Algorithmic Theory of WQOs

Chambart and Schnoebelen, 2008


Pierre Chambart and Philippe Schnoebelen (2008) The Ordinal Recursive Complexity of Lossy Channel Systems LICS 2008 IEEE 205–216 (URL)

BibTeX entry

    LOCATION = { Pittsburgh, PA, USA },
    AUTHOR = { Chambart, Pierre and Schnoebelen, {\relax Ph}ilippe },
    BOOKTITLE = { LICS 2008 },
    CONFNAME = { Annual IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science },
    CONFNUM = { 23rd },
    DOI = { 10.1109/LICS.2008.47 },
    PAGES = { 205--216 },
    TITLE = { The Ordinal Recursive Complexity of Lossy Channel Systems },
    YEAR = { 2008 },