Index of types

eva_algo [Abstract]
Name of encryption algorithm
eva_atom [Abstract]
Atom in formula
eva_case [Abstract]
case for EVA_SWITCH
eva_constraint [Abstract]
Constraints on the session domains
eva_dcl [Abstract]
Declarations in the EVA protocol specification
eva_id [Abstract]
Protocol identifier It can be either a parameter, a constant, a private (process) variable.
eva_instr [Abstract]
Protocol instruction
eva_label [Abstract]
Label of message, claim or session
eva_latom [Abstract]
eva_lconstraint [Abstract]
Located constraint
eva_ldcl [Abstract]
Located declaration
eva_lid [Abstract]
Located identifier
eva_linstr [Abstract]
Located instruction
eva_llabel [Abstract]
Located label
eva_lprotocol [Abstract]
Located protocol message description
eva_lscope [Abstract]
eva_lsession [Abstract]
Located session declaration
eva_lstatement [Abstract]
Located formula
eva_lterm [Abstract]
Located term
eva_ltype [Abstract]
eva_lvalue [Abstract]
Located value
eva_process [Abstract]
Process associated to a principal.
eva_protocol [Abstract]
Description of the messages of the protocol
eva_scope [Abstract]
Quality of identifiers
eva_session [Abstract]
Declaration of a system assignment for verification
eva_spec [Abstract]
Top level container for a protocol specification in EVA syntax.
eva_statement [Abstract]
eva_symbol [Symbols]
type of symbols
eva_symbol_list [Symbols]
Abstract type for lists of symbols
eva_term [Abstract]
Abstract term
eva_type [Abstract]
EVA types
eva_value [Abstract]
Value to be assigned to a identifier in a session declaration

location [Location]
Type of locations.

token [Evaparse]