Recent talks
First Steps Towards Taming Description Logics with Strings.
Description Logics Seminar, June 2024.
Constraint Automata on Infinite Data Trees:
From CTL(Z)/CTL*(Z) To Decision Procedure.
GT MCS and CDS, LMF, February 2024.
Logics for AI: From Dreams to Formal Methods.
Séminaire IA Hybride, Ecole Polytechnique,
Palaiseau, January 2024.
How to Manage a Budget with ATL+.
20th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning,
Rhodes, September 2023.
Model-Checking for Ability-Based Logics with Constrained Plans.
Conference Nationale Intelligence Artificielle (CNIA),
Strasbourg, July 2023.
Introduction to Temporal Logics with Concrete Domains.
Seminaire au vert du LMF, Etiolles, June 2023.
Dynamic Axioms in Description Logics.
Talk given at ANR project NARCO meeting, IRIF, July 2022.
Logics with concrete domain: introduction.
Invited talk at the 10th Conference on Non-Classical Logics - Theory and Applications
(NCL'22), March 2022
Second-order modal logics on trees.
Talk at Third International Workshop on Formal Methods in Artificial Intelligence
(FMAI'21), April 2021
Modal Logics for Updating, Sharing or Composing.
Invited talk at Highlights of Logic, Games and Automata,
september 2020.
Modal Separation Logics and Friends.
Logic seminar at the University of Helsinki,
November 2019.
Resource-bounded ATL: The Quest for
Tractable Fragments.
Conference Nationale Intelligence Artificielle (CNIA),
Toulouse, July 2019.
Why Propositional Quantification Makes Modal Logics on Trees Robustly Hard?.
Seminar at I3S, Sophia Antipolis, June 2019.
Modal Separation Logics: Complexity and Axiomatisation
Workshop on Formal Methods and AI, Rennes, May 2019.
A framework for Modalities and Separating Connectives
Dept. of Computing, Imperial College, London, April 2019.
A short introduction to ATL-like logics with resources
Talk for the day of the
PEPS FormHuLog, LIMSI, November 2018.
On temporal and separation logics
Invited talk at TIME'18, Warsaw, October 2018
On the complexity of modal separation logics
AiML'18, Bern, August 2018
On Symbolic Heaps Modulo Permission Theories
TCS Seminar, KTH, Stockholm, May 2018
Reasoning about data repetitions with counter systems
Workshop LIA INFINIS, IRIF, Paris, Nov. 2016
On the complexity of resource-bounded logics
10th International Workshop on Reachability Problems (RP'16), Aalborg, Denmark, September 2016.
Reversal-bounded counter machines
Workshop on Logics for Resource-Bounded Agents, Barcelona, August 2015.
Separation logic and fragments: from expressive power to decision procedures
Seminar at IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, NY,
March 2015.
Gdt INFINI, Cachan, January 2015.
Verification of Linear-Time Properties on Flat Counter Systems
Oberseminar "Theoretische Informatik", Kassel, November 2014.
Two variables and the magic wand
LORIA, Nancy, September 2014.
Quantifier Elimination in Separation Logic:
One Quantified Variable Fragment
ACSys seminar, NYU, February 2014, New York.
Counter Systems: The Quest for Pushing the Decidability Borders
Joint invited talk, FROCOS'13 &
TABLEAUX'13, September 2013, Nancy.
How good are counter systems for data logics
ACSys seminar, NYU, May 2013, New York.
Linear-Time Temporal Logics over Concrete Domains
ACSys seminar, NYU, March 2013, New York.
On Selective Unboundedness of VASS
Talk given during
12th International Workshop on Verification of Infinite-State Systems, September 2010, Singapore.
Counter Systems for Data Logics
Invited talk during 12th European Conference on Logics in Artificial
Intelligence, September 2010, Helsinki.
When Model-Checking Freeze LTL over Counter Machines Becomes Decidable
Concurrency, Verification & Security Seminars, Oxford, February 2010.
Covering and Boundedness Problems for Branching Vector Addition Systems
Talk given during FST&TCS'09, Kanpur.
On the almighty wand
Seminar at DTU Informatics, Copenhagen, november 2009.
Reasoning about memory states with automata and tableaux .
Worskhop on Tableaux versus Automata as Logical Decision Procedures,
Oslo, July 2009.
Modal logics with Presburger constraints .
GT MVTsi -- Séminaire, LABRI, Bordeaux, march 2009.
Reasoning about sequences of memory states .
Seminar "Méthodes formelles pour les systèmes logiciels et matériels" (MeFoSyLoMa), Cachan, november 2008.
Model checking memoryful linear-time logics over one-counter automata
Talk given during Dagstuhl seminar "Beyond the finite: new challenges in verification and
semistructured data", april 2008.
The complexity of temporal logic with until and since over ordinals
Talk given during LPAR'07, Yerevan, october 2007.
The effects of bounding syntactic resources on Presburger LTL (extended
abstract) .
Talk given during TIME'07, Alicante, june 2007.
Logics for specification and verification .
Habilitation's defense, Cachan, june 2007.
Towards a model-checker for counter systems .
Talk given during ATVA06, Beijing, october 2006.
Temporal logics over Presburger constraints .
Invited talk given at
the INTAS Workshop held in Olsztyn (june 2006) for the INTAS project
'Algebraic and Deduction
Methods in NonClassical Logics and their Applications to Computer
Reasoning about transfinite sequences .
IGM Seminar, Marne-La-Vallée, January 2006.
On the complexity of information logics .
Invited talk at "Workhop on logical and algebraic foundations of rough
sets", RFSFDGrC'05, Regina, September 2005.
On the freeze operator in constraint LTL .
LIAFA Verification Seminar, Paris, May 2005.
Parameterized model-checking problems .
Seminar at Centre Fédéré de Vérification, Bruxelles, June 2004.
Deciding regular grammar logics with converse through GF2 .
Talk at the day of Action Spécifique ``Automates, modèles distribués et temporisés'', Cachan,
January 2004.
(Modal) Logics for Semistructured Data (bis) .
Invited talk at ``Third Workshop on Methods for Modalities (M4M-3)'', Nancy,
September 2003.