Institute |
Team |
Members |
LSV, |
UMR 8643 |
ENS Cachan and CNRS |
(DR) |
(MdC) |
(PhD student) |
(MdC) |
Romain Beauxis |
(PhD student) |
(PhD student) |
(DR) |
(Postdoc) |
(Prof.) |
Leader |
Queen Mary University |
of London |
Dept. of Computer Science, |
Q.M.U. London |
(Lecturer) |
Université Paris 7 |
Denis Diderot |
Equipe de logique, |
U. Paris 7 |
Richard Lassaigne |
(MdC) |
PPS, |
UMR 7126 |
U. Paris 7 and CNRS |
(DR) |
(MdC) |
Dipartimento di Informatica, |
U. Verona |
(PhD student) |
(Prof.) |
Andrea Turrini |
(PhD student) |
School of Computer Science, |
U. Birmingham |
(Prof.) |
(Postdoc) |
(Postdoc) |