Extending Rackoff's EXPSPACE Technique

Demri et al, 2009


Stéphane Demri, Marcin Jurdziński, Oded Lachish, and Ranko Lazić (2009) The covering and boundedness problems for branching vector addition systems FSTTCS 2009 LZI 181–192 (URL)

BibTeX entry

@INPROCEEDINGS { Demrietal09,
    AUTHOR = { Demri, St{\'e}phane and Jurdzi{\'n}ski, Marcin and Lachish, Oded and Lazi{\'c}, Ranko },
    TITLE = { The covering and boundedness problems for branching vector addition systems },
    OPTEDITOR = { Kannan, Ravi and Narayan Kumar, K. },
    BOOKTITLE = { FSTTCS 2009 },
    LOCATION = { Kanpur, India },
    SERIES = { },
    VOLUME = { 4 },
    PAGES = { 181--192 },
    YEAR = { 2009 },
    DOI = { 10.4230/LIPIcs.FSTTCS.2009.2317 },
    PUBLISHER = { LZI },