Serge Haddad
Emeritus Professor, ENS Paris-Saclay
- A short CV
- Teaching
- Some projects since my arrival at LSV and then at LMF
ICATPN, the Petri nets conference whose I am member
of steering committee
the research group from the Ile-de-France region on verification and
a software project whose I am co-chair
A talk at
Seminar 68NQRT, Rennes
A talk at
project ANR MAVeriQ, Paris
A talk at
MSR 2019, Angers
A talk at
MSR 2017, Marseille
and at Inria Rennes in February 2018
A talk at
Centre Fédéré
de Vérification, Bruxelles
A talk at
IDC 16
A talk
at VECOS 16
(also at GT-Verif 2014, at seminar SASEFOR and at University of Torino)
A talk (extended version)
at Inria Rennes
A talk at
Forthcoming events (in which I am involved)