
Haase et al, 2013


Christoph Haase, Sylvain Schmitz, and Philippe Schnoebelen (2013) The Power of Priority Channel Systems Concur 2013 Pedro R. D'Argenio and Hernán Melgratti Springer 319–333 (URL)

BibTeX entry

@INPROCEEDINGS { concurHaaseSS13,
    AUTHOR = { Christoph Haase and Sylvain Schmitz and {\relax Ph}ilippe Schnoebelen },
    TITLE = { The Power of Priority Channel Systems },
    BOOKTITLE = { Concur 2013 },
    CONFNAME = { International Conference on Concurrency Theory },
    CONFNUM = { 24th },
    LOCATION = { Buenos Aires, Argentina },
    EDITOR = { Pedro R. D'Argenio and Hern\'an Melgratti },
    SERIES = { },
    VOLUME = { 8052 },
    PAGES = { 319--333 },
    MONTH = { },
    YEAR = { 2013 },
    OAI = { arXiv:1301.5500 [cs.LO] },
    URL = { },
    DOI = { 10.1007/978-3-642-40184-8_23 },
    PUBLISHER = { Springer },