C, exit 5, “Rue des Grands Moulins”

velib-logo-paris Using the Parisian Bike Renting System

Station “Quai Panhard et Levassor”

Station “Marie-Andrée Lagroua Weill-Hallé - Françoise Dolto”

Thesis Defense Celebration

Where is it?

Cour intérieure
Bâtiment Olympe de Gouges
8 Place Paul Ricoeur
75013, Paris

How to get there?

Cf how to get to the defense room.

Drinks and Party

Where is it?

Le Five
5 Rue Saint-Sulpice
75006, Paris

How to get there?

metro-logo-paris Using the Parisian Subway System

metro-line-four Metro 4, exit 2, “Carrefour de l’Odéon”

metro-line-ten Metro 10, exit 2, “Carrefour de l’Odéon”

rer-logo-paris Using the Parisian Express Railway System

rer-line-B RER B, exit 1, “Quai Saint-Michel (Notre-Dame)”

rer-line-C RER C, exit 1, “Quai Saint-Michel (Notre-Dame)”

velib-logo-paris Using the Parisian Bike Renting System

Station “Quatre Vents - Carrefour de l’Odéon”

Station “Marché Saint-Germain”

Station “Sénat - Condé”