
Demri et al, 2012


Stéphane Demri, Amit Kumar Dhar, and Arnaud Sangnier (2012) Taming Past LTL and Flat Counter Systems IJCAR 2012 Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence vol. 7364 B. Gramlich, D. Miller, and U. Sattler Springer 179–193 (URL)

BibTeX entry

@INPROCEEDINGS { DemriDharSangnier12,
    AUTHOR = { St\'ephane Demri and Amit Kumar Dhar and Arnaud Sangnier },
    TITLE = { Taming {P}ast {LTL} and {F}lat {C}ounter {S}ystems },
    BOOKTITLE = { IJCAR 2012 },
    CONFNAME = { International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning },
    CONFNUM = { 6th },
    LOCATION = { Manchester, UK },
    PAGES = { 179--193 },
    YEAR = { 2012 },
    EDITOR = { B. Gramlich and D. Miller and U. Sattler },
    VOLUME = { 7364 },
    SERIES = { Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence },
    PUBLISHER = { Springer },
    URL = { },
    MONTH = { },
    DOI = { 10.1007/978-3-642-31365-3_16 },